I have a city in another world

Chapter 6061: The Reluctance of the Mountain City Lord

Chapter 6061: The Reluctance of the Mountain City Lord

In the meeting hall of the tower city on the top of the mountain, a group of tower city managers gathered here. Due to the gloomy face of the city lord, the atmosphere of the meeting was very depressing.

The Lord of Mountain City has always had this expression on his face since he escaped from the thick fog formation and returned to his own tower city.

Everyone knew very well that he had a thorn in his heart and would not feel comfortable until it was removed.

The incident that occurred this time caused severe damage to the Mountain Tower City. Not only did it lose a large amount of spiritual coins, but it also completely lost the prestige accumulated over the years.

The loss of property is certainly heartbreaking, but the loss of face is even more hurtful, and the Lord of Mountain City became more and more angry the more he thought about it.

Through this incident, the Lord of Mountain City realized that he did not have the status he had imagined.

In the eyes of the monks in Qunfeng Tower City, he did not see the respect he deserved, and was like a slave who was driven around at will.

When the other party asked for compensation, he asked for an exorbitant amount of money, which was even more hateful than the lord of the Immortal Tower City.

The two sides are allies on the surface, but in reality they are fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and they will not hesitate to stab each other with the back.

In comparison, the Immortal Tower City is not so hateful.

The establishment of the Immortal Tower City was legal and compliant. That piece of wasteland was originally an unowned land and had nothing to do with the Mountain Tower City.

The main reason why the Loucheng army was besieged by the formation was due to their own fault. Leading the army into other Loucheng territories was itself an act of war.

It is reasonable and legal for the Immortal Tower City to fight back and kill all invaders.

Until now, Shanlingloucheng has not dared to mention the real reason why the war broke out, simply because they were afraid of being ridiculed.

With only a seal of Loucheng, they brazenly sent troops to attack. They said that they were doing so to protect the dignity of Loucheng, but in fact they just wanted to bully the weak.

As a result, he failed to show off and was humiliated and almost wiped out.

It is indeed quite embarrassing to make this matter public, no wonder no one dares to mention it.

Otherwise, if we trace back the responsibility, the Lord of Mountain City cannot escape blame.

No one knew what the Lord of Mountain City was thinking, but they all tacitly agreed not to provoke him.

If you accidentally anger the Lord of Mountain City and get secretly retaliated by him, you will be asking for trouble.

During normal times and communication meetings, try not to mention any news related to the Immortal Tower City and deliberately ignore the other party's existence.

But this kind of disregard is nothing but self-deception.

The consequence of ignoring it will lead to a serious lag in intelligence information and being unaware of the dangers around you.

Everyone knew that this was a stupid act, but they were helpless.

The Lord of Shanling City was also very clear about this matter, and he was even more aware that his attitude influenced the decision-making of Loucheng.

If we continue to stubbornly make wrong decisions just for the sake of face, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the residents of Loucheng.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, it may even threaten the city lord's position. However, more than one senior official wants to replace him and has been waiting for the opportunity for him to make a mistake.

When the meeting was about to end, the city lord, who had been silent all the time, finally spoke and asked about the Immortal Tower City.

The monks looked at each other, and no one knew the specific information.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on the supervisor in charge of intelligence gathering. It was understandable that others didn't know, but if he didn't know, he would be derelict in his duty.

The intelligence chief secretly groaned. He also didn't know much about the news of the Immortal Tower City, but fortunately he was not completely ignorant.

“The Immortal Tower City is undergoing construction, attempting to build a large town, and employing more than a thousand refugees and wild cultivators.

They used stones from the wilderness and an unknown item to build a very strong wall.

Someone tested its hardness and found that it is not weaker than steel at all.

During the construction process, never-before-seen engineering vehicles were used, which were extremely efficient and could greatly speed up the construction progress.

I searched and compared on the cornerstone platform, but did not find the same vehicle, which means that this was not obtained from the cornerstone platform by the Immortal Tower City.

