I have a city in another world

Chapter 6106 Dark Shadow in the Night

Chapter 6106 Dark Shadow in the Night

The wasteland under the night sky seemed extremely quiet, and almost no movement could be heard.

This barren land is so barren that not many animals can survive.

With the establishment of the Immortal Tower City, the transformation of the wasteland continues and the dire situation is changing.

The wasteland gradually came to life, attracting some small birds and animals to gather.

At the edge of the territory, a large black shadow approached silently, moving quickly about two meters above the ground.

Below the black shadow, countless tentacles hang down, as densely packed as hair.

Wherever the black shadow passed, the grass and trees withered instantly, and the vitality in their bodies was directly drained away.

There was not just one black shadow, but several of them came one after another, keeping a sufficient distance from each other.

In the dark night and desolate wilderness, this strange black shadow is difficult to spot.

Although the wasteland belongs to the Immortal Tower City, there is no way to fully control it, otherwise it will inevitably pay a huge price.

As long as the tower city itself is not harmed, even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart inside the territory, it actually doesn’t matter much.

Outsiders also thought that since the Immortal Tower City had just been established, its control over the territory must be seriously insufficient.

If you sneak in quietly under the cover of night, the chance of being discovered is very small.

The shadow was still moving forward, and indeed, no one had stopped it, which made the controller secretly proud.

If you look closely, you can see that there are many strange figures twisting and surging in the darkness.

Like fish and shrimp, they were rolling and surging in the black ocean, showing extremely painful expressions.

An animal that looked like a lizard was swallowed by the passing shadow and soon appeared in the shadow.

After just a few seconds, the lizard was swallowed by another black shadow and became nutrients for the other's growth.

Apparently, there is also survival of the fittest within the shadows.

The black shadow moved forward, devouring any living thing it encountered, and its size was gradually increasing.

The devouring and digestion inside the black shadow is also ongoing, keeping its volume within a certain range.

If the size is too large, the shadow's movement speed will slow down and it will fall to the ground.

Whenever this happened, the black shadow turned into mud and kept wriggling along the ground of the wasteland.

It won't take long before the black shadow returns to normal and continues to float in the air and move quickly.

If such a strange black shadow enters a densely populated area, it will inevitably cause a terrible disaster.

Fortunately, there are no refugees living in the wasteland now, otherwise it would have caused countless casualties.

The dark shadow that sneaked in quietly was not wandering around, but had a clear goal.

Lock on a direction and head straight towards the Immortal Tower City.

Thirty kilometers into the Immortal Territory, an unmanned spacecraft in the air discovered an abnormality and immediately conducted an in-depth scan of the abnormal area.

Other online unmanned spacecraft enter working mode at the same time, conducting cross-searches of the responsible areas and adjacent areas.

The dark shadows that sneaked into the Immortal Territory were discovered and locked one after another, and the unmanned spacecraft confirmed that it had encountered an invasion of dangerous targets.

Those shadows passed through the area, leaving behind a clear and desolate line, which was enough to prove how amazing the destructive power of this thing was.

At the same time, the Immortal Tower City received an alert from the unmanned spacecraft and issued an attack order remotely.

For such dangerous targets, they must be eliminated as soon as they are discovered, and there must be no hesitation.

When cleaning up the scourge, if you still look ahead and behind, you will only end up hurting others and yourself.

The energy ray from the unmanned spacecraft instantly hit the black shadow, but failed to achieve the expected killing effect.

The energy ray is extremely powerful and can instantly destroy a heavy armored vehicle and raze a three-story building to the ground.

When used to attack flesh and blood, the effect is even more terrifying, and it can turn the object into charcoal ash in an instant.

It was really surprising and shocking that such a powerful weapon was unable to kill the black shadow.

The unmanned spacecraft fired several times in succession and determined that the energy ray attack was ineffective and could not stop the black shadow from advancing.

At this time, he changed his attack method again, dropping a powerful bomb from the air, which once again accurately hit the black shadow. The expected explosion did not occur, and the black shadow actually swallowed the bomb, turning it into a piece of scrap metal.

The ability displayed by the black shadow was enough to prove how dangerous it was, and immediately attracted the attention of the Immortal Tower City.

As soon as they received the alarm, the monks from Loucheng arrived quickly on a spaceship and tried to analyze and judge the situation on the spot.

The area near the Immortal Tower City has also entered a state of combat readiness to prevent any other abnormal situations from occurring.

In the house of the training base, Red Dog, who was resting, heard the call to assemble and immediately jumped out of bed.

He was extremely fast. He put on his clothes in a short time, grabbed the weapon beside him and rushed out.

At this moment, the training base was illuminated as brightly as day, with people moving around everywhere.

After the alarm sounded, the training base seemed to be boiling, with an atmosphere of restlessness brewing.

Some were nervous, some were excited, but more people were at a loss and didn't understand what was going on.

The instructor's figure appeared, giving the bewildered crowd a backbone. They immediately shut up and waited for orders.

The training they had received previously showed results at this moment. If it were any other refugees, they would have been in chaos long ago.

After making sure that all personnel were present, the instructor briefly explained the situation, saying that there were intruders inside the territory.

The monks from Loucheng went to deal with it, and the task of the vassal army was to patrol the road and call the police immediately if they found any abnormal situation.

The instructor opened the box and ordered everyone to take a box of bullets so that they could launch an attack directly when encountering danger.

During previous training, Hong Gou and others had learned how to operate weapons and conducted live-fire shooting at the shooting range.

Red Dog was very satisfied with the power of the gun. He wiped it clean and carried it with him wherever he went.

When the danger arose, Red Dog was not panicked but instead felt a glimmer of anticipation.

He hoped to encounter the enemy, to meet him on the battlefield, so that he could test the power of his weapons.

After the bullets were distributed, everyone boarded the transport vehicle and moved quickly along a road.

The team rushed in different directions, with personnel stationed on each road, patrolling along fixed routes.

Every few steps, two soldiers would get off the car and patrol and stand guard in a designated area.

Red Dog waited for a long time but it was still not his turn, and he felt a little anxious.

The last group was Red Dog's turn. He stood on the roadside with a teammate and was responsible for patrolling one kilometer of the road.

The two men checked their weapons, loaded bullets into the chambers, and walked side by side on the road.

There was complete silence all around, not even the sound of the wind, and there were only two people on the road in the wilderness.

No one can be sure what will happen next, and what to do if an enemy really appears.

Compared to his teammates' anxiety, Red Dog became more and more excited, constantly looking around.

According to the instructor, the area they were in should be safe, and patrolling was just a precaution.

If an accident really happens, these newly trained vassal troops will not be able to play much of a role.

Red Dog did not underestimate himself. He thought that even if he encountered a monk, he would be able to fight back with the weapon in his hand.

Over the past few days, his strength has grown, and he can even crush a stone with his bare hands.

Red Dog didn't know the reason, but he was very surprised by this change. In order to avoid missing the opportunity, he never told anyone else about it.

Patrolling on the highway late at night is actually a very boring job, and you will easily let your guard down.

At this moment, Red Dog's teammates no longer held their weapons tightly, and their steps became heavy and slow.

However, Red Dog did not relax, but stared silently at the distant night sky, with a vague feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

The communication equipment rang, asking if there were any abnormal conditions, and each team said everything was normal.

When it was Red Dog's team's turn, his teammates were about to respond when they saw Red Dog raising his rifle.

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun was actually pointing at his head.

The teammate was startled and was about to speak when a bright flame suddenly shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

A crisp gunshot echoed across the wilderness.

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