I have a city in another world

Chapter 6111 Crypts and Traps

Chapter 6111 Crypts and Traps

Walking in the cave, there is white soil all along the way, and the texture is as hard as stone.

It is said that by crushing this clay, washing it and firing it, a special kind of bone china can be obtained.

Bone china is delicate and hard and is very popular in the market.

Some monks claim that the soil is not actually soil, but the flesh and blood transformed from bones.

The owners of these horrific skeletons are definitely not ordinary flesh and blood bodies. After death, they will not completely decay, but will turn into gray, soil-like substances.

This statement is incredible, but if you think about it carefully, it does make some sense.

There is no record of when Baigushan originated, so it must have been a very long time ago.

However, there is a legend that has been circulating in Baigushan Mountain.

It is said that a long time ago, this was the residence of a god, and the mountains of bones were the leftovers of his prey.

After years of accumulation, it reached this terrifying scale and eventually formed a strange area.

Many people would sneer and shake their heads when hearing the legend, saying that the skeleton is nearly a hundred meters in size, so how big could its original owner be?

How tall and big must the god that devoured them be? It must be over ten thousand meters high!

The refugees refused to believe that such a terrifying god existed and thought the legend was nonsense.

Kant was quite interested in this legend. He also knew that there was actually a race that was ten thousand meters tall in the starry sky.

He had never seen it either, but a similar race had been mentioned in the Alliance's books.

A powerful cultivator who has refined his body into a god can also be thousands of feet tall, able to crush a mountain with one punch, and drink a lake clean in one gulp.

Kant followed the guide while pondering secretly.

A careful look at the white soil revealed that it was mixed with bone fragments, emitting a faint green fluorescence that could actually provide light for the tunnel.

Occasionally, you can see some sturdy skeletons buried in the soil, with traces of knife and axe cuts visible on the surface.

The refugees gathered in the White Bone Mountain will not miss any opportunity to make a fortune. If the goddess of luck favors them, they may dig up high-quality blood essence on the roadside.

The guide talked incessantly, introducing local information to Kant, which helped newcomers avoid many detours.

Kant asked about the news related to the local forces from time to time, trying to find clues related to the Black Evil Legion.

However, from beginning to end, he did not mention the Black Evil Legion to avoid alerting the enemy.

The underground passages in Baigushan Mountain are crisscrossed like an ant nest. If you don’t know the specific route, you will most likely get lost after entering.

Without someone to lead him, Kant would inevitably get lost.

As the two walked, they would occasionally come across branch intersections with text and maps carved on bones.

These marks and maps can help you identify your location and avoid being trapped deep underground.

The mark was not officially placed, but was engraved spontaneously by refugees and wild cultivators, just to be able to help more people in need.

In a dangerous environment, helping and supporting each other is the main reason why refugees and wild cultivators survive.

The two continued to move forward, passing through several spacious underground spaces where many refugees and wild cultivators gathered.

Deep underground in the White Bone Mountain, there are also many people doing business and trading, and they will not easily go to the surface.

Living underground for a long time has made their skin as pale as paper.

On a daily basis, these people eat a special kind of mushroom that grows underground, as well as bone-eating insects that live underground, and look for water to drink in underground springs.

"How much further?"


Led by the guide, Kant came to a remote passage, which was also dark and filled with a strange smell of rotting bones and blood.

"That's your new home, go in and see if you like it."

The guide pointed to a cave and said to Kant with a smile, while opening the lock on the door.

Kant smiled slightly, but did not go in to check. Instead, he said to the guide: "It's a bit dark inside the cave, why don't you go in and take a look for me."

The guide's expression froze slightly when he heard this. "I don't see what's the use. This is your room. You have to be satisfied with it."

"I am very satisfied."

The guide's expression was even uglier, but the tunnel was dark and it was impossible to see clearly unless you got close.

"If you are satisfied, you can pay the money, but I must remind you in advance that rental payments are non-refundable."

The guide was afraid that Kant would go back on his word, so he reminded him again, his tone becoming a little cold.

"You can pay, but before that, I hope you can go in and take a look."

Kant spoke in a deep voice, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The guide was silent for a few breaths, then suddenly sneered and looked at Kant with a fierce look.

"He is a very alert fellow, but it is useless. You'd better obey him, or you will suffer a lot."

At this moment, the guide no longer pretended, but revealed his true colors.

The look he gave Kant was like that of a greedy wolf, wanting to devour him skin and bones.

Kant sighed and shook his head slightly.

"I'm curious, do you use the same deception routine on other newcomers?"

The Guide was annoyed when his true identity was revealed, and was full of disdain for Kant's questions.

"There is no such thing as a new or old fool."

Kant wanted to know more information and had enough time to chat with the other party. Although he had noticed something unusual around him, he continued to pretend to be unaware and asked the guide: "Can you tell me what will happen if I enter the house?"

The guide's expression was gloomy, and he became increasingly impatient and disdainful, but this question just made him want to answer.

“It won’t be long before you know the answer, but I don’t mind telling you in advance.

If you enter the cave, you will fall into a coma instantly, and when you wake up, you will enter an unfamiliar mine.

You will be in the mine, digging day and night, and your suffering will end when you become a pile of bones."

Hearing the guide's description, Kant frowned and felt a deep disgust in his heart.

These damn bastards actually specifically bully poor refugees. If there is a glimmer of hope for survival, who would come to the White Bone Mountain to seek a living?

From his tone, you can tell that he has done a lot of wicked things like this and countless people have been deceived and harmed.

At this moment, Kant felt a hint of murderous intent in his heart.

At the same time, several obscure auras appeared around him, all of which contained strong murderous intent.

The guide's accomplices no longer wanted to wait and prepared to subdue and capture Kant.

They were indeed a little surprised that Kant was able to see through the trap and discover the danger hidden in the cave.

In order to avoid any accidents, they decided to wait and see, and only take action after confirming that there were no problems.

But they had no idea that Kant had already discovered them and then determined that there was something wrong in the cave.

In fact, from the very beginning, Kant discovered that there was something wrong with the guide, but he pretended not to know.

For Kant, encountering evil people is a good thing, so that he does not have to worry about taking action.

Unlike ordinary refugees, despicable guys like the Guide would have more valuable information.

Seeing a group of accomplices arriving, the guide showed a ferocious look and pulled out a sharp knife polished with bone jade.

In the dark environment, the bone jade knife released a green light, with a wisp of black smoke lingering on its surface.

Obviously this is a magical weapon. Although the craftsmanship is crude and simple, it is by no means comparable to ordinary weapons.

Looking at the other figures, they were also holding glowing bone weapons and surrounding Kant from different directions.

At this moment, Kant opened his cloak and pulled out a bone jade sword he had bought earlier.

He muttered something, stretched out his finger and touched the blade, and then a red light appeared around the blade.

The guide and his accomplices were slightly startled when they saw this, and immediately had a bad premonition.

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