I have a city in another world

Chapter 6107 Invasion and Awakening

Chapter 6107 Invasion and Awakening

The moment the gun went off, Red Dog's teammates let out a low growl.

He knew the power of the rifle. If the bullet hit his head, he would definitely die tonight.

This low roar was full of anger and unwillingness.

Unexpectedly, after the gunshot, the teammates were unharmed, but a scream was heard from the air behind.

It seemed as if something suddenly fell from the sky and hit the rubble on the side of the road.

Red Dog held the rifle, twisted his body slightly, and pulled the trigger again.

Another gunshot was heard, flames spurted from the muzzle, and bullets shot into the dark night sky.


There was another scream, and something flew down from the sky at an angle and landed heavily on the road in front of the two people.

When the teammate shone his flashlight over there, he saw a monster covered in black. It looked like an oversized bat and had a head similar to a human.

He is about 1.5 meters tall and about the size of a ten-year-old child.

Its fangs are sharp and protruding, its eyes are bright red like blood, revealing a strong sense of madness.

One of Red Dog's bullets actually tore the lower half of the monster's face apart. No wonder it fell from the sky.

While his teammates were still in a daze and terrified at the ferocious monster, Red Dog fired another shot.

The bullet hit the monster's forehead and directly blew its head apart.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and report that we are under attack by a large number of flying monsters!"

Seeing his teammates in a daze, Red Dog roared and raised his gun and fired continuously again.

There were monsters screaming in the air again. They were hit in the vital parts by bullets and smelly liquid was falling on their heads.

The teammates were in a panic and quickly turned on their communication equipment to report the danger they were encountering.

As soon as the words fell, a monster fell from the sky and dug its sharp claws directly into the back of his teammate.

The teammates screamed and struggled desperately, trying to break free from the monster's control.

The monster's claws were as sharp as hooks, piercing deeply into his flesh and spine, making it impossible to get rid of them easily.

Seeing this, Red Dog fired two shots at the ground, one shot hitting the monster's body and one shot hitting the monster's head. The bullet that penetrated the monster's body also pierced his teammate's leg.

The teammate did not react at all. After being injured by the monster, he fell into a coma for a short time.

The monster's claws clearly contained a powerful poison that could render its prey unable to resist.

Once you fall unconscious, you will be at the mercy of monsters.

The life and death of his teammates is uncertain, and Red Dog is now fighting alone, and the situation has become extremely dangerous.

Red Dog did not panic or get scared. Instead, he roared excitedly. He quickly rushed towards his teammates and took out all the ammunition from the backpack.

Because of the patrol mission, each person only had fifty rounds of ammunition, which was not enough for Red Dog.

After getting the ammunition from his teammates, Red Dog raised his gun and shot again, hitting the monster flying over his head.

Although the sky was pitch black, Red Dog could see the monster's figure, as clear as a red dot on black paper.

The rifle in his hand seemed to be integrated with his body, becoming a special attacking organ.

The gunshots seemed to have a rhythm, and within a radius of 500 meters, monster corpses kept falling.

Such precise shooting skills did not make Red Dog complacent, but instead he felt it was natural.

If you can't point and shoot wherever you want, how can you fight against the extraordinary people?

While fighting with the enemy, Red Dog discovered the shortcomings of his weapons, which affected his combat performance.

Unfortunately, there is no way to correct or modify them during combat, and one can only endure these shortcomings and discomforts.

The monster flying in the air discovered the red dog and launched attacks continuously.

Red Dog had to dodge and at the same time seize the opportunity to fight back, firing bullets at the monster.

Red Dog didn't know what the situation was like in other places, he only knew that the situation was very dangerous at the moment.

If so many ferocious monsters enter the tower city, there will inevitably be serious casualties.

The Immortal Tower City has received the news and should intercept the monsters and not give them a chance to succeed.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he saw a huge monster appear in the sky, tearing through the night sky.

The size was at least a kilometer, with a clear glowing edge and a glowing emblem mark in the center. Red Dog was very familiar with this mark, which was clearly the emblem of the Immortal Tower City.

