I have a city in another world

Chapter 6137 The Manipulator Behind the Scenes


In an unnamed valley in the wilderness, a group of black-robed monks gathered here, silently waiting for a transaction.

Hai Lianfeng had a blank expression on his face, but he was a little nervous, fearing that the other party would not arrive.

This secret transaction is extremely important to Hai Lianfeng as it concerns his plan of revenge.

A good cook cannot cook without rice. Hai Lianfeng had a lot of action plans, but he was unable to execute them due to the lack of key materials.

Although it is possible to move, the chances of winning are very slim and it is just a waste of time.

Hai Lianfeng doesn't have many trump cards, so he must be cautious enough. Once he fails, it will be difficult to recover.

Tonight, the biggest problem will be solved, and he will have the power to seek justice from his enemies.

When the agreed time came, several figures suddenly appeared, all wearing black cloaks, and divine sense could not penetrate them at all.

Kant stood at the first place and greeted Hai Lianfeng and others, and the transaction started directly.

A large number of magical instruments and equipment, as well as elixirs and talismans, were all handed over to Hai Lianfeng.

The spiritual energy coins owed by Hai Lianfeng will be settled in one lump sum this time, and half of the payment for the goods will be paid.

Wait until the next transaction to pay the remaining balance and conduct a new transaction.

One hand handed over the money and the other hand over the goods. Both parties completed the handover and confirmed that there were no problems.

Before leaving, Kant quietly told Hai Lianfeng that the next transaction would be held in the Qunfeng Territory.

This is telling Hai Lianfeng that he must take action against Qunfenglou City, otherwise the next transaction will not be possible.

Hailian Peak’s entry into the Qunfeng Territory means that war is inevitable, which is also the result that Tang Zhen wants.

Hai Lianfeng knew this clearly. Whether he was willing or not, this war had to be fought.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable with being forced, this was indeed what he wanted. He thought about regaining the lost throne of city lord every day and every night.

Now that he has someone to support him, he will become more confident. If he misses the precious opportunity because of hesitation, Hai Lianfeng will never forgive himself.

After the transaction was completed, Hai Lianfeng and his gang returned to their base and began to distribute the equipment.

After the distribution is completed, they will also embark on the journey to make their years of hard work bear fruit.

This time all members have to be mobilized, instead of dispersing and hiding like in the past. Success would be great, but if we fail we can all move together.

We must not stay in or return to the Yulanlou City stronghold, otherwise it is likely to be discovered and destroyed by the enemy.

If there is any secret communication between the two tower cities, Yulan Tower City is very likely to launch an attack.

Capture Hai Lianfeng's men and use them as bargaining chips.

A former city lord who has fled has a very high value, far exceeding the amount of the reward offered by the cornerstone platform.

Having it in hand can have many uses.

Hai Lianfeng also knew that if he still held on to his luck, Tang Zhen's men would report it without anyone else's help, letting Yulanlou City know about this secret location.

Only when there is no way out will you choose to go all out.

As dawn was about to arrive, a large group of people quietly left Yulanlou City and soon disappeared at the end of the wilderness road.

By the time the sun rose, the group had walked a long way and barely left the control area of ​​Yulanlou City.

Due to the large number of people, the progress was slow and it would probably take a long time to reach the Qunfeng Tower City.

This is definitely not a good idea. Not only will it delay the speed of action, but it is also likely that unexpected situations will occur during the process.

Many of their group of people were on the wanted list of the Keystone Platform, which was related to a large bounty from the Qunfenglou City.

If we are discovered, attacked or reported to Qunfenglou City, it will inevitably affect the action plan.

After discussing with his men, Hai Lianfeng decided to act separately. He led his men to Qunfenglou City first.

Dispersing the team can effectively reduce attention and greatly improve safety.

There are many accomplices lurking inside the Qunfeng Territory, and Hai Lianfeng must go there personally to activate them.

If other subordinates were to go instead, the situation might not be effective and they might even be treasonous and captured by the enemy in exchange for a bounty.

In the eyes of many people, Hai Lianfeng is just a lost dog, and there is no way he can be a match for the current city lord. They may ignore Hai Lianfeng because of their past friendship, but they will never easily join him to fight against Qunfenglou City.

