I have a city in another world

Chapter 6104: The Plan to Lure the Snake Out of Its Hole

Chapter 6104: The Plan to Lure the Snake Out of Its Hole

As night falls, the streets become less crowded.

This city, which is controlled by Qunfengloucheng and has government offices, went into curfew after sunset.

In places where public security is poor, curfews are often issued, which can effectively reduce the incidence of illegal crimes.

When in a special environment, the desire to commit crimes will grow, and darkness is the best cover, allowing many malicious people to act with impunity.

Once a curfew is issued, it is equivalent to building cages at night and imprisoning those troublemakers in the houses.

If you do not follow the rules and disobey orders to go out, the authorities will have their own means of punishment.

No matter how strict the rules are, there will always be people who break them.

The environment of the Fallen Earth War Zone can be described as extremely chaotic, otherwise the invasion of foreign gods would not have occurred.

The cornerstone platform is a rule maintainer and has many permissions, but that does not mean it is omnipotent.

The cornerstone platform cannot guarantee perfect handling of matters related to the building city, let alone places outside the building city.

The vast wilderness is actually a no-man's land.

Although Loucheng will arrange personnel to manage its own territory, it is impossible to truly take care of everything.

There are still various hidden dangers inside the tower city, and there are also many unknown problems hidden behind these secular cities.

As night fell, a patrol team passed through the quiet streets, and warriors wearing armor and carrying swords patrolled the surroundings.

After making sure there were no problems, we moved on to the next street.

The night watchman followed closely behind, holding a rune-embossed gong in his hand, beating it and shouting "all is well".

If you look up at this time, you can see that the sky is pitch black, and it seems that there are only dark clouds in the sky.

But not long after, a pitch-black armed spaceship landed silently from the sky.

The building below is the Blue Feather Chamber of Commerce. There are lights on in the yard and occasional subtle sounds can be heard.

A buzzing sound was heard in the darkness, and the Blue Feather Chamber of Commerce was instantly enveloped by a special energy field, causing the dust attached to the ground and the surface of the buildings to fly.

It seemed as if there was an invisible force shaking the building of Lanyu Chamber of Commerce. Although it was only for a short time, the damage caused was quite enormous.

By using the equipment on board the spacecraft to attack the target building, the target can be cleared without entering the interior of the building.

The attack intensity can be set according to needs. It can directly eliminate the target, but it can also cripple or stun the target.

As soon as the spaceship attack ended, figures fell from the sky and landed inside the building of the Blue Feather Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, many figures appeared outside the yard. They hid in the darkness and guarded the front and back exits of the yard.

At this moment, it was so quiet inside the Lanyu Chamber of Commerce that you could hear a pin drop, and all the members of the chamber of commerce fell into coma instantly.

Even snakes, insects, rats and ants were affected and no longer made any sound.

Lin Xiao and others entered the courtyard, looking for valuable hostile targets and taking them to other places for interrogation.

Due to the lack of sufficient intelligence, it is impossible to identify the specific members of the Blue Feather Organization, and at this moment we can only judge based on experience.

Everyone acted quickly and brought all the members of the Blue Feather Chamber of Commerce to the yard and placed them in a large net.

A large net rope was hung on the bottom of the spacecraft, and more than a hundred people were lifted up silently, like fish and shrimp caught in the deep sea.

During this time, some people woke up and struggled to break free and escape, but their hands and feet were tightly bound and their mouths were taped shut, so they could not make any sound.

These people were taken out of the city and into a hidden valley, where they were immediately interrogated and investigated.

The Immortal Tower City has various means to make the target tell the truth. In order to improve the efficiency of the operation, the armed spacecraft is also equipped with technological interrogation equipment, which has been used by major groups to screen and identify spies.

There are also some extraordinary spells that can only be mastered by special personnel in Loucheng. They are also used for interrogation and have immediate effects.

By the time the sun rose, the interrogation was basically over and a lot of useful information was obtained. The monks who participated in the operation gathered together again to discuss the next course of action.

