I have a city in another world

Chapter 6121 Ancient Monuments and Assassination

Chapter 6121 Ancient Monuments and Assassination
On weekdays, Tang Zhen would stay in the city and do various things according to the plan.

Arrange rune arrays, refine various magical instruments, and practice hard to improve your cultivation.

The last time he went out to explore, Tang Zhen clearly realized that his own realm strength was too low.

A cultivator who has just reached level 30, unless he has mastered various top-level techniques, is likely to be beaten to death by higher-level cultivators.

If an unexpected situation occurs, Tang Zhen will have no chance of escaping unscathed and will inevitably pay a heavy price.

After returning to Loucheng, Tang Zhen took immediate action and worked hard to improve his realm of cultivation.

He specially opened up an area inside the Immortal Tower City as a dedicated place for practice.

Top-quality spirit stones were placed all around, and Tang Zhen stood among them, drawing spiritual energy for himself to absorb.

After each practice, there would be spirit stone fragments all over the ground, which was enough to prove that the resource consumption was astonishing.

Few people can afford such an extravagant way of practicing. If Tang Zhen was not eager to improve himself, he would not have adopted such means.

The reason is still related to the Black Evil Legion. Facing powerful enemies that may arrive at any time, it is necessary to improve one's own strength.

The price paid now will be taken back from the Black Evil Legion in the future, and the other side will be made to pay a hundred or a thousand times more.

Tang Zhen knew the secret of cultivation and had a way to create an excellent environment, so his realm was improved immediately.

In just a short period of time, he actually advanced seven levels, a speed that was astonishingly fast.

If this matter were to be spread, I'm afraid not many people would believe it and would just think it was nonsense.

The higher the realm, the slower the improvement. Sometimes, a cultivator can practice for decades without being able to break through one level.

Even if one is an extraordinary genius, it is impossible to advance seven levels in such a short period of time.

Even the cultivator's body and soul cannot bear the forceful improvement through secret methods.

Tang Zhen was also affected and is now in a strange state. On the surface, everything seems normal, but if observed from a special perspective, one will find that the volume of his soul has expanded more than ten times.

It's like a balloon filled with a large amount of flammable gas, which may burst at any time.

The biggest disadvantage of this state is that the practitioner feels extremely painful, as if his soul is being torn apart.

In order to improve his strength, Tang Zhen could only grit his teeth and endure it.

This situation will not last long. When the soul integrates and absorbs the energy, it will return to normal and become stronger and more stable.

After finishing today's training, Tang Zhen left the inner city and headed for the location of the ruins.

Even in the city, Tang Zhen would use the forgetfulness technique to make passers-by ignore his existence.

Improve your proficiency in martial arts and avoid many things from happening.

For example, if someone with malicious intentions wanted to assassinate Tang Zhen, he would find that he had no idea where to start.

They couldn't find Tang Zhen, and couldn't even determine whether this person existed. Under the influence of the forgetfulness technique, anything related to Tang Zhen would become weird.

When Tang Zhen arrived at the scene, he discovered that it was an area with higher terrain that needed to be flattened for construction purposes.

As a result, during the bulldozer process, a large buried building was accidentally discovered. During the subsequent cleaning process, it was found that the scale of this building was quite large.

Preliminary detection using instruments revealed that the building complex covers an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square meters and is completely buried under rubble and sand.

Tang Zhen looked at the building in front of him and felt that some parts were very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he finally confirmed that this was clearly the architectural style of the cultivation system.

To determine which realm it belongs to and which school of thought it belongs to, we need to consult the classics to judge.

If it were in the past, Tang Zhen had his own exclusive cornerstone platform and could access it at any time.

After searching his memory, Tang Zhen did not get the answer.

Judging from its size and shape, this group of buildings should be some kind of spiritual practice sect, but no one knows what kind of accident it encountered.

The ruins are located outside the city and are in an extremely good state of completeness, which is a very rare situation.

According to Tang Zhen's analysis, it was the sect's protective formation that played a role in saving these large buildings from destruction.

Over time, the mud, sand and rubble that buried the building actually had a protective effect.

