I have a city in another world

Chapter 6148 Immortal Territory News

Chapter 6148 Immortal Territory News
Shi Niang took her younger brother and sister and followed the female monk to travel through the newly built city. The various new things they saw along the way shocked and surprised the three siblings.

This city built for refugees is surprisingly similar to Shi Niang's dream home, as if someone had built it according to her wishes.

If possible, she hopes to live here forever.

Some might consider it a degradation for a resident of the Tower City to wish to live in a city of refugees.

Countless refugees tried their best to become residents of Loucheng, but Shi Niang longed for the outside world.

There are many things in the world that you can only know whether they are suitable for you after experiencing them.

Some people choose to accept their fate, while others choose to risk their lives. Like her father and brother, Shi Niang has an adventurous and rebellious spirit in her bones.

The identity of a resident of Loucheng is not important to Shi Niang.

There is a parking lot on the side of the road, and the nun parked her car there so that others can use it at any time.

If it is placed on the roadside, others cannot use it at will. If it exceeds a certain time, the user will need to pay more fees.

If someone violates the rules and causes damage, it won’t be long before the Immortal Territory’s law enforcement team comes to your door.

If there were no rules, the city would have been in chaos and many people’s efforts would have been wasted.

Making evildoers pay the price is the true fairness and justice, otherwise it would be an insult to lawful people.

The main culprit of moral decline is actually the inaction of law enforcement officers, or even their breaking of the law knowingly, which ultimately leads to a lower and lower moral bottom line.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Immortal Territory, from the very beginning, assigned the highest level of law enforcement authority to the city lord, who then entrusted the intelligent system to carry out supervision.

Law enforcement teams and public security departments are actually a group of tools. It is their responsibility to do their job well, but if they do not do so well, they will be punished by the rules.

After this model is implemented, the chances of corruption and abuse of power are greatly reduced, and fairness and justice can be guaranteed as much as possible.

The natives of the New World are not unfamiliar with this model; this is how the creator Gaia once supervised the world.

Unfortunately, problems arose during this period, causing the entire world to fall into chaos, and they were eventually eliminated and replaced by the extraordinary people.

The scale of the Immortal Territory cannot be compared to that of a world, and the Supervisor is not the Creator of Gaia, so problems that should not arise will not arise.

The refugees living in the outer city now have no idea how high the technological level of this city is.

What they don’t know is that this is just a prototype and will continue to be improved in the future.

In their past life experiences, refugees had no chance to come into contact with high-end things, and there was no way to make a clear comparison.

One thing is certain, life in the Immortal Tower City is indeed comfortable and simple, and many things are very convenient to do.

Only the real residents of Loucheng can realize the simplicity of this city. There are many places that are even better than Loucheng.

But then again, the most desirable and enviable thing about Loucheng is that it has a complete cultivation system and sufficient cultivation resources.

A certain kind of cultivation material is extremely expensive to buy in other places, but can be easily exchanged on the cornerstone platform.

Another point worth mentioning is that Loucheng is fair enough and no one will lose the opportunity for training due to their origin or family.

The secular refugee cities simply cannot do this.

This is also what Shi Niang is worried about. She is afraid that her younger brothers and sisters will not receive a good education. As an eldest sister is like a mother, she hopes that her younger brothers and sisters can become useful talents.

I kept my worries in my heart but never talked about them with anyone. Instead, I tried to find a way to solve them myself.

Under the guidance of the female monk, the master's wife came to a three-story building, the appearance of which was exactly what she liked.

The area around the house is clean and tidy, with various beautiful flowers and plants planted there, making people feel very comfortable at first glance.

The room is clean, tidy, ventilated and bright, and filled with the faint fragrance of flowers and plants.

Shi Niang fell in love with this room at first sight.

I originally thought that the house was purchased by the nun, but when I asked, I found out that it was rented, and only rented to people who work in the Immortal Territory.

If you don't work for the Immortal Territory, even if you have billions of assets, you will not be able to obtain the right to live in the house.

In addition to renting, there is also the option of buying, but the female monk does not think it is necessary. When the Hailