I have a city in another world

Chapter 6060: Wait and Relocation

Chapter 6060: Wait and Relocation

What the workers consider to be good things are, for the residents of the city, just some commonplace gadgets.

Before arriving in the Fallen Earth War Zone, Tang Zhen had already made a plan to build a city here.

Use this man-made city to replace the immortal tower city that is not in this world, so that outsiders will not see nothing when they come here.

Unless one deliberately investigates in depth, the secrets of each building city are often only known by the top management.

Ordinary residents of the tower city often have only a vague understanding of the specific functions of the tower city.

When we send the residents of Tower City to the Fallen Earth War Zone in the future, they will have a place to stay.

There is no clear plan for how to operate in the future, so there is no need to think too much about it.

Tang Zhen’s main goal is to upgrade the level of the Immortal Tower City so that it can gain the ability to travel through time and space.

The biggest disadvantage is that you cannot move freely. Once you encounter an force majeure accident, you can only passively take the beating.

As the city lord, Tang Zhen must have long-term considerations and be responsible for the fate of himself and Loucheng.

Building a city in the wilderness, with the coordination of light and dark, actually has quite a few benefits.

After the preparations are completed, you can then focus on upgrading.

Once this step is completed, the Immortal Tower City will be able to cross the sea of ​​stars and truly descend into the Tower City world.

It is quite difficult to upgrade the tower city to level six, and it is necessary to face various challenges.

Qunfenglou City is an example. Now that it is on the verge of promotion, it can be said that it is struggling.

Tang Zhen’s greatest advantage is that he knows many secrets about Tower City, many of which are priceless and will never be revealed by the Cornerstone Platform.

Tang Zhen, who has mastered the information, has a huge advantage, and Lou Cheng's path to promotion will be easier.

At least you won't take detours and waste your most precious time, and you can take shortcuts when necessary.

The success of most people does not come from their own efforts, but from their background.

Born in a powerful country, have a good family environment, or have excellent genes from the beginning.

Before people are born, the division into different classes has already been completed, and there has never been real fairness.

Tang Zhen does have advantages, but others may not be much worse. Although they do not have their own private foundation platform, they have various inheritances and backers.

Any tower city that can be promoted to level six is ​​not a simple existence.

Although some construction machinery was used during the construction, it did not cause much impact.

The Loucheng world invades the heavens and can obtain a variety of resources. Alien items will appear in the war zone from time to time.

Most of the residents in Tower City don't actually like technological creations, and many items are short-lived.

Besides, without careful research, no one can determine the origin of the engineering vehicle. Mechanical puppets also have similar functions.

If it was a wandering cultivator, there would definitely be a problem taking out such an engineering vehicle. But if it was a cultivator from Loucheng, it would be a very normal thing.

With the help of engineering vehicles, construction efficiency was greatly improved, and walls made of rubble and sand rose from the ground.

It looks like concrete, but it is stronger than concrete and can keep you warm in winter and cool in summer.

Outside the busy construction site, someone was secretly observing and collecting intelligence information.

The previous confrontation made the outside world aware of the existence of the Immortal Tower City, and investigations from various forces followed.

There were also some spies who infiltrated the construction team and tried to collect more information.

Seeing that the city walls were getting higher and higher, blocking out the outside world, the spies hiding in the dark became anxious.

They took the initiative to sign up and join the construction team to obtain more information.

The vast majority of applicants actually came here because they heard the news and wanted a chance to make money while eating.

The number of construction workers increased again, and soon exceeded one thousand, and there was a trend of continued growth. The food purchased from outside was still on the way, but the food problem had been alleviated.

The refugee village that was invited to move into the territory harvested more and more fish and shrimp.

They kept a portion for themselves and sent the rest to the construction site to be used as food for the construction workers.

Loucheng purchased the fish and shrimp and paid the full amount of money, which made the villagers extremely happy.

After Tang Zhen cleaned up the sea area and killed all the monsters, the villagers no longer had to take risks when fishing.

The residents of Loucheng took the initiative to help and gave the villagers some special fishing nets. The material is light and strong, which can greatly improve the catching efficiency.

The villagers were flattered by the approachable residents of Loucheng and they all wanted to catch more fish and shrimp for Loucheng.

This is also a rare opportunity for the villagers. If they can perform well, perhaps some of them will be able to join Loucheng.

If this is true, it would be a blessing for the whole village.

Even if you cannot become a resident of Tower City, you can get closer to the residents of Tower City, and you will definitely get more benefits in the future.

There are several villages nearby that are planning to move here after hearing the news. Whether they will succeed in the end depends on whether the Immortal Tower City allows it.

If you want to stay here, you must have a piece of land to build a new village.

If it were a wasteland in the past, people could choose any location to build a village, and no one would care about it.

But now it is different. This wasteland sea area has belonged to the Immortal Tower City. Every stone and every weed on the ground now has their own owner.

If you move to this place without the permission of Loucheng, you will definitely be severely punished.

No one dared to take the risk, and they had to obtain the consent of the Immortal Tower City before taking the next step.

This is not an easy task for the refugees.

They have a genuine fear of the residents of Tower City. They are eager to please them, but are also afraid of accidentally incurring their anger.

When they met the residents of the tower city, they were all cautious and humble, not daring to offend them in the slightest.

Asking them to take the initiative to find the residents of the building city and ask them to allocate a piece of land is definitely an epic task.

When discussing who would carry out the task, the refugees' first reaction was to shake their heads and avoid the question, and they simply did not have the courage to accept it.

Finally, they were forced to resort to drawing lots to select a group of representatives to go to the Immortal Tower City.

As they crossed the wilderness, they happened to meet a patrol from the Immortal Tower City, and explained their purpose when questioned.

When facing the monks from Loucheng, these refugee representatives were terrified and their faces were filled with fawning smiles.

Upon hearing the purpose of the refugees' visit, the leading patrol member nodded and told them that they could go back directly.

Upon hearing this, several refugee representatives were startled, thinking that they were rejected by the Immortal Tower City.

They were feeling miserable and were about to turn around and leave when the monk from Loucheng spoke again: "When you go back, tell all the villagers not to bring any useless junk with them. Loucheng will make proper arrangements for you."

There was a hint of warning in the words of the monk from Loucheng, but it was not directed at the refugees themselves, but because he disliked some of their living habits.

Even though these items are extremely tattered, they still have to carry them with them wherever they go. Loucheng provides better replacements, and the refugees are reluctant to discard their original items.

The newly built village, which should have been clean and tidy, looks increasingly dirty and dilapidated due to the habits of vagrants.

For the monks in Loucheng who live in the neon city, are accustomed to the fairyland-like beauty and the clean environment, such an environment is indeed a torture.

Not to mention being in it, just looking at it makes me feel uncomfortable.

It is for this reason that the monks in Loucheng issued a warning to eliminate some bad habits from the very beginning.

If these refugees want to move here, they must abide by the rules of the city. In order to achieve their goals, they will definitely change some of their unpleasant habits.

Establishing rules cannot be done overnight, they must be cultivated subtly.

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