I have a city in another world

Chapter 6120 Merchants and Relics

Chapter 6120 Merchants and Relics

The cargo ship sailing in the white waves is about forty meters long. It is not too big, but it is full of tightly packed cargo.

It was not just one cargo ship, but a fleet that docked at the newly repaired pier one after another.

Compared with the river, the waters near the dock are wider and deeper, covering an area of ​​at least several dozen hectares.

The ships can dock and turn around without any restrictions, which is enough to meet the current requirements.

If necessary, it can be renovated and expanded in the future.

The boatmen on the cargo ship came from the distant Great Plains. It was their first time to sail here, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

This artificial river is really wide and straight, with a steady flow of water that is suitable for navigation, saving the boatmen a lot of effort.

Both banks are bare, with only the river bank showing green, which seems to spread deep into the wilderness.

After seeing the scenery on both sides of the river, the boatmen finally believed that this place was originally a barren land.

The surging river and the barren banks form a very sharp contrast, which makes people feel very disharmonious.

The desolate and boring scene has gradually changed as we get closer to the Immortal Tower City.

The closer you get to the tower city area, the more green plants you will see, some of which are artificially transplanted and some that grow naturally.

There are many plants among them that the boatmen have never seen before and they have a strong exotic style.

There were also monks in the fleet, who could feel a trace of spiritual energy floating around, nourishing the flowers, plants and trees.

It is a well-known fact that where a tower city is located, there must be spiritual energy gathering.

A high-level tower city can possess high-level spiritual veins, which can help the residents in the tower city to practice.

Refugees are willing to gather outside the city in order to obtain the overflowing spiritual energy, which can nourish their bodies and assist in their spiritual practice.

The Immortal Tower City had just been built, but the concentration of spiritual energy was so high, which was indeed a bit abnormal.

But this is a good thing. The higher the concentration of the overflowing spiritual energy, the greater the benefits to the refugees.

No wonder the vegetation outside the Immortal Tower City is so lush. It will grow better and better in the future.

Every outsider will look at the Immortal Tower City with a scrutinizing eye, and then gradually come to a judgment.

This place is not particularly good, but it is not bad either. At least it is not desolate, and there is no shortage of people. There are activities everywhere outside the city.

The roads in the Immortal Tower City were equally impressive, appearing to be wide and straight, paved in the midst of an endless wilderness.

After the cargo ship docked, staff members took the initiative to come forward to register and count the cargo.

Goods can be sold to the government, sold in the market by yourself, or wholesaled to vendors in the market.

There is no forced buying or selling, and cargo owners can choose freely.

Most cargo owners will choose to sell in bulk. Although the selling price will be lower, they can sell the goods quickly and make more trips in time.

Those who are willing to stay for a long time are basically merchants coming from land, and the goods they bring are more complicated.

Cargo owners can also purchase locally and ship to other places for sale, so they don’t go short of goods and can make extra money.

In the past, the desolate sea areas were barren and had no special products at all.

After the establishment of the Immortal Tower City, the first thing developed was marine products, and various canned foods were produced.

Automatic fishing and processing ships floating in the ocean continuously catch fish, shrimp and various seaweeds, detoxify them and make them into canned seafood, which are then transported to land by cargo airships.

Canned seafood has three uses: some is used to improve meals, some is stored, and most can be sold.

There are two major sales channels. One is distributed to major groups, which then sell them to the group's employees as benefits. While making money, it can also increase loyalty and happiness and cultivate more practitioners.

Another sales channel is to sell within the Fallen War Zone. It can be sold to merchants from all directions, or it can be directly sold to the cornerstone platform.

Selling this kind of canned seafood can not only make money and relieve financial pressure, but also help the Immortal Tower City become famous.

After tasting the canned seafood, every merchant would buy a batch of them before leaving. Although they were available on the cornerstone platform, they were only for the residents of the tower city, and the price was higher.

Residents of Loucheng have to pay some price to enjoy convenience. If they want to reduce costs, they can also try to bypass the cornerstone platform and use traditional methods of transportation.

This kind of transaction method is very common in the world of Tower City, and no one can resist money.

It was not until we started our tour that we discovered that, although it was still under construction, there were still many places to see in the Immortal Tower City.

What you see is not the natural scenery, but the construction scene. You can't see such a lively scene in other places.

The construction of tower cities in other places is carried out inside the tower cities, and outsiders have no chance to witness it.

The outer city construction of other tower cities is not that impressive, and it is even less likely that they will be on the scale of the Immortal Tower City.

With tens of thousands of workers participating and a large number of engineering machinery assisting, this construction scene is unique.

The different types of construction machinery shocked outsiders so much that they often watched silently from the sidelines and marveled in amazement.

Thanks to the spread of foreign merchants, many places around have already known that the Immortal Tower City has various large puppets.

The river roads of the Immortal Tower City and the huge cargo airships are also topics of conversation among businessmen.

When a group of foreign businessmen were visiting, they happened to come across a construction site where something went wrong and workers dug out an ancient building from the ground.

Continuing to excavate in the surrounding area, new buildings were discovered, which were well preserved.

The previous project was temporarily stopped, and the commander sent more workers to participate in the excavation, trying to find out the origins of these underground buildings.

The merchants watched from afar, but did not find it strange. Various ruins were often discovered in the Tower City world, allowing the refugees who dug them to earn some extra income.

Some of these villages and towns are renovated ruins, and most of them retain their original style.

The reason for this is that the vast lands of the major war zones originally belonged to different worlds. In the process of merger and integration, the relics of the original worlds were also preserved.

There are three thousand war zones in the Tower City world, and each war zone has its own characteristics and operating rules.

Some battle zones have wild buildings, some have trial fields, and some have treasure chests and treasure maps everywhere.

The monks in Loucheng are trained through various means, emphasizing the coexistence of risks and opportunities.

How to operate specifically is directly related to the cornerstone platform. If the battle zone ranking is too low, or the cornerstone platform is too poor, there will be basically no additional benefits of this kind.

Releasing monsters in the wild is a must, and it must be done no matter how poor the cornerstone platform is.

According to Tang Zhen's analysis and judgment, the ranking of the Fallen Earth War Zone should be very low, otherwise it would not be so riddled with holes and all kinds of benefits would not be seen.

For Tang Zhen, this is not good news, as it will make the growth of the Immortal Tower City more difficult.

When it comes to things like birth, you often have no choice, and more often than not you have to learn to accept your fate.

Congenital deficiencies can only be compensated for later. Tang Zhen will not complain about his background, and the same goes for the tower city he manages.

Tang Zhen's own background and experience give him enough confidence to rise step by step from the bottom.

Tang Zhen was the first to learn about the discovery of ruins outside the city, but he did not pay much attention to it at first.

But after a while, Tang Zhen received another report indicating that the scale of the ruins far exceeded expectations.

Judging from the current situation, the ruins are most likely a spiritual sect that was buried in dust for some reason.

The monk from Loucheng who was directing the excavation had little relevant experience, so he asked Tang Zhen to go and watch.

To judge the specific value, it is best to determine the origin so that the next plan can be formulated.

If there is value, continue to dig; if there is no value, just give up. If you want to dig out a huge relic, you will inevitably need to spend a lot of material resources and time.

Tang Zhen received the request and decided to take a look.

At the same time, a group of refugees from other places were also silently waiting for Tang Zhen to show up.

(End of this chapter)

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