I have a city in another world

Chapter 6103: Arrest and Cross-border Counterattack

Chapter 6103: Arrest and Cross-border Counterattack

All the pent-up anger in Red Dog's heart was vented out at this moment, turning into a fist that hit his supervisor in the face.

The ground was littered with broken flesh and blood, and it was unclear whether they came from him or the enemy. They kept falling down along with the fierce blows of his fists.

The face that Red Dog hated had now become a bloody mess, and it was impossible to see its original appearance.

"If you continue to fight, he will die, and your family will not survive either."

Suddenly a sound was heard, causing the mad red dog to freeze. He then spat out a mouthful of blood, which landed on the face of his supervisor.

"You're lucky, you bastard."

Lin Xiao walked into the room, looked at the figure lying on the ground, and injected a forbidden magic weapon into the other person's body.

The dying online supervisor had a flash of despair in his eyes when he saw Lin Xiao appear.

Falling into the hands of the Immortal Tower City meant that the operation had failed, and his fate was predictable.

"Go back and wait. I'll let you know if anything happens. Remember to be careful."

It is not clear how many accomplices the enemy has and whether they will launch retaliatory actions.

If they knew that Red Dog used himself as bait to ambush his superior, they would never let it go.

“Captain Lin, I can practice cultivation no matter what the price is!

Knowing that my family was in danger but not having any ability to save them, this frustrating feeling almost drove me crazy."

Red Dog's eyes were full of pleading. After going through so many things, he now desired power even more.

“You don’t have a spiritual vein in your body, so it’s impossible for you to practice extraordinary magic. If you can’t sense energy fluctuations, you can’t practice magic to control them.

If you have read about cultivation techniques, you may feel that practicing magic is very easy, and some magic formulas are no more than a dozen words.

But when I actually operated it, I found that there was no response.

The reason is very simple. If you cannot mobilize the energy of heaven and earth, all your efforts will be in vain."

Red Dog showed a trace of frustration. If he couldn't become a monk and master extraordinary powers, how would he protect his family in the future?

Seeing Red Dog’s sad look, Lin Xiao thought for a while and came up with a solution.

“If you are determined, you can try technological martial arts, using drugs and transformation to improve your strength, which can greatly increase your own strength.

This process is very painful and carries a lot of risks. If something unexpected happens, you may go crazy or lose your life."

When Red Dog heard this, his eyes lit up with hope and he sincerely asked for a chance.

Lin Xiao nodded. He could indeed help with this matter. The Immortal Tower City was preparing to recruit a group of indigenous people to serve as the tower city's servant army.

The Immortal Tower City does not look at one's background, but only at one's character and qualifications. If one does not meet the requirements, no matter how high one's cultivation is, one is not eligible to join.

Whether Red Dog can join depends on his own luck. If he joins successfully, he will indeed have a chance to change his destiny.

Lin Xiao helped Hong Gou sign up for the selection in his own name. Compared with other participants, Hong Gou's chances of being selected will be greatly increased.

Hong Gou didn't know the truth, but he was full of gratitude towards Lin Xiao.

The supervisor was secretly taken away and sent to the underground prison for interrogation, and it didn't take long for them to get the information they wanted.

This arrogant and sinister guy was actually a coward who only bullied the weak and feared the strong. Faced with the interrogation methods of the Immortal Tower City, he confessed the truth in less than a minute.

The mastermind behind the Red Dog family is not a certain tower city, but a supernatural organization called Lan Yu.

They controlled a lot of refugees and sneaked into the Immortal Tower City one after another, trying to find intelligence clues.

The captured supervisor was just a peripheral member of the Blue Feather Organization, and currently controlled a total of seven refugees.

Two of the refugees had their death point restrictions activated silently due to the risk of being exposed.

In a few days, both of them would become weak and sick. If the ban could not be lifted, both of them would die. Red Dog was still thinking about saving his family, but he didn't know that from the beginning, they were just cannon fodder to be consumed.