This can also prove that the Immortal Tower City has a backer behind it, which is why it can get such rare items. "The intelligence director said this, looking at the people around him and the Lord of Mountain City, his tone became very solemn: "The Immortal Tower City commissioned some refugees to purchase food everywhere, and then hired vehicles to transport it to the wilderness.

It is obvious that they are going to stay for a long time, which is why they have built so many buildings and stored so much food and supplies.

Although it is still unclear what the Immortal Tower City intends to do, we still need to remain highly vigilant."

Everyone nodded and thought it was indeed true.

Every tower city is a natural rival, and various conflicts will inevitably break out. Only after it is promoted to a level six tower city and the main target is placed outside the war zone, will such conflicts gradually ease.

The strategy of making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby ones has been implemented in many tower cities. Unless they are direct descendants of the same lineage, it is difficult for a new tower city without a background to grow.

According to this principle, there is nothing wrong with what the Lord of Mountain City did, but he had bad luck and actually hit a wall.

Having suffered a great loss before, there are even greater hidden dangers in the future, which makes a group of senior officials in Shanling Tower City worried.

They only believe in the law of the jungle and do not believe that the Immortal Tower City can coexist peacefully. The conflicts that broke out before seem to have been resolved, but in fact they are not over at all.

Once the right opportunity is seized, the Immortal Tower City will definitely retaliate.

Attack and defense are not the same. Mountain Tower City actually has a huge advantage in defense.

If the enemy wants to attack the city, they will inevitably pay a huge price.

Before this, the Immortal Tower City had demonstrated its powerful formation methods, but no offensive methods were seen at all.

Everyone knew that if a siege was launched, the Immortal Tower City would definitely use amazing means.

There is really no way to be sure whether the mountain tower city can hold out. When the senior officials think of that terrifying formation and Tang Zhen's silent infiltration, they will feel a little uneasy.

The Lord of Mountain City was silent for a moment, and then said in a cold voice: "Send elite personnel to sneak into the Immortal Tower City to collect more intelligence information.

When taking action, you must not act rashly, otherwise you will be punished most severely."

Through this order, we can confirm the attitude of the Lord of Mountain City, that he really does not want to provoke the Immortal Tower City.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, conflicts must not be escalated.

The purpose of sending people to investigate is actually to protect oneself so as not to be clueless when danger comes.

Everyone knew that in addition to gathering intelligence, the Lord of Mountain City must have other arrangements.

“From now on, we must strengthen the defense of the city and actively prepare for war to deal with any unexpected events.

Send people to Qunfenglou City to ask for more assistance. We have received so many spiritual coins, so we must do something."

When the Lord of Mountain City said this, a trace of deep resentment flashed in his eyes, but it was hidden in an instant.

He knew very well in his heart that someone in Shanling Tower City wanted to replace him and was secretly colluding with Qunfeng Tower City.

Every word he said today will be heard by the monks in the mountains in the future, and may even be exaggerated.

However, after being severely blackmailed once and seeing the true face of Qunfenglou City, the Lord of Shanling City decided not to tolerate it any longer.

He had to resist, show a clear attitude, and let those greedy guys know that he also had temper.

If he still maintains a wait-and-see attitude towards the situation of Shanlinglou City, then don't blame him for contacting Tang Zhen privately.

As long as he can keep Shanlinglou City and his position as city lord, it is not impossible to cooperate with Tang Zhen.

The Lord of Mountain City knew clearly that his current situation was extremely dangerous and that he was a bait and buffer for the Peaks and Towers City.

Once the Immortal Tower City launches an action, the Mountain Tower City will be hit first, and the Peak Tower City will respond depending on the situation.

When that moment really comes, the only one who will suffer is Shanlinglou City, and his situation as the city lord will become extremely dangerous.

There was another thing that made the Lord of Mountain City angry.

Before leaving, the monks from the Qunfeng Tower City privately informed everyone of one thing: after a period of time, a group of residents and supplies would be needed to be transferred from the Mountain Tower City.

The Lord of Mountain City knew very well that the so-called withdrawal was just robbery in another way.

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