There are also some guys who may have already changed their hearts and betrayed, and Hailianfeng is their bargaining chip to make a fortune.

Distinguishing between loyalty and treachery, good and evil, and how to grasp and integrate scattered forces are the difficult problems that Hai Lianfeng needs to face.

After the discussion was complete, Hai Lianfeng took out a land-based flying boat and led a group of his men to speed away.

Hai Lianfeng didn't know that every move of him and his monks was actually under Tang Zhen's control.

From the moment the transaction was carried out, there was an invisible spaceship monitoring the sky, always following the members of Hai Lianfeng's group.

Firstly, it is for supervision, and secondly, it is to provide protection to avoid being killed before it succeeds.

Hai Lianfeng's action this time was tantamount to jumping into a tiger's den to provoke. If one is not careful, the whole group will be wiped out.

Tang Zhen must ensure that Hailian Peak will not be destroyed, and at the same time have the strength to fight against Qunfenglou City.

He couldn't take action himself, for fear of angering the Qunfeng Tower City and causing them to turn around and attack the Immortal Territory.

Tang Zhen is not afraid of fighting, but it will cause a lot of trouble.

What we can do now is to provide weapons and equipment secretly, or launch a fatal attack at a critical moment.

If Hai Lianfeng had the means, he would be able to seize this opportunity, otherwise he would only become a pawn.

In the plan formulated by Tang Zhen, Hai Lianfeng was responsible for acting as the pioneer at the beginning, causing changes in the Qunfeng territory.

When the chaos happened, when Tang Zhen sent people to take action again, the blame would be borne by Hai Lianfeng and his gang.

When the chaos intensifies and people become panic-stricken, the Black Evil Legion will inevitably enter the scene.

Through the intelligence collected, it can be determined that the Black Evil Monks like chaotic environments the most, which makes it convenient for them to take action, and no one will care no matter how many lives they harvest.

Even if they discovered the Black Evil monks, most supernatural organizations had no intention of managing them, or chose to stay away from them and did not dare to provoke the Black Evil Legion at all.

The stench released by chaos and war is the favorite smell of vulture flies. Since the other party is slow to take action, Tang Zhen must give a push in secret.

In such a perfect environment, the Black Evil Monk will definitely not sit idly by and will inevitably get involved.

According to Tang Zhen's plan, the Qunfeng Territory was a trap that would attract and trap the Black Evil Legion.

He would seize the opportunity to completely eliminate this dangerous hidden danger and not give the other party a chance to turn the tables.

Instead of guarding against thieves for a thousand days, it is better to proactively lay bait and launch an all-out attack.

Tang Zhen has another purpose, which he cannot tell to outsiders, otherwise it will inevitably cause an uproar.

He wanted to take this opportunity to set up a great god-killing formation specifically for hunting down the Black Evil Demon.

Others might think that Tang Zhen was crazy and was courting death by daring to do such a dangerous and impossible thing.

Tang Zhen knew very well that he had the technique to kill gods, and it was efficient and feasible.

In the eyes of most monks, gods are unattainable and invincible.

Tang Zhen knew very well that gods were divided into different levels, and some false gods dared to call themselves gods.

Even if one has condensed the divine nature, it does not mean that one is invincible. If one masters the corresponding means, ants and mice can still kill the colossus.

In this game, Tang Zhen should not be a mouse or an ant, but a carefully selected heavy armor-piercing bomb.

If a blow hits a vital point, even a god will lose his life.

If the operation to kill the gods was successful, it would be great. However, Tang Zhen also knew that these gods had their own ways of preserving their lives, and the chances of successfully killing them were not very high.

His goal is to severely damage the demon god, obtain a part of the shattered body of the god, and then use the rules to crack the artifact to extract the origin of the god.

Once he has sufficient origin, Tang Zhen can let go and do what he wants.

Besides, what he was doing was to help the Fallen Earth War Zone eliminate hidden dangers. Once the action was successful, the Fallen Earth platform would have to give rewards.

Tang Zhen doesn't care about the platform rewards, but he knows that after making great contributions, the cornerstone platform's evaluation and authority of him will increase accordingly.

After your own level is upgraded, your treatment will also increase. If you want to make any moves on the Falling Earth platform, you must think carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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