I have a city in another world

Chapter 6108 Solution and Tracking

Chapter 6108 Solution and Tracking

At the critical moment of life and death, Red Dog unexpectedly awakens, and unknown power emerges from his limbs.

In an instant, he managed to avoid the sharp and deadly javelin and shot the monster in the air directly to death.

After completing this series of operations, Red Dog became extremely weak and felt his body was as soft as a piece of noodles.

That unknown force receded like the tide, taking away the original strength in the body.

The weapon he was holding tightly fell down uncontrollably, making a crisp crashing sound.

Red Dog was startled and didn't understand what was going on. He wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

It is a similar feeling when the death point restriction occurs, making people feel extremely desperate and painful.

However, Red Dog had a feeling that the abnormality in his body might be a good thing. The unknown powerful force made him extremely confident.

Lin Xiao walked over, used his spiritual sense to check the red dog's physical condition, and then nodded slightly.

“You are lucky. You activated your potential at the critical moment of life and death, and now you are considered an extraordinary person.

It won't take long for the body to return to normal and there won't be any major problems.

But your situation is a little different from others, and I’m a little confused now.

When we get back to Loucheng, I will help you make arrangements and find out what is going on."

The red dog collapsed like mud, but his mind was very clear. He wanted to express his gratitude, but he couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, you can only lean against the vehicle and slowly wait for your strength to recover before continuing to participate in the battle.

It is a painful and uncomfortable feeling to watch your companions fighting the enemy without being able to provide any help.

Fortunately, after a while, the strength in my body gradually recovered.

Red Dog immediately picked up the gun that had fallen on the ground and fired occasionally into the sky.

Due to his poor physical condition, Red Dog can only point his gun in one direction, and his main goal is to sit back and wait for his prey.

It just so happened that his marksmanship was so accurate that all the monsters that entered the shooting range were shot dead with pinpoint accuracy.

The battle did not last long. The monster in the sky disappeared without a trace, and the wilderness in the distance became quiet.

Everyone did not let their guard down. They quickly cleaned up the battlefield and killed the monsters that were still alive.

Monsters struggling to survive are sometimes even more dangerous and are hidden dangers that must be eliminated.

Red Dog also recovered, looked around with his gun, and shot a bullet at any moving monster he found.

Although it was dark, the red dog had excellent eyesight and could see the scenery hundreds of meters away clearly.

His marksmanship and eyesight can be considered as gifts, and ordinary cultivators may not be able to be as good as him.

Lin Xiao saw it clearly from the side, took out a weapon from his storage equipment, walked over and handed it to Hong Gou.

"This is a trophy I captured during a battle. It should be suitable for you to use.

Compared to ordinary weapons, this gun has many advantages, except that the bullets are a little special."

Red Dog did not refuse. He took it after saying thank you.

He knew very well in his heart that Lin Xiao was helping him and was not seeking any reward.

There was a huge difference between his status and Lin Xiao's. Hong Gou was extremely grateful to be able to get help from such a cultivator.

With a myriad of gratitude gathered in his heart, Red Dog secretly made up his mind that if he had the chance in the future, he would definitely repay the help today.

In the following time, nothing unusual occurred. After the sun rose, everyone received a notification that the danger was lifted.

The Immortal Tower City did not explain in detail what exactly happened, and many people have no idea about it.

Only a few monks in Loucheng knew the specific situation and understood how dangerous the past night was.

When he found that he could not kill the strange black shadow using conventional means, Tang Zhen immediately rushed to the scene in person.

After research and analysis, it was determined that this should be a special demonized creature with powerful devouring and decomposing abilities.

The origin of this thing is unknown, but it is definitely aimed at the Immortal Tower City, and its goal is very clear. The enemy uses the characteristics of the shadow to try to destroy the Immortal Tower City, and then kill all the monks and refugees in the tower city.

In order to ensure the success of the plan, the enemy released a large number of flying monsters and launched an attack under the cover of night.

