I have a city in another world

Chapter 6146 Rescue and Persuasion

Chapter 6146 Rescue and Persuasion

The arrogant and conceited group of bandits were now running away in panic, avoiding the attacks from a distance.

They did not see the enemy, but suffered heavy casualties, and their accomplices' lives were constantly being harvested.

The bandits had seen many dead people, but they had never seen such a brutal death, where the body was not left intact.

The body was broken into pieces and could not be put back together.

The gangsters thought they were very brutal, but now they realized that they were still a level below the norm.

Killing the enemy is like smashing a watermelon, smashing him into pieces. That is true cruelty and ruthlessness.

When the bandit leader was beheaded and his head rolled on the ground, the remaining bandits completely collapsed.

They cried loudly for mercy, or ran away like crazy. Some bandits held the villagers hostage, roaring and threatening to massacre the entire village if the attack continued.

The situation on the battlefield was extremely chaotic, but the sound of gunfire never stopped. It was as if the bullets had eyes and continued to reap the lives of the remaining bandits.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the villagers had already hidden in secluded corners to avoid being accidentally killed in the chaos.

A dozen bandits rushed out of the village, rode on their horses and galloped all the way, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Although two gangsters were killed during the incident, the remaining gangsters managed to escape.

It is not known whether the dozen or so bandits who escaped were due to negligence or were let go on purpose to prevent them from becoming desperate and choosing to die with the villagers.

It is also possible that some fish were left behind deliberately to make the villagers worry and fear.

The remaining group of bandits were not so lucky and were killed in a rush.

Seeing all the bandits dead, the villagers finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked outside the village curiously.

Although the crisis was resolved, the villagers were still worried, not knowing whether the reinforcements outside the village were enemies or friends.

Although the gangsters were killed, it does not mean that they are harmless. Maybe it was just a gang-eating-gang operation.

I hope I won’t be so unlucky.

Under the anxious gaze of the villagers, a group of men and women in white clothes slowly walked over from not far away.

Although they were carrying various weapons and had just experienced a battle, everyone's expressions were very calm.

Seeing these gentle faces, the villagers, who were originally nervous, gradually put their minds at ease.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people. We saw the bandits attacking the village, so we helped them."

The man in the lead spoke to the villagers in a local accent, and the content of his words made the villagers feel relieved.

Just not a gangster.

But the next words made the villagers nervous again, and deep panic surged in their hearts.

“You may not know that the situation is far more serious than imagined. The flames of war will soon spread to the Qunfeng Territory, and every refugee city will not be spared.

Including the peaks and towers city, war is also unavoidable.

You are in a very dangerous situation in the Qunfeng Territory, and you may lose your life at any time due to an accident."

"Besides, those bandits who escaped may come back at any time for revenge. When that happens, how will you deal with it?"

The villagers who escaped death agreed with this statement, but at the same time they became even more worried and uneasy.

“Is there a solution?”

Suddenly a voice was heard, and no one knew who was asking the question, but it happened to be what the villagers were thinking at the moment.

They all pricked up their ears and looked at the man in white robe who was speaking.

“Of course there is a way to solve it. We can go to the Immortal Territory and avoid this disaster.

It's not a battlefield, and the strength there is so strong that no bandits dare to provoke them.

Today, the Immortal Territory is recruiting a large number of workers. Not only are the wages generous, but free food is also provided, and they can even get new houses in the outer city.

And they can come and go freely without any restrictions.”

The man in white robes described the benefits of the Immortal Territory in vivid detail, which made the villagers involuntarily yearn for it.

"Once the war reaches the village, not only will your homes be destroyed, but you may even lose your lives. Why don't you leave with me, or go to the Immortal Territory by yourself, where you can avoid the harm of the war and earn some money, and then return home after the war is over."

When the villagers heard this, they were actually tempted, but they were also worried that they were being cheated.

What if the man in white robe had malicious intentions? Wouldn't they fall into a trap? Then, wouldn't they be helpless and could only wait for death in despair?

As if he could see the villagers' worry, the man in white robe chuckled and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, everyone. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have rescued you just now.

I can also take action right now and kill you like killing chickens and dogs. Who can resist?"

The villagers were startled, but had to admit that what the man in white robe said was true.

Killing a group of villagers is easier than killing a group of bandits.

Seeing the villagers fall silent, the man in white robe sighed softly and showed a helpless expression.

The villagers' performance seemed to disappoint him greatly.

“It’s okay if you don’t believe me, you can go and find out for yourself, and then you’ll know I’m not trying to trick you.

If you change your mind, you can go to the nearest ferry, where there are passenger and cargo ships to the Immortal Territory.

Or you can find a caravan and ask if they are going to the Immortal Territory. If it is on the way, they will naturally take you there.

You don’t need to worry about the travel expenses. Once you arrive at the Immortal Territory, the officials will help pay for it, so you don’t need to spend a penny extra.”

When the villagers heard this, they were shocked and surprised again. They didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

In recent times, there have been more and more rumors about the Immortal Territory, and many of the contents seem outrageous and unbelievable.

Although the villagers were curious and envious, not many of them actually set out there.

After all, the journey is long and various accidents may occur along the way. Although the village homes are poor, they are safe enough.

But now, the war has made their homeland no longer safe, and the temptation of the Immortal Territory has increased again.

What happened today has made many villagers think about whether they should take a long journey away from home.

The man in white robe waved his hand, turned around and left with his companions, with no intention of staying any longer.

Although he saved the villagers, he did not repay the favor and provided some advice to the villagers in trouble.

Whether the villagers listened or not was their own business, and the man in white robe had done his best.

Seeing the man in white robe leave, some villagers looked ashamed. They had received life-saving grace but had not given anything in return, and instead questioned the other party's kindness.

The uneasy and ashamed villagers did not know the true identity of the man in white robe, otherwise they would understand why he praised the Immortal Territory so much.

The man in white robe and a group of companions all came from the Immortal Territory, just to recruit refugees to go to the wasteland sea.

There are rewards for their work, and the better they do, the richer the rewards. If they perform well enough, they even have the opportunity to become residents of the building city.

The status of a resident of Loucheng is out of reach, and people dare not expect too much. The status of a resident of an outer city is enough to make them go all out.

Working for the Immortal Tower City not only earns you a generous salary, but also provides you with excellent equipment. Most importantly, you can earn points and exchange them for extraordinary materials that ordinary people simply cannot access.

For refugees, these are truly valuable things, good things that they may not be able to buy even if they have money.

Possessing these extraordinary items would qualify one to change his or her destiny, and every refugee would not miss this precious opportunity.

During this operation, members of each team are doing their best to find ways to recruit more people.

Although the start is difficult, the situation will gradually improve. As the situation in the Peaks Territory gradually worsens, more and more refugees will choose to go to the Immortal Tower City.

Those who are aware of this are now just working hard, waiting for rich results in the future.

They roamed around the Peaks Territory, constantly looking for opportunities to promote the benefits of the Immortal Territory.

During this period, they encountered bandits many times, but relying on their sophisticated weapons and equipment, they defeated the enemies and made them flee every time.

Unknowingly, the reputation of the Immortal Tower City became more and more famous.

News came from the Immortal Territory that some refugees from the peaks had followed the caravans and fleets, traveling thousands of miles to the desert sea.

After a period of time, when the chaos intensifies, more refugees from the peaks will surely come here.

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