Through interrogation, it was determined that this so-called Blue Feather Organization was actually related to the Black Evil Legion.

What the Black Evil Legion could not do, the Blue Feather Organization was able to do, and they had always been secretly acting as the opponent's pawn.

This time, the order to explore the Immortal Tower City was also given by the Black Evil Legion, and it was obvious that they had ulterior motives.

The Blue Feather Organization has done similar missions many times, and the peaks and towers in the city are all their reconnaissance targets.

The collected intelligence will be passed on to the Black Evil Legion, and the other side will then wait for an opportunity to take action.

The Blue Feather Organization would have hardly expected that the target they had originally viewed as a fat sheep would actually bite back viciously.

The captured monks of the Blue Feather Organization were confused and terrified at this moment. They had no idea in whose hands they had fallen, what had happened to them, and why they were so easily wiped out.
No one answered their questions. The action team was only concerned about one thing at the moment: whether or not to continue tracking the case.

If they continue to act, it will definitely alert the enemy and attract the attention of the Black Shark Legion.

Choosing to stop the action does not mean that the problem will be solved, it can only delay the action time of the Black Evil Legion.

Unless something unexpected happens, the Black Evil Legion will launch an attack sooner or later and will not let go of the fat meat that is right at their doorstep.

This extraordinary organization controlled by the devil would not even let go of the Qunfeng Tower City, let alone the Immortal Tower City, a newly established primary tower city that obviously has a deep background.

If they get to know it more deeply, the Black Evil Legion will definitely be more interested in the Immortal Tower City than the Peaks Tower City.

After some discussion, everyone decided to attack the headquarters of the Blue Feather Organization without engaging in close contact.

The action started again, and everyone went to the headquarters of the Blue Feather Organization to conduct investigations and research in secret.

After completing the reconnaissance in three days, the armed spacecraft dropped a bomb at night.

With a deafening bang, the headquarters of the Blue Feather Organization was razed to the ground, and countless monks were buried in the ruins.

There are few good guys in the Blue Feather Organization. Killing them all would be a way to eliminate harm to the people. Otherwise, more innocent people would surely suffer.

The sudden explosion attracted a lot of people's attention, and they couldn't understand what was going on.

At this moment, no one knew that what was destroyed was the Blue Feather Organization's headquarters, otherwise they would have been extremely shocked.

After the bombing, Lin Xiao and others returned quickly and did not stay in the outside world.

Once the Black Evil Legion receives the news, they will definitely investigate the matter. If the action team continues to stay, a fight between the two sides is likely to occur.

As a scourge to the Fallen Earth War Zone, an existence that even the fifth-level tower cities are troubled by, its methods and strength must be extraordinary.

Lin Xiao and the others were outnumbered and there was no need for them to engage in combat with the other side, which would be equivalent to using their own weakness to attack the enemy's strength.

Tang Zhen is not afraid of fighting with the Black Evil Legion, but the battlefield must be in his own territory, so that he can go all out and ensure victory in the war.

If he were to move outside his territory, although Tang Zhen would have no shortage of means of warfare, he would ultimately encounter many inconveniences.

Apart from anything else, when an invasion war occurs within the territory of Loucheng, the cornerstone platform will also provide certain assistance.

When the intruder is a wanted thief on the Keystone platform, he will often receive some additional support.

There are some things that cannot be avoided, so we must learn to face them positively and use all resources to improve our own strength.

Tang Zhen allowed this action with the idea of ​​luring the enemy out, angering the Black Evil Legion and forcing them to act in advance.

If we allow the other side to be fully prepared and then launch an attack on the Immortal Tower City, it will inevitably cause greater damage.

As the action was launched in haste, the Black Evil Legion was inevitably unprepared and unable to launch an attack with all their strength.

Compared with the enemy, the Immortal Tower City has already been fully prepared and can enter a state of war at any time.

In order to let the Black Evil Legion know that it was the Immortal Tower City that took action this time, Tang Zhen deliberately left some clues.

It would be a real pity if we failed to find any clues and gave up the attack on the Immortal Tower City.

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