The tower city has strong defense capabilities, so it is not difficult to protect itself when facing this flying monster.

The situation in the Immortal Tower City is special. The city walls have just been built and the houses in the city are all unfinished.

Faced with hordes of flying monsters, the residents of Loucheng have no ability to resist and will inevitably suffer huge casualties.

Even if we have the ability to stop it, it will take a lot of manpower and time, allowing the shadow monsters to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak in.

However, they did not know that there were a large number of unmanned spacecraft above the Immortal Tower City, which was in a serious overstaffed state.

In this wasteland, one unmanned spacecraft would be enough to meet the needs, but Tang Zhen directly arranged more than 20 of them.

When they are developed in the future, these unmanned spacecraft will have their own uses and may travel all over the world.

The flying monster's intrusion into the immortal territory was like stirring up a hornet's nest, immediately attracting a group of unmanned spacecraft to attack.

Both sides were in the air, the flying monster's greatest advantage had been offset, and in other aspects it was completely crushed by the unmanned spacecraft.

Whether in terms of size, firepower, or defense, flying monsters are no match for unmanned spacecraft.

After an air battle, most of the flying monsters were shot and killed, and only a few escaped from the territory.

The troublesome black shadow monster was also successfully dealt with by Tang Zhen. It was not because he had a quick mind to come up with a solution, but because he recognized the true origin of the monster.

This monster is most afraid of low temperatures. It will go dormant after encountering them and will regain its vitality after the temperature returns to normal.

It is also not an easy task to freeze it instantly, and ordinary cultivators simply cannot do it.

Once threatened, the core of this object can be ejected and escaped instantly, and the operation process is like a gecko cutting off its tail.

After escaping from danger, it can devour its prey again and recover in no time.

It is indeed not easy to completely kill the black shadow monster. Once you are targeted by it, you must always be on guard against its invasion.

Tang Zhen used the quick-freezing talisman to force the monster to flee for its life and to confine the space while the monster was escaping.

These dark shadow monsters were eventually captured alive by Tang Zhen and sealed in a specially made freezer.

When needed, it can be released.

The hidden danger of the black shadow has been resolved, but it does not mean that the matter is over. Tang Zhen still has to find the mastermind behind the scenes and make him pay the price he deserves.

If Tang Zhen had not efficiently resolved the danger this time, the Immortal Tower City would have most likely been reduced to ashes.

This kind of revenge of destroying a city means that both sides will fight to the death. We must be vigilant next, as the enemy may come back again at any time.

If other people encounter such a thing, they may be confused and don’t know how to deal with it.

The enemy used this method perhaps to take advantage of Tang Zhen's short-sightedness and not knowing the true origin of the black shadow monster.

I would never have imagined in my dreams that Tang Zhen not only knew the origin of the monster, but also knew how to restrain and tame it.

The shadow monsters forage for food randomly and can also be attracted by special substances. Some magic monks take advantage of this feature to secretly mark designated targets and attract the shadow monsters to come for food.

This time, the Immortal Tower City was ambushed by the enemy, and the black shadow monster was attracted over.

After dealing with the black shadow monster, Tang Zhen immediately thoroughly investigated the entire tower city and soon reaped the rewards.

A barrel of black unknown substance was found in a batch of dry food that was shipped from outside and sold in the market.

It was this substance that attracted the black shadow monster and made the Immortal Tower City its target of attack.

After carefully checking the source of the items, the owner was quickly found, but it turned out to be just an ordinary caravan.

Hearing of the reputation of the Immortal Tower City, this caravan gathered goods and came here to sell, but they did not expect to encounter such an unexpected disaster just two days after arriving.

They were being ambushed and were completely unaware of anything.

The clues were interrupted here, and the enemy did not leave any clues. However, Tang Zhen seriously suspected that this was actually a revenge attack by the Black Evil Legion.

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