I have a city in another world

Chapter 6110: White Bone Mountain

Chapter 6110: White Bone Mountain

Kant and his companions came to the White Bone Mountain, disguised as a group of wandering wild cultivators, and quietly began to explore.

At present, we only know that there is a branch of the Black Evil Legion in the White Bone Mountain, but we don’t know its exact location.

The purpose of this operation is to find the Black Evil Legion branch and then find ways to destroy it.

No matter it was the mission in Loucheng or the hatred between the two sides, it was destined that no mercy would be shown.

It was not until he entered the White Bone Mountain that Kant discovered that this place was indeed unusual. In the rugged valley, huge skeleton fossils could be seen from time to time.

The size of some skeleton fossils is over 100 meters, like fallen white trees.

These bones are crisscrossed, covered with soil and stones, and calcified for various reasons, forming many gaps and holes of varying sizes.

Inside the giant skeleton, there are honeycomb holes of varying sizes, some of which can be used as houses.

Many refugees and wild cultivators who gathered at the White Bone Mountain and hid underground actually lived among the bones hidden underground.

There is a specialty in Baigushan. After splitting and smashing the bone fossils, you can occasionally find some thumb-sized blood-colored particles, which are the best materials for refining pills.

The locals call it blood essence, which means the essence of coagulated blood.

Because the bone fossils are extremely hard and difficult to collect, the price of blood-sperm is extremely high, attracting many people to dig and collect it here.

When walking in the Bone Mountain, you can often see piles of bone fragments, as well as caves that are slanted or downward, and occasionally you can see people coming in and out.

There are not many buildings in the outer area of ​​Baigushan Mountain, and the terrain is relatively flat and wide.

The closer you get to the center of the Bone Mountain, the more rugged the ground becomes, and from time to time you can see huge skeletons standing and sticking out.

It was as if countless bones were piled up, then buried by mud, and then someone rakes them around.

The terrain is mixed with bones and rubble, and it is high and low, and the topography is extremely complex.

In the chaotic environment, there are many strange-shaped buildings, built in various unexpected locations.

Some are built on bones, while others simply transform bones into houses, using a variety of miscellaneous materials to build buildings of various styles.

Most of the buildings are shops, and the more conspicuous the buildings are, the more so. They wish everyone could see their buildings.

On the road that was sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, people kept shuttling back and forth, and after turning around a few times, no one knew where they were going.

There are holes of different sizes on the roadside, and I don’t know where they lead to. If you are not familiar with the situation here, you may not be able to find where you want to go.

The central area of ​​Baigushan Mountain, covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, is filled with this strange and peculiar environment.

Kant and his companions moved forward and came across a high-end store along the way. The main body of the building turned out to be three huge skulls stacked on top of each other.

The three skeletons belong to three species. The bottom skeleton is nearly 100 meters in size, while the two skeletons above are slightly smaller.

The shocking thing is that these three skeletons were pierced by a giant sword, just like candied haws.

The three giant skulls are covered with various patterns, which look spectacular and weird from a distance.

Go up the bone stairs and enter from the skull mouth on the bottom level. You will find that the interior decoration is unique and the number of customers is far more than you imagined.

More than 90% of the customers of this store are wild cultivators, a small number of them are spiritual cultivators, and the vast majority are physical cultivators, who can be clearly distinguished by their attire.

The clothing and attire of practitioners are so bizarre that it is enough to open one's eyes.

The wild monks of the White Bone Mountain have local characteristics in their dress, and a lot of bones are used in their hangers and accessories.

Some are used to refine armor, some are made into talismans, and some people use the bones to make magical swords.

If you look closely, you will find that these bones are very different. Not only are their colors different, but their hardness is also obviously different.
On the counter of the store, there are a large number of items made of bones, and the prices are different.

Kant took a look and bought a few bone ornaments for research and as gifts.

I originally wanted to go upstairs to watch, but I was told that the upstairs was a VIP consumption area.

Only those who reach a certain consumption standard are eligible to go up and browse. When asked about the consumption limit, Kant shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​going upstairs to check.

Before leaving, I learned that the third floor was not open to the public, but was a studio for some monks.

If you have customized requirements, you can go to the third floor, but it will cost more.

After turning around, you will find that there is already a mature business system inside Baigushan.

There are countless wild cultivators who practice and survive in this place, and they possess strength that cannot be underestimated.

Several large and small tower cities nearby turned a blind eye to the existence of White Bone Mountain. It was obvious that this place was too powerful and was beyond their control.

If you want to start a war over this, you will inevitably pay a huge price, and the final result will be more harm than good.

No wonder the Black Evil Legion is hiding here. Such a complex environment is indeed very suitable for the development and hiding of shady forces.

After leaving the store, Kant continued to wander around here, silently collecting intelligence information.

There are many newcomers like him coming to Baigushan every day. Some will benefit here, while others will die in dark corners and eventually turn into a pile of bones.

The name of White Bone Mountain has multiple meanings. Ancient bones and fresh corpses are constantly piling up year after year.

Before long, a guide came to Kant and recommended jobs to him, offering to sell him a house and various supplies.

In this way, earn the difference and commission.

Kant's purpose of coming here was to find the location of the Black Evil Legion branch, but he couldn't explain it directly to others.

The Black Evil Legion is rooted in the White Bone Mountain, so they must have certain power and means. If they knew that someone was trying to find out relevant information, they would definitely not remain indifferent.

Kant wanted to lure the snake out of its hole, but was afraid of alerting it. If he wanted to catch a big fish, he had to have enough patience.

He decided to investigate the situation first, collecting as much information as possible in secret to avoid attracting the attention of the Black Evil Legion.

If there is still no gain, it is not too late to actively lure the enemy into the trap.

With the introduction of his guide, Kant decided to rent a house and pretend to live there for a long time.

At the same time, he asked the other party if there were any profitable businesses in the local area.

In the White Bone Mountain, the most common job is digging and mining. With a pickaxe, a shovel, an oil lamp, a hammer and a chisel, you can start working and earn money.

Find an open-air skeleton, or find a place to dig, and then dig patiently after you find the bones.

If you are lucky enough, you can get a few high-quality blood essences, which will be enough for a year's food and drink expenses.

If you come across high-density bone fragments, known as bone jade, you can also dig them out and sell them for money.

After a long period of excavation, the bones on the ground were riddled with holes, and some were smashed into large and small pieces.

It is difficult for newbies to gain much from mining blood, essence, bone jade on the ground, and most of the time they can barely fill their stomachs.

If you want to make more money, or get rich, you have to take the risk and enter the underground mines.

There are more giant skeletons underground, but they also hide various risks. Dangerous accidents caused by mining accidents and monsters have claimed countless lives.

Walking along the path between the bones, we came to a cave located in the center of the two crossbones. People often came in and out of this place, and the bones were trampled and polished to be as smooth as jade.

On a piece of bone fossil, hundreds of common characters were engraved and painted with red paint.

"This is a taboo when entering the underground. You must keep it in mind so that you won't be at a loss when you encounter danger."

This burial ground hides many strange creatures, which have claimed the lives of many ignorant people.

In order to avoid more casualties, some people took the initiative to carve warning inscriptions, most of which were located at conspicuous exits.

The inscription on the stele is a universal language that must be mastered by monks in Loucheng and is also used by ordinary monks.

After memorizing the inscription, Kant, under the guidance of the guide, entered the deep and winding underground cave.

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