If it were exposed to the surface, after being exposed to wind and rain for a long time, I am afraid that even the bricks and stones of the foundation would be left.

It is not easy to preserve this relic. Now that it has reappeared in the world, Tang Zhen will definitely not destroy it. Leaving it on the plain outside the city as a leisure landscape may have more value to be utilized.

After making up his mind, Tang Zhen issued a notice requesting that the excavation of the ruins continue.

In the coming period of time, Tang Zhen will continue to pay attention to the excavation progress.

He felt that this relic contained some secrets, and if he slowly explored and searched for them, he might find something unexpected.

After the matter was settled, Tang Zhen prepared to leave quietly without disturbing anyone.

As soon as he left the construction site, Tang Zhen had a strange feeling, as if some strange and powerful existence was staring at him.

It was the first time that Tang Zhen had this feeling, as if he was walking in the silent and deserted night, but was being targeted by a ferocious demon.

The forgetfulness technique seemed to have lost its effect at this moment.

That strong malice made Tang Zhen instantly enter combat state, and he activated the teleportation talisman without hesitation.

A ferocious ghost claw suddenly tore through the space and grabbed towards Tang Zhen fiercely.

In a flash, Tang Zhen teleported successfully and the ferocious ghost claw missed.


A roar came from the void, clearly filled with anger, as if someone had failed to catch his prey.

At the same time, a silver-haired old man standing on a high place had a fierce light flashing in his blood-red eyes.

He stared and looked around, trying to find Tang Zhen's trace, preparing to launch a new round of attack.

There were more than a dozen figures around, dressed in refugee clothing, constantly looking around.

Their eyes were cold, like sharp knives, and they looked like ferocious beasts in human skin.

The attack happened in an instant and in the wilderness outside the city, so no one noticed anything unusual.

The ghost hand flashed again and came to a place a thousand meters away, and continued to grab Tang Zhen who had just appeared.

As if the scene was replaying itself, Tang Zhen teleported away again, causing the enemy's attack to miss.

The silver-haired old man roared angrily. He didn't expect Tang Zhen to be so difficult to kill. A cultivator in his thirties was actually more difficult to deal with than a cultivator in his forties.

This method of continuous teleportation is very effective in counter-assassination and can even avoid attacks from the Demon's Claws.

The silver-haired old man felt a headache. Tang Zhen was far more difficult to deal with than he had imagined. He was definitely a rare and powerful enemy of the Black Evil Legion.

The methods used by Tang Zhen proved that he did have a backer, and it was definitely not an ordinary supernatural organization.

A tower city like the Qunfeng Tower City, or a tower city of a higher level, may not necessarily have such strength and foundation.

It’s normal to think about it. Without strong self-confidence, they would not dare to go to war with the Black Evil Legion.

The silver-haired old man became more and more certain that this assassination attempt was quite correct. If Tang Zhen was allowed to live, it would definitely cause greater losses to the Black Evil Legion.

As soon as he arrived at the Immortal Tower City, the silver-haired old man was thinking about taking action, killing Tang Zhen and then destroying the tower city.

But after searching for a long time, no trace of Tang Zhen was found, as if he did not exist at all.

The intelligence records about Tang Zhen were even more vague, which made it impossible to carry out the assassination operation.

This operation must be successful, otherwise there will be no way to report back and there may even be severe punishment.

The silver-haired old man had no choice but to offer sacrifice to the devil and ask him to help him find Tang Zhen.

The special sacrifice of the Black Evil Monk is a life crystal condensed in the body of a living being using secret techniques. It can be taken out when mature, and the host will die the moment the crystal is taken out.

The first Black Evil Monk Tang Zhen captured disguised himself as an ordinary village woman and killed all the people in the village.

There is only one purpose, to cultivate life crystals and sacrifice them to the devil to gain benefits.

In order to obtain the life crystal, the Black Evil Monk did everything he could, acting madly and cruelly.

The silver-haired old man's sacrifice was successful, and he temporarily obtained the Eye of the Devil, which enabled him to see through everything in the world and lock onto the target he wanted to find.

In the vision of the Demon God's Eye, Tang Zhen's forgetfulness technique failed, and he was targeted and attacked.

(End of this chapter)

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