I have a city in another world

Chapter 6105: Red Dog's Rebirth

Chapter 6105: Red Dog's Rebirth

The artificial river excavated by the Immortal Tower City has now entered the final stage, and will open up a channel into the sea on the cliffs.

With a loud bang, the pre-buried high explosive was detonated, and a deep gully appeared in front of the construction workers.

A simple cleanup to ensure the river flows smoothly will complete the project.

The giant machines used to dig the river will be dismantled and renovated to continue to participate in the construction of the Immortal Tower City.

It can be reassembled and used when needed.

Engineers from various major groups are full of creative ideas and can create many interesting things.

Clear water is constantly flowing into the moat outside the tower city and then into a nearby artificial lake.

When the artificial lake is filled, the surging river water will flow into the sea, falling along the cliffs by the sea, and eventually forming a spectacular fjord landscape.

As the leader of this project, Lin Yue couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment when he saw the river rushing across the wasteland.

She did something that could be called a miracle, she dug out a wide and turbulent river across hundreds of miles of wasteland.

No matter where it is placed, it is an amazing feat worthy of being written about, which can bring vitality to a wasteland.

However, due to the rapid construction speed and the fact that not many people paid attention to this matter, such a project did not receive much attention.

The refugees would be amazed when they saw this, but would turn around and forget about it, not thinking it was anything special.

Where the river flows has little to do with the refugees; they only care about their lives today and tomorrow.

But it is of extraordinary significance to the wasteland. The appearance of this river is equivalent to injecting life into the dead land.

Many people admire Lin Yue and think she deserves to be rewarded.

Lin Yue knew clearly that she was just proposing a plan and anyone else could do it.

The strength of the Immortal Tower City enabled her to successfully achieve her desired goal. The giant machinery that quickly excavated the river amazed everyone who saw it.

It is said that this excavation equipment was jointly manufactured by five groups, and the high cost is staggering.

Some core components of the equipment were actually refined by monks because ordinary parts could not meet the needs.

What surprised Lin Yue the most was that this super machine with obvious targeting was actually designed and manufactured by Tang Zhen a long time ago.

If it had no use, Tang Zhen would not have spent a huge amount of money to build such a special machine.

Lin Yue had a feeling that Tang Zhen might have had a plan to dig the river a long time ago, but she brought it up at the right time.

No wonder everything went smoothly as planned. In fact, they had been prepared in advance, with Tang Zhen secretly providing support behind the scenes.

Just like rubbing a pattern, you just need to apply it.

Lin Yue thought about the reason and did not feel disappointed. After all, she was really trying hard to do things.

Even though Tang Zhen had made a good plan, it was Lin Yue who implemented it personally. She highly appreciated her hard work.

Lin Yue doesn’t have a clear plan for the next step, and she wants to find an opportunity to consult Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen is very busy now and may not have time to meet even if we make an appointment. No one knows what he is doing.

Everyone knows that Tang Zhen is the core of Loucheng, and what he does must be important.

Lin Yue didn't think that she would be able to meet Tang Zhen, but she still sent in the application.

Not long after, Lin Yue received a reply message.

After opening the information, a future garden planning map of the Immortal Tower City was clearly presented in front of Lin Yue.

Looking closely at the layout on the blueprint, it is clearly a giant magic array that cleverly uses trees and rivers as energy nodes.

Lin Yue cannot see what the specific effect is yet.

After being promoted to the extraordinary level, it is necessary to master a professional skill instead of simply practicing to improve your realm.

To make a simple analogy, realm improvement is like a fruit tree in its growth period, and mastering professional skills can promote its flowering and fruiting.

Mastering a professional skill can not only help improve your realm, but also earn resources for continued practice and improvement.

If you simply improve your realm, you will soon find that you lack the stamina to practice, and you will become numb due to lack of spirituality, and eventually fall into shackles and cannot get out of it. It is like a fruit tree, which not only does not bloom and bear fruit, but also grows very slowly, and there is a high probability that it will wither and die.

The direction of cultivation that Lin Yue chose happened to be formations and runes, but now he has not even reached the entry level.

Lin Yue was a little frustrated because she couldn't understand the effect of the magic circle, but fortunately it didn't affect her daily work.

Using mountains and rivers as carriers, as long as there are not too big errors, everything will eventually operate normally.

After getting this blueprint, Lin Yue secretly made up his mind to learn professional skills well.

It is indeed a very shameful thing for a person in charge to not be able to understand even the construction drawings.

As a builder, it didn't matter if Lin Yue didn't understand, but as a cultivator whose major was rune arrays, it would be really embarrassing to say it out loud.

When Lin Yue was full of fighting spirit and prepared to transform the wasteland into a garden, five hundred men and women were receiving basic training in a field kilometers outside the Immortal Tower City.

The main tasks of these newly recruited Loucheng vassal troops are security patrols and defense of unimportant military targets.

If a war breaks out, they will fight together.

Five officers from the Loucheng Army are here to train five hundred vassal soldiers, teaching them how to obey and cooperate.

The red dog was wearing black clothes and was taking his training very seriously, with a fire seemingly burning in his eyes.

Red Dog attaches great importance to this opportunity and will not allow any problems to occur.

Although the training was very hard, Red Dog always gritted his teeth and endured it, and would not give up no matter what.

After two hours of training, everyone got a short break and sat on the ground, unwilling to get up.

Red Dog came to the edge of the training ground and filled a cup of black warm water from the bucket. It looked like boiled Chinese medicine soup.

This is a functional drink provided by the training base. It has an excellent effect in strengthening muscles and bones. The disadvantage is that it tastes average and has a strong bitter taste.

People don't like this kind of drink and will not drink it unless they are extremely thirsty.

Red Dog is different. He forces himself to drink beverages just to improve the strength of his muscles and bones.

It is not known whether it is a natural talent or a sequelae caused by the fatal point restriction, but the red dog's digestive ability is gradually improving.

After drinking the drink, it was quickly absorbed by the body, making him feel like his muscles and bones were burning.

Red Dog thought this was a good thing because he could feel that his strength was increasing.

If it were in the past, he would have felt exhausted and would not even be able to stand.

Now I probably won’t have any problem running another five kilometers.

After resting for a while, everyone heard the order to gather and followed the instructor to another venue.

There was a truck parked at the training ground, piled with black boxes, and it was unknown what was inside.

When everyone was curious, the instructor ordered people to open the boxes and asked everyone to line up to take out the items inside.

Red Dog could see clearly that the item in the box looked like a weapon.

Not long after, it was Red Dog's turn to take the item. The moment he got the item in his hands, he finally confirmed his guess.

The item in his hand was indeed a weapon, very similar to the musket used by some wild cultivators.

Looking at the sleek gun barrel and the slender blade hidden by the folded head, Red Dog felt a surge of joy in his heart.

Sophisticated and detailed weapons often mean great lethality, and this weapon in your hand is just like that.

When everyone had a weapon in their hands, the instructor began to demonstrate and explain, letting everyone know how to operate the weapon in their hands and how to maintain and repair it on a daily basis.

Everyone listened very carefully, followed along from time to time, and became more and more fond of the weapons in their hands.

For refugees, such a sophisticated weapon is definitely not something that an ordinary family can afford.

The same goes for Red Dog. The weapon in his hand gives him courage and confidence.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful to have come to the Immortal Tower City and had the opportunity to change his destiny.

Although he is not sure how far the future will go, he has earned the qualification to have his dreams.

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