I have a city in another world

Chapter 6138 Hai Lianfeng's Curiosity

Chapter 6138 Hai Lianfeng's Curiosity
While Tang Zhen was practicing, he had been paying attention to the developments of the Qunfeng Tower City.

Hai Lianfeng's actions were indeed swift. In less than ten days, he quickly gathered a large number of people.

As the former lord of Qunfeng Tower City, Hai Lianfeng seems to be down and out, but in fact he still has some hidden cards.

For this operation, Hai Lianfeng has played all his cards and is determined to win in the end.

If this operation fails, not only will he have no chance of turning things around, he might even lose his life.

In order to be safe, Hai Lianfeng conducted a careful study and finally chose a marginal city close to the mountain and tower city and the sea as the target.

At the same time, he also heard that there was a first-level building city built on the seashore of the wasteland, which was said to have a strong background.

The victory over Shanling Tower City in the first battle made Qunfeng Tower City feel wary. They are now secretly investigating the background but have no plans to take action.

Hai Lianfeng couldn't help but wonder, could the group of mysterious monks who helped him be related to the Immortal Tower City?

Since there is hatred between the two tower cities, it is natural for the Immortal Tower City to take action in secret.

Although he had his suspicions, he had no evidence.

If this is true, it would be a good thing, as we can use the Immortal Tower City to gain more benefits.

The Immortal Tower City is not involved in this matter, so it doesn't matter either. You can send someone to contact them and ask for support, or ask the Immortal Tower City to remain neutral.

If something unexpected happens and you have to evacuate, evacuating by sea is the best option.

If we travel by land, we will be caught up by the enemy sooner or later, but there will be no such worry if we enter the ocean.

Of course, a batch of ships must be prepared secretly to avoid being caught off guard at the critical moment.

There is actually another reason for choosing a direction close to the coast.

The current Lord of Shanlinglou City is actually a loyal subordinate of Hailianfeng, but he has always hidden his identity and has never been discovered by the Lord of Qunfeng City.

Fortunately, he hid very well, otherwise he would have been replaced and killed long ago.

The lord of this level 4 tower city is Hai Lianfeng's biggest hidden trump card and the key to his turnaround.

Although there is only one level difference between the fourth-level tower city and the fifth-level tower city, there is a huge gap in strength.

The fourth-level building city is in the rising stage and is not perfect in all aspects, but the fifth-level building city is on the verge of transformation.

After crossing this threshold, you can go to the heavens and all realms and fulfill the true responsibilities of Loucheng.

If the two sides were to fight each other, the fourth-level tower city would not be able to defeat the fifth-level tower city and would inevitably end up in failure.

But if this fourth-level city chooses to launch an unexpected attack, there is a great chance of success.

Although it cannot destroy the fifth-level city, it can still cause severe damage and narrow the gap between the two sides.

If we get more help, we will be qualified to fight on equal terms with the fifth-level building city, and may even win the final victory.

It would be great if you could succeed in one strike, but if you can't do that, there's no need to worry too much. Just maintain a standoff.

Hailianfeng will try every possible means to continuously increase his own bargaining chips until the balance of victory tilts towards him.

At the same time, he also realized that the current situation was very bad. Some subordinates who he once thought would not betray him now had other ideas.

They all appear loyal in front of Hai Lianfeng, but perhaps only they themselves know the real thoughts in their hearts.

Hai Lianfeng knew very well that these traitors were actually worried that they did not have enough strength to capture him, otherwise many people would take action.

Exchange his head for a bright future and wealth.

Although he was angry in his heart, Hai Lianfeng remained calm on the surface and continued to maintain his relationship with his former subordinates.

Don't fall out with each other for the time being; there is still a chance for cooperation. If you make things clear directly, you will only become enemies and fight each other from now on.

For Hai Lianfeng, this approach is not advisable and will only put him in a difficult situation.

In fact, most people's idea is to go with the flow and follow whoever has a higher chance of winning, rather than foolishly going down a single path to the end.

