I have a city in another world

Chapter 6136 Hai Lianfeng's Ecstasy

In the early morning of Yulanlou City, there is always a strange fragrance floating around, which is said to come from a giant oil lamp.

It is located in the square in front of the tower city. It is divided into nine layers, with a total of eighty-one petals, and there is an oil lamp on the top of each petal.

The shape is simple and strange, and it is spectacular to watch.

Giant oil lamps are lit in the early morning, but only burn for one hour to please the gods being worshipped.

When the lights were burning, the fragrance floated everywhere, and not only the residents of the city could smell it, but also the refugees outside the city could smell the fragrance.

Taking a breath of the aroma, you will feel relaxed and refreshed, as if your soul has been cleansed.

Houses close to the peaks and towers became more and more popular, simply because they could enjoy more and richer aromas.

In the past, these good places were completely controlled by the reserved residents, and ordinary refugees were not even qualified to get close.

Recently, a major event occurred in Yulanlou City. It is said that even more than half of the Yulan statue collapsed.

For unknown reasons, many of the prospective residents who originally occupied the prime locations outside the city were severely punished, some even had their status as prospective residents revoked, and some were even directly expelled from the country.

This major event caused quite a stir, and many people were speculating on the cause.

Not long after, another piece of news came, which completely aroused public anger.

In order to control the number of people admitted to the tower city, these despicable prospective residents even deliberately taught incorrect techniques for carving statues of gods.

Due to serious errors, this kind of statue cannot communicate with the gods, and no matter how devoutly one recites the scriptures, no response will be received.

After the news spread, those devout believers almost went crazy. They were filled with rage and wanted to tear the mastermind behind the scenes into pieces.

However, the believers had no way to vent their anger. Yulanlou City did not allow chaos to occur, and violators would be severely punished.

Not to mention that many of the reserve residents successfully landed and became official residents of Yulanlou City.

They are the masterminds behind the incident and the biggest beneficiaries, and have not been greatly affected by this incident.

Those unfortunate people who were disqualified and deported were just scapegoats chosen.

With their support behind them, the residents will not suffer much harm. They should keep a low profile as much as possible and endure this period. Sooner or later, they will have a chance to make a comeback.

The truly sober people have been watching from the sidelines and are not prepared to participate in this farce.

They knew very well that the top leaders of Yulanlou City should have known about this long before this incident happened.

But from beginning to end, they didn't react at all, as if they were completely unaware of it.

The punishment of Yulanlou City is more like using the reserve residents as a punching bag and then giving an explanation to the angry gods.

The specific situation has little to do with ordinary refugees. Their anger doesn’t mean much, and no one will pay attention to them even if they shout at the top of their lungs.

The days were still the same as usual, and there seemed to be no big difference. The houses occupied by the prospective residents also showed no signs of being sold and still belonged to the group that was temporarily dormant.

In a small courtyard in the city, a girl is carving a statue of a god.

There was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting the girl's work. She put down the carving knife in her hand and slowly opened the closed door.

A young man appeared in front of him, his eyes calm and deep, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Hello, I'm here to see someone."

Kant introduced himself and said the code word they had agreed upon.

The girl immediately realized that the young man in front of her was related to Tang Zhen, and quickly let him into the yard.

Thanks to Tang Zhen's guidance and her hard work over the past period of time, the girl has been able to carve high-quality statues.

Many refugees paid money to order it, and this skill alone was enough to ensure they had food and clothing.

Although the girl's relatives were rebels captured by Qunfenglou City, she never got too involved in the matter.

He just acts as a contact person, sitting quietly in his own yard every day, as if this is an independent world.

The girl sent out a notice and invited Kant to sit down and ask about the news related to Tang Zhen. Tang Zhen's identity was top secret and could not be known to Hai Lianfeng for the time being, so it was useless for the girl to ask.

Not long after, the bald old man who was rescued by Tang Zhen walked into the yard with the purpose of verifying Kant's identity.

The bald old man originally thought that Kant came here to collect the remaining debt, but after the two sides talked, he found that this trip actually had another purpose.

Not long after, the bald old man could no longer sit still and sent a message to Hai Lianfeng to come in person.

There are really some things that he cannot make the decision on, and the leader must make the decision himself.

Without waiting too long, Hai Lianfeng quickly arrived and began formal negotiations with Kant.

Another hour later, Hai Lianfeng, with a happy look on his face, politely saw Kant off.

Hai Lianfeng and the bald old man rushed to a secret location, which was the real headquarters of their organization.

The core members arrived soon and talked about their cooperation with Kant, and stated that the other party belonged to the organization behind Tang Zhen.

The last time Tang Zhen came, he caused everyone to speculate that there was a powerful organization behind him.

If we can establish contact and get their help, we can take revenge on the Qunfeng Tower City.

Unexpectedly, not long after, Tang Zhen actually took the initiative to send someone over, and the first thing he brought was a generous gift.

Kant came this time to collect the remaining debt from last time and to sell a large number of magic weapons and equipment.

The price is very fair and it is the type that is out of stock, so you may not be able to buy it even if you have money.

High-level magic weapons and equipment have always been in the hands of major building cities, and their outflow is strictly controlled to avoid causing harm to the building cities.

Only a very small portion of the weapons and magic tools of the refugees and wild cultivators came from Loucheng, and the rest were leaked out due to various accidents.

Most of the weapons and magic tools are made by wild cultivators themselves, the quality varies greatly, and the prices are outrageously high.

Hai Lianfeng and others were quite speechless about this situation. They were all monks in Loucheng and had never faced such an embarrassing environment. This also led to the delay of the revenge action.

Without suitable skills and equipment, no matter how high the practitioner's level is, he will not be able to fully exert his strength.

The solution is also very simple, either purchase it from outside or collect materials and refine it yourself.

If you want to buy from outside, you have to bear the high price and the quality cannot be guaranteed.

If you want to refine it yourself, you must collect extraordinary materials and master the corresponding skills.

This is easy to say but extremely difficult to achieve. Any extraordinary skill is easy to learn but difficult to master. Without sufficient talent and a lot of resources, it is difficult to achieve anything.

The high fees for refining equipment and elixirs are to recover the initial investment costs. Many people think this is outrageous and unaffordable, but in fact they do not understand how much consumption is involved.

A cultivation sect of average strength can only support one or two alchemists or weapon refiners. If the number is more, the cultivation of the entire sect will be affected.

The sect is a melon vine and the craftsmen are the fruits. One or two fruits are fine, but too many will definitely cause problems.

Melon farmers will not allow this, but will take the initiative to pinch off the tips and remove the vines to ensure the normal growth of the fruits and melons.

Hai Lianfeng and others also tried to train various craftsmen themselves, but they gave up in the end.

He was no longer the Lord of Qunfeng City and could not control too many resources. He could not afford the cost of training craftsmen.

Not to mention that there are not many talented people, and the group of monks following him are not that kind of people.

Hai Lianfeng thought of many ways, but unfortunately he could not solve the problem, which made him feel very frustrated and depressed.

He never dreamed that the big problem that gave him a headache could be solved in this way.

Without any effort, weapons and equipment are delivered directly to your doorstep, and Hai Lianfeng just needs to pay and pick up the goods.

After repeatedly confirming that there were no problems, Hai Lianfeng's heart was filled with ecstasy. He must seize this rare opportunity to get back everything that belonged to him.

(End of this chapter)

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