I have a city in another world

Chapter 6147: Surprise for the Stranger

Chapter 6147: Surprise for the Stranger
As the river entered the Immortal Territory, the water surface immediately became wide and calm, giving the passengers on the boat a feeling of relief.

Various types of sailboats, as well as large and small boats driven by special methods, are sailing in the blue waves.

Ships come from all over the world and continue to move forward along the straight artificial canal. The scenery along the way makes the passengers stare at it fascinatedly.

Boatmen who have been here several times will occasionally act as tour guides, introducing this miraculous place to newcomers.

With the nourishment of spiritual energy, the special seeds transformed by Tang Zhen grew wildly, and various mutations occurred according to local conditions.

This is a life evolution, which is proceeding at a speed nearly ten thousand times faster under the nourishment of rune arrays and spiritual energy.

All kinds of strange and bizarre plants appeared one after another in the wasteland, and a competition of survival of the fittest began.

Only one third of the plants that have evolved and mutated will eventually remain, and the rest will either be eliminated or forced to change their form. Only the fittest will survive.

The scene is most spectacular at the beginning of the competition, when various plants compete with each other in beauty, making the wilderness look like a garden.

For those who are lucky enough to see it, it is an unforgettable visual feast that is simply impossible to see anywhere else.

The refugees living in the Immortal Territory are most aware of the changes in the wasteland. They have witnessed with their own eyes how this barren land has turned into a garden in just a short period of time.

The area near the tower city has been upgraded to a secret realm, or even a fairyland with intoxicating beauty.

There are also some seeds that are secretly sown and grow at an incredible speed. They change their appearance every day and grow into giant plants like vines.

On these vines, there are clusters of fist-sized flowers and unknown fruits of various shapes.

Although it is not yet ripe, you can tell from the appearance that it must taste quite sweet.

The monks from Neon City would smile happily when they saw these familiar giant vines.

The name of the Wasteland Sea is no longer appropriate nowadays, and it would be more appropriate to change it to the Garden Sea.

Those who came from thousands of miles away to make a living in the Immortal Territory were all delighted by the scene they saw with their own eyes.

Coming to this immortal territory, at least you don’t have to worry about starving to death, as the food in the wilderness is enough to fill your stomach.

The Immortal Tower City recruits vagrants to make them work, not to be lazy and take advantage of them.

Therefore, a rule was made that plants in the wilderness must not be destroyed at will, and if they exceed a certain standard, they will be punished.

Every newcomer will receive an official warning, telling them not to damage the natural environment.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the Immortal Territory, precious plants are more valuable than the lives of refugees.

This is just a metaphor, but there is no need to show mercy to those who deliberately destroy green plants despite warnings.

Amid the passengers' exclamations, a fleet of ships entered the port terminal and docked near the smoothly shaped riverside steps.

Passengers got off the ship one after another and looked at the various buildings around them, their hearts filled with deep shock and curiosity.

At this time, there were staff members directing everyone to undergo inspection and register their identities, so that they would be eligible to leave the dock.

Without proof of identity, you can only move around at the pier and cannot stay there for a long period of time.

It's just a matter of registering your identity, and passengers don't object. If they have concerns, it's okay not to use their real names.

Shi Niang took her younger brothers and sisters and another large family to the registration window and lined up according to the staff's instructions.

There were more than 300 passengers getting off the ship, but it was just one wave. There would still be more refugees arriving before or later.

There was a group of refugees, a couple, who had seven children. The couple also had brothers and sisters. The whole family came to the Immortal Territory by boat.

Their family was attacked by bandits, all the houses in the village were destroyed, and it was difficult to get a full meal.

Hearing that the Immortal Tower City provided food and shelter, the whole family decided to take the risk and give it a try in order to survive.

The scenes they saw along the way made the family feel much more at ease, and the worries on their faces gradually disappeared.

Although Shi Niang was a resident of Loucheng, she did not look down on the refugees and treated them as equals along the way.

The refugees could see that Shi Niang's identity was rather special, and they were very respectful to her along the way.

There was a long line at the registration window. The registrants were very fast, and after a simple questioning and confirmation that there were no problems, they were issued with identity bracelets.

After putting your hand into the machine and pulling it out, a special bracelet will be put on your wrist.

After registration, you can leave the dock through the exit and be eligible to enter the outer city.

There is a wall at the exit of the dock with a map of the Immortal Tower City, with various streets and locations marked on it.

Marks of different colors represent different meanings. Some places have been built, some are under construction, and some will be put into construction in the future.

On the map, the dock is just a small area, but once you are in it, you will find that this place is shockingly large.

Looking at the marked plan on the map again, Shi Niang's heart was even more shocked. Once all of it was really realized, what a spectacular scene it would be!
As a resident of Qunfeng Tower City, Shi Niang has always believed that her own tower city is the most magnificent and is a real super city.

Seeing the construction plan of the Immortal Tower City, Shi Niang suddenly had an idea. Perhaps it would not take long before a city more magnificent than the Peaks Tower City would rise from the ground.

It must be a very happy thing to be able to live in this city and witness its prosperity and development.

Although she had just arrived and didn't know much about the Immortal Tower City, Shi Niang felt that she liked this place very much.

Compared with the high-pressure and cold building city, this newly built city in the blue sky and green land should make people feel more comfortable and cozy.

Shi Niang brought her younger brother and sister through the dock exit smoothly and saw some men and women waiting outside.

Among them are staff who make arrangements for new arrivals so that they have places to stay and food to eat instead of wandering around the streets.

There were also some refugees who were waiting at the dock for their relatives and friends.

Refugees who are able to give advance notice and confirm the exact arrival date actually have a certain status.

The vast majority of them are wild cultivators, or have some special backgrounds and are able to use extraordinary means to deliver messages.

Ordinary refugees do not have such connections, so the best option is to obey the official arrangements.

"Hello, are you Shi Niang?"

A female monk came over, greeted Shi Niang with a smile, and said the agreed code word.

The codeword was verified to be correct and we could be sure it was one of ours.

Hai Lianfeng chose the Immortal Territory as the location for evacuation to the sea, so he must have made preparations in advance.

When he led a group of subordinates to capture cities and territories in the Qunfeng Territory, he also sent several of his men to secretly arrive at the Immortal Tower City.

They kept a low profile and slowly operated in the Immortal Tower City, just to establish a secret base.

When needed, it can be activated immediately.

Prior to this, Juro had used secret communications to ask his companions here to help take care of his family.

After waving goodbye to the refugee family, Shi Niang, her younger brother and sister followed the nun to a simple but beautiful vehicle.

When the two little guys saw this, they were immediately overjoyed and jumped up shouting.

The vehicle is a means of public transportation that can carry up to six people. It is very easy to operate and can be used by inserting the currency of the Immortal Tower City.

Sitting in a stable and quiet car, driving on the wide and straight road, Shi Niang was always looking around quietly.

The houses along the way are very beautiful in shape, and each one is very clean and tidy.

This clean little courtyard bathed in sunshine and where flowers and grass can be planted is much better than her dim little house in Loucheng.

When living in the tower city, Shi Niang often felt depressed and even had difficulty breathing.

That majestic tower city was like an invisible mountain, suppressing and restraining the souls of its residents.

Especially when something happens to her family, Shi Niang seems to be stuck in a quagmire and is in torment every day.

Ever since leaving the Qunfeng Tower City, the invisible pressure has gradually dissipated. Now that she is in the Immortal Tower City, Shi Niang actually has a feeling of freedom as if she has been reborn.

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