If Hai Lianfeng has the upper hand and has the hope of retaking the tower city, he will surely be followed by many people. But if he does not have the upper hand and is beaten by the tower city and forced to flee in a panic, outsiders will surely avoid him as much as possible, fearing that he will be harmed.
There will also be black-hearted people who will take advantage of this opportunity to add insult to injury.

After experiencing ups and downs, Hai Lianfeng now lives a clear-headed life. If he had not experienced this rough experience and still served as the Lord of Qunfeng City, he would definitely not have so many insights into life.

After discussing with Shanlinglou City, Hailianfeng decided to raise an army three days later and declare war on Qunfenglou City.

Then, they occupied several cities on the edge of the territory as quickly as possible, forming a line of defense against the peaks and towers.

Once the action plan is completed, Hailian Peak can use the defense line to hold out against the counterattack of Qunfenglou City.

He then contacted Tang Zhen for a second transaction to purchase more weapons and supplies.

By using war to support war, they acquired a large amount of wealth until they completely occupied the territory of the peaks.

The Lord of Mountain City suggested to build good relations with Immortal Tower City. In order to avoid attacks from behind, it would be best to go to Immortal Tower City in person.

First, show sincerity, show that both sides are friends rather than enemies, and take this opportunity to seek an alliance.

Hai Lianfeng listened decisively to the advice of the Lord of Mountain City, as he knew that the other party was a local tyrant and knew the most correct way to operate.

Both parties are on the same boat. If one suffers, all will suffer. If one prospers, all will prosper. As this concerns his life and property, the Lord of the Hilltop City must make the best choice.

When he arrived at the mountaintop city, he found that the outer city area was quite lively and prosperous, comparable to a fifth-level city.

After careful inquiry, we found out that many of the refugees were just passers-by who were only staying in the mountain city for a short time.

In a day or two at most, the refugees will continue to move forward and head directly to the Immortal Tower City.

Hai Lianfeng knew very well that the places where refugees gathered were often prosperous and wealthy places.

A newly built city-town actually attracted countless refugees. It must have something special about it.

Hai Lianfeng really wanted to know what was so special about the Immortal Tower City. If he could find the answer, perhaps he would get some unexpected gains.

When the two sides were discussing how to deal with the Immortal Tower City, a subordinate suddenly reported something.

The Immortal Tower City sent an envoy to lease a piece of land, but the specific reason was not given.

The idea of ​​leasing land had never existed before, and the city's supervisors didn't dare to make the decision.

If it is anything else, you can just refuse it directly, but if it is related to the Immortal Tower City, then you must not take it lightly.

The previous experiences made the residents of Mountain Tower City very clear that Immortal Tower City was definitely a tough nut to crack.

If you offend the other party, something might happen and you will be the one who suffers.

Therefore, the matter was reported to the Lord of Mountain City as soon as possible, and he would decide how to deal with it.

Upon hearing about this, Hai Lianfeng decided to follow and watch to see what the Immortal Tower City was planning.

In the reception room of Mountain Tower City, the two met the envoy from Immortal Tower City. The envoy was wearing a decent suit. They couldn't figure out what the suit was made of, but they knew it must be worth a lot of money.

He was wearing several personal items, which were obviously magical instruments or treasures, but I don't know what their purpose was.

A practitioner's magical equipment represents his or her own background and is proof of wealth that outsiders can see at a glance.

People in the world despise the poor and love the rich, and the same is true for monks. If you are dressed in rags, there will definitely be people who look down on you.

Hai Lianfeng watched silently and nodded secretly in his heart.

This immortal tower city obviously has no shortage of wealth, and there must be a powerful backer behind it.

It is like the son of a wealthy family, who, although he has no ability to make money, is given gifts by his elders out of gratitude.

Looking at the envoy from Loucheng again, his demeanor was calm and gentle, yet he carried an aura of majesty that made no one dare to underestimate him.

After the two sides met, they exchanged a few polite words, and then the envoy from the Immortal Tower City stated his purpose.

A large piece of land needs to be leased for growing various crops to alleviate the impending food crisis.

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