Although Red Dog had seen the cargo airship of the Immortal Floor before, he was deeply shocked by the behemoth.

But at this moment, facing the giant spaceship appearing in the night sky, Red Dog couldn't help but feel shocked and awed.

Countless dazzling rays of light fell from the spacecraft, like rain lines illuminated by strong light, covering all directions of the wasteland.

Balls of fire exploded in the air, and groups of flying monsters were hit and fell from the sky one after another.

Originally, in Red Dog's eyes, the sky was full of traces of flying monsters, but when the spaceship opened fire, they became sparse and desolate in a few seconds.

The powerful force of the weapons astounded Red Dog, and made him more aware of the gap between humans and powerful equipment.

He became increasingly aware that possessing powerful and sophisticated weapons and equipment could greatly enhance combat effectiveness.

The spaceship launched an attack, and Red Dog was also not idle. He locked onto the monster and kept firing.

Red Dog would definitely not miss such a good hunting opportunity and would make sure to take the chance to use up all the bullets in his hand.

After firing a few shots, Red Dog finally remembered his accomplice and rushed forward to try to rescue him.

The injured teammate's face turned black, his skin was glowing black, and his breath was barely detectable.

Compared with the damage caused by the monster, the accidental injury of the red dog is not worth mentioning at all, at least it will not endanger his life.

There was a medical bandage in the backpack. Red Dog took it out immediately and injected an antidote needle into his teammate's body.

Use a sharp knife to tear open the uniform, remove all the blackened flesh from the wound, and stick a large hemostatic patch on the flesh.

Red Dog has limited abilities, and this is all he can do. He doesn't know if his teammates can survive.

Lights flashed on the road in the distance, and an armed convoy rushed over and stopped when passing by Red Dog's location.

Lin Xiao looked at the red dog and the soldier lying on the ground, and placed a rescue positioning marker on the ground.

It won't be long before a rescue drone arrives, picks up the injured soldiers and transports them back to the hospital.

The whole process is intelligently operated and can also be manually assisted, which can quickly treat battlefield wounded.

"Follow me and go to the battlefield ahead."

Lin Xiao greeted him and turned back to the car.

The red dog was very excited and immediately jumped behind the vehicle and hooked the edge guardrail with his hands.

The vehicle started again and moved quickly along the road, and the monks from Loucheng continued to shoot at the monsters.

There were also monsters rushing towards the convoy, they were larger in size and armed with a variety of weapons.

Compared to ordinary monsters, these monsters are considered elite and pose a greater threat.

Red Dog kept shooting, hitting the monsters running around, and occasionally rescuing his accomplices.

Seeing Red Dog's accurate shooting skills, the monks from the nearby Loucheng exclaimed in admiration. They had been worried about accidental injuries before, but now they discovered that there was a very good sharpshooter.

Red Dog continued to shoot monsters, which attracted the attention of the monster leader. He roared and sent his men to assassinate them.

A monster rushed towards Red Dog, was shot in the chest by him, and was then killed by a monk from Loucheng.

Another elite monster took the opportunity to approach from behind and threw a flint javelin at the red dog.

The monster was extremely strong. Once the javelin hit the red dog's back, the force it carried was enough to penetrate his body.

Red Dog is a mortal after all, and his reaction speed is still a little slow. Although he has sensed the danger, he is unable to evade in time.

A deep feeling of despair and unwillingness surged from Red Dog's heart, making him roar uncontrollably.

Just at this moment, something strange happened.

A surge of power emerged from his limbs and bones, giving Red Dog a special feeling he had never experienced before.

The feeling of powerlessness in the face of death disappeared in an instant and turned into strong confidence.

"You want to kill me, dream!"

The red dog twisted its upper body and rooted to the ground with its lower body, turning backwards in a peculiar posture.

He raised the gun in his hand, and when the flint javelin passed by him, he pulled the trigger with a grim smile.

The gun fired a sharp bullet at an insanely slow speed, which spun into the monster's skull.

With a crisp sound, the monster's skull exploded, and the sight of its brain spilling out was bloody and unique.

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