I have a city in another world

Chapter 6134: The construction site of Loucheng is short of people

Somewhere outside the Immortal Tower City, a large square was built that can be used for take-off and landing of cargo airships.

All kinds of foreign vehicles will stop at the square, and goods will be loaded, unloaded and distributed here.

There is also a parking spot for the cargo airship at the edge of the square. Its huge size carries a strong sense of oppression.

Every newcomer will be shocked by this huge creature that can fly into the sky, and will look at it from time to time.

Every time I look at it, my eyes are filled with wonder and joy.

After living in the Immortal Tower City for a long time, you will get used to the existence of such a huge creature and will not pay too much attention to it on weekdays.

The passenger vehicle carrying the refugees slowly stopped in the center of the square. Refugees dressed in various clothes got off the vehicle and kept looking around.

The scene before my eyes was completely different from that in other tower city territories, as if they belonged to two different worlds.

The simple and beautiful architectural style and the majestic scale of the buildings deeply shocked outsiders.

In such an environment, the refugees felt nervous and inferior, but at the same time full of expectations.

I hope to stay here, start a new life, and live a good life from now on.

As the refugees traveled along the bus, they saw many men and women in work clothes, working in various jobs with smiles on their faces.

That kind of happy expression really can't be faked.

What they saw and heard along the way made the refugees impatient to find a job of their own immediately.

But at the same time, they also feel confused and don’t know what they can do?

The job may seem simple, but it is actually not that simple, and it cannot be done well just by working hard.

Most of the refugees actually only have the physical strength to survive, and very few of them can read and write.

Now I can only wait anxiously for arrangements, hoping for a good result.

They were not the only refugees on the wide square. Some refugees had arrived earlier and were registering their identities and waiting for arrangements.

The vehicles transporting the refugees returned along the original route, ready to pick up the next wave of passengers.

A staff member came up to give instructions and told everyone what to do, and soon the team was lined up.

Register your identity, take a photo in front of the machine, and then insert your arm into the hole of the machine.

When he pulled his hand out again, he found a ring on his wrist with clear information written on it.

This ring can prove your identity, but it will also allow you to be located and tracked.

If you appear in a place where you shouldn’t be, the device will automatically sound an alarm and expel or warn the violator.

Facts are sufficient to prove that the restraining effect of the ring is excellent.

After putting on the ring, no one will run around and get themselves into trouble.

After obtaining legal status, you will have to undergo three days of recovery training before you can be assigned a job.

On the first day, I changed clothes, took a shower, took anthelmintics, and after eating a full stomach, I went to the super large dormitory to rest.

Many outsiders have traveled thousands of miles, and are all exhausted and tired.

They must not be allowed to rush into work, but rather they must be allowed to recover and understand the rules of the Immortal Tower City.

The environment of the Immortal Tower City is special and has many differences from the outside world, so it is necessary to let newcomers understand it clearly.

The refugees can take this opportunity to ask any questions they have and get correct answers.

The issue that refugees are most concerned about is whether they can get housing and what price they have to pay.

You definitely won’t get it if you just arrive. You have to work for a certain period of time and pass the inspection and review before you can get it.

When the Immortal Tower City recruits workers, not just any ugly person will be accepted, and not just any person can get a house.

The staff in charge of training took this opportunity to encourage everyone to do their job well.

After all, one's attitude affects one's future happiness. Those who are cunning and deceitful will be driven out of this city sooner or later.

After the three-day training, the refugees can go to different jobs and earn money through work.

There are many places that need people, and because there are many projects under construction at the same time, there are busy figures in and outside the city. The lively working scene makes the refugees yearn for it more and more, hoping to join it as soon as possible.

A car entered the training center and a female monk in uniform walked over with her assistant.

The nun was not very old, but she had a dignity that could not be underestimated. It was obvious that she was a person of status.

Many refugees watched secretly, and the young ones developed admiration and desire, fantasizing that one day they would be favored by the beauty.

However, the older people are very clear that the gap between the two sides is as huge as the universe, and they don't even engage in unrealistic fantasies.

Lin Yue came to the personnel training center and found the person in charge, hoping that her department would be given priority when allocating workers.

Since she took office, she has been very busy, having completed the river excavation and now started the woodland greening.

He built a large rune formation outside the city, arranged auxiliary formation nodes in the wilderness, dug canals and lakes, and planted flowers and grass every day. He had almost no idle time.

The hard work was not in vain, the city was changing and developing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the concentration of spiritual energy gradually reached the minimum standard set by Tang Zhen.

Once the standards are met, Tang Zhen will provide a batch of seeds to make the scene of the Neon City appear in the wasteland.

Lin Yue has always missed the beautiful scenery of her hometown. It would be great if she could replicate it in another world.

The vine fruit wine from another world might taste more mellow.

As the number of projects increases, the manpower is gradually insufficient. Although reinforcements are made every once in a while, they still cannot meet the demand.

The number of refugees is limited. So far, the number of refugees outside the city is less than 100,000.

Among these 100,000 refugees, only 70% are able to work, and the rest are unable to work for various reasons.

They are either engaged in other jobs, or are old, weak, sick or disabled, and are idle people who consume resources.

They also have some value, but it is not very obvious, but it is an important part of the social family structure.

There are such people in every city and country, and similar situations are inevitable. The same is true for the Immortal Tower City.

When the whole city began to be built and all departments were operating at full capacity, tens of thousands of workers were indeed not enough to be distributed.

Every department in Loucheng faces the problem of staff shortage, and supervisors come to ask for people from time to time.

Lin Yue came this time and wanted to take away a thousand workers. Upon hearing her request, the supervisor in charge of training smiled bitterly.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to help, it’s just that he really can’t do it.

Although refugees arrive every day, they come in groups here and there, and their total number is not large.

There are too many places to hire people, so they can only be distributed evenly. It is impossible for Lin Yue to take them all away alone.

After a tour around the training center and failing to achieve the expected goals, Lin Yue had no choice but to think of other methods.

It is definitely not possible to borrow people from other departments as there is an urgent shortage of staff at the moment.

If you help others, your own things will be delayed.

Instead of wasting time trying to recruit more people, it is better to solve the problem from the root and find ways to recruit more people.

By talking with the refugees, Lin Yue learned about the conditions in other territories, which were far more chaotic and worse than she had imagined.

Anyone who can come to the Immortal Tower City must have great courage and perseverance.

Although most of the refugees and cultivators had heard rumors about the Immortal Tower City, only a very small number of them could muster up the courage to embark on an unknown and dangerous journey.

The journey is long and arduous, and if an unexpected situation occurs, there is a high possibility of death on the journey.

At the same time, you have to take risks. What if the place you go is different from the rumors? What should you do then?
If you want to solve the manpower problem, you can be more proactive, such as recruiting from other places, and then using cargo airships to transport them back to the Immortal Territory.

However, this will require facing many problems.

The first is the increase in labor costs. Whether it is operating this matter or dispatching a cargo airship for transportation, it is a considerable expense.

Going to other places to recruit people is likely to be met with hostility from other tower cities, who will regard it as an act of provocation.

Refugees can leave the territory on their own, and the various tower cities will not deliberately restrict them. However, if they are taken away in large numbers by outsiders, some tower city monks will inevitably regard it as a provocation.

(End of this chapter)

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