I have a city in another world

Chapter 6102: The Lingering Upline Supervisor

Chapter 6102: The Lingering Upline Supervisor

According to Hong Gou's description of the appearance, Lin Xiao led people to search secretly, trying to capture the hidden online manager.

After searching for several days and using hidden surveillance equipment to identify and compare, they still could not find any trace of the other party.

It's as if this guy doesn't exist at all.

As the person in charge, Lin Xiao wanted to capture him more and more, and then follow the clues to find the mastermind behind the scenes.

The monk who controlled the red dog must have used special anti-tracking methods, which showed that he had a lot of experience and his concealment skills were also quite good.

When you have come into contact with Red Dog in the past, there is a great possibility that it appears in a disguised form, and its true appearance will not be easily revealed.

Allowing this kind of enemy to exist will inevitably bring many risks, and it is imperative to find it out.

After some thought, Lin Xiao decided to let the red dog act as bait to attract the person online to take the bait.

For the sake of his family, Hong Gou had no choice but to agree to cooperate with the operation without hesitation.

A few days later, Red Dog appeared again, but he had transformed into a manager.

He had more opportunities to interact with the residents of Tower City and even had the chance to enter non-confidential areas of the city.

Many refugees were envious and talked about this topic from time to time, saying that Red Dog was a lucky guy.

He had a sudden illness some time ago and almost died on the spot, but he happened to be met by a patrolling monk from Loucheng.

He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, not only saving his life, but also gaining the mercy of a monk from Loucheng.

He was assigned a good job, which enabled him to earn more money without much effort.

The key is to take this opportunity to interact with more residents of the building city, which is an opportunity that many people are eager to get along with.

The refugees knew very well that if they established good relations with the residents of Loucheng, they would have the opportunity to gain more benefits in the future.

Red Dog, that bastard, was really lucky, making a bunch of refugees envious and jealous.

Faced with everyone's compliments and envy, Red Dog would sometimes reveal a hint of pride, and then say that he was just lucky and would definitely do a good job in the future.

The refugees were even more contemptuous, thinking that the poor damn guy had actually learned to be falsely humble.

But secretly there was a pair of eyes, secretly staring at Red Dog, observing his movements every day.

One night, Red Dog was returning home from get off work when a figure quietly followed him in the dark.

As soon as Red Dog entered the house, he felt something was wrong and turned around to look back.

There was a figure standing behind him, gazing at him with dark eyes, like a man-eating evil ghost.

Red Dog was very familiar with this gaze. He had been looking at him not long ago and watched him fall to the ground and struggle to his death.

That kind of cruelty and indifference made Red Dog feel like he was falling into an icy cave.

The damn supervisor showed up again, and it was obvious that he had bad intentions.

"You're lucky. You didn't die. This is beyond my expectation."

The figure spoke, still with a condescending attitude, his tone was cold and ruthless.

Red Dog clenched his fists and asked through gritted teeth, "The information I provided last time should have bought my family's freedom. Where are they now?"

Hearing Red Dog's question, the figure touched his head and looked as if he had suddenly realized something.

"I was saying, I seem to have forgotten one thing, it turns out that I let your family go.

If nothing unexpected happens, they should still be in the underground mine, looking forward to meeting you."

The supervisor on the line said this, staring at Red Dog, his tone becoming sinister: "If you want your family to survive, tell me what you know. Otherwise, I guarantee that they will never be able to return to the surface, and will die of exhaustion in the mines!"

When the upline supervisor said this, he laughed triumphantly, as if he had done something remarkable.

When the red dog heard this, his expression immediately twisted and he pounced forward like a mad wild dog.

He wanted to tear the bastard in front of him to pieces, vent his anger, and save his family at the same time.


Seeing the crazy look of Red Dog, the mockery in the eyes of the online supervisor became even stronger, and at the same time he activated the restriction hidden in the fatal point.

He could clearly sense that the restriction in the fatal point was functioning normally and the red dog was under control.

It seems that this idiot still hasn't suffered enough and dares to commit crimes. Last time, Red Dog was lucky and didn't die on the spot, but this time he must give him another blow.

But then again, it’s a good thing that Red Dog was not killed, otherwise there would be no chance to harvest again.

As the ban was activated, the red dog immediately collapsed to the ground, twitching in pain.

His face was distorted and he wanted to shout loudly, but no sound came out.

The figure walked over, admired the red dog's painful posture, and smiled smugly.

“If you are asked to be a dog, you should do it well. If you are asked to do something, you should do it to the best of your ability.

You have no right to make any demands on me. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. If you offend me, you will die!"

The supervisor on the line had a grim smile on his face and spoke slowly in front of Red Dog, as if he was deliberately delaying time to make him suffer more pain.

The red dog curled up on the ground was in extreme pain at this moment, but still glared at the other party with its bloodshot eyes.

"I know you are worried about your family, so I decided to give you a chance to atone for your sins. Tell me everything you know and don't hide anything, otherwise they will all be trapped and killed in the collapsed mine."

The red dog lying on the ground opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

"Oh, so you are in so much pain that you can't speak. But I just really like seeing you in pain. I hope I can watch you for a while longer."

The online supervisor said this to make Red Dog more miserable, but secretly stopped activating the fatal point restriction.

The purpose of this visit is to collect intelligence, and torturing and killing Red Dog is only secondary.

Before killing Red Dog, we must get the information.

The red dog, who had been struggling in pain, finally breathed a sigh of relief, his clothes now soaked with sweat.

His face was pale, without a trace of blood, and as brittle as a weathered paper figure.

"In the city... ahem... there are..."

Red Dog tried to speak, but his voice was hoarse, like the buzzing of a mosquito flying.


The supervisor on the line shook his head in annoyance. If he had known that he would have been gentler just now, he wouldn't be speechless at this moment. It was simply a waste of time.

In order to hear clearly, he squatted in front of the red dog and moved closer.

The red dog, which was lying on the ground, suddenly widened its eyes, stood up and pounced on him.

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, the red dog seemed to have recovered all his strength instantly, and he roared like an erupting volcano.

The upline supervisor squatting in front of him showed a mocking look and shouted in a smug voice: "Idiot, do you think I can't see your calculations? It's useless and just a waste of time!"

While mocking maliciously, he activated the fatal point restriction, trying to torture Red Dog again.

However, this time, Red Dog did not react at all and still punched over.

The online supervisor was startled, not understanding what was happening, and subconsciously tried to dodge the attack.

With his strength and means, dealing with an ordinary refugee is a piece of cake for him.

However, at this moment, he felt an excruciating pain in his chest, and a momentary feeling of numbness spread throughout his body.

The supervisor who was originally preparing to dodge and fight back was instantly filled with panic.

He knew that he was being ambushed, otherwise this situation would not have happened. At this moment, he wished he could cut Red Dog into pieces.

This thought flashed through his mind and was immediately thrown aside. The most important thing at the moment was to escape from the dangerous environment immediately.

Ensure your own safety, then take revenge on Red Dog.

This time, he wants Red Dog to be neither alive nor dead!
However, in the next second, Red Dog's fist hit his face, and the face with a mocking and arrogant smile was instantly distorted by pain.

"You bastard, you son of a bitch, I'm going to peel off your skin, tear your bones apart, and make you wail all night long!"

The red dog kept swinging his fists, smashing hard as if tirelessly, and his hoarse voice kept roaring.

He was filled with rage, and he wanted to vent it all out at this moment!

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