They are doomed to die, and so are their families.

Based on the information provided by the captives, Lin Xiao led his men to capture and sent all the hidden refugees to prison.

These are just small fry, and there is not much point in catching them. Lin Xiao’s target is the mastermind behind the scenes.

Based on the information provided by the captives, Lin Xiao continued to dig deeper and searched, and captured two more hidden superiors.

The two people online are also wild cultivators, peripheral members of the Blue Feather Organization, and do not have much useful intelligence.

But there was also an unexpected surprise. One of the people online accidentally found out the location of the branch of the Blue Feather Organization.

The clue that was almost lost reappeared, making Lin Xiao secretly happy.

He immediately applied to Tang Zhen to launch an attack on enemies outside the territory, in order to deter all parties through this action.

If strong measures are not taken, those with malicious intentions will treat the Immortal Tower City as a soft persimmon and commit all kinds of offensive acts.

If one knew about Lou Cheng's thundering methods, some of their evil thoughts would be dispelled and they would not dare to offend easily.

A stable and peaceful environment is conducive to the development of the Immortal Tower City. If there are troubles all day long, it is impossible to work properly.

The action plan was successfully passed, but the participants were not just Lin Xiao's team. Tang Zhen added several teams.

Lin Xiao and his apprentice Kant reunited and participated in this operation together.

The master and the disciple have not met each other since they arrived in the Fallen Earth War Zone. If they had not participated in this secret operation, the two sides would probably still not have the chance to meet.

Lin Xiao knew very well that the operations his master was involved in would inevitably be dangerous and exciting, and far more interesting than the public security work he was in charge of.

He wanted to join in, but he knew that he lacked the strength and experience and had to continue working hard.

After the master and disciple met, they chatted about topics related to cultivation and exchanged their experiences and insights.

As Tang Zhen's subordinates, the monks in Loucheng have never lacked skills and can choose combinations according to their own characteristics.

Only top-level extraordinary organizations have such foundation and courage to allow their subordinates to practice as they please.

If it were other extraordinary organizations, a few sets of skills could be passed down, and several generations of masters and apprentices could study and comprehend them together, and they could teach, learn from, and reference each other.

But in the Immortal Tower City, it is really the master who leads you to the door, and the practice is up to you. It is not that the master is unwilling to guide, but after the entry stage, the monks in the Tower City will have more choices, and the practice methods of the apprentice and the master may be completely different.

This is the case with Lin Xiao and Kant. Their methods of cultivation are completely different, and it is impossible to give them instructions rashly.

However, there are many commonalities in the practice of magic. Even if you do not practice a certain magic, you can still make judgments based on experience.

Everyone understands the principle, the difference lies in perception and proficiency. Being able to understand the explanation of the techniques does not mean that one can practice to the ideal level.

After the team gathers together, they first learn about the mission information and then develop a preliminary action plan.

After arriving at the destination, update the intelligence information and improve the action plan again.

The operatives boarded the spacecraft and headed straight for the target location.

The branch of the Blue Feather Organization is located inside a city in Qunfenglou City, and is disguised as a chamber of commerce.

Using the identity of the Chamber of Commerce, Lan Yu organized and operated various businesses and was able to earn a lot of money.

For a supernatural organization, obtaining money is extremely important. There must be someone in the organization who is responsible for making money, and all members of the organization must serve him or her.

The enemy's lair is located in the city, which will definitely increase the difficulty of the operation. If the operation cannot be completed in a short period of time, it is possible to be surrounded, and it will cost a huge price to escape.

The above is the normal situation. For the cultivators of Immortal Tower City, there is no need to go through so much trouble.

After they arrived at their destination, they first looked for a suitable place to hide the spaceship, and then sent people to investigate the Blue Feather Chamber of Commerce openly and secretly.

After fully mastering the environment structure of the Chamber of Commerce and the personnel information, Lin Xiao and others waited quietly for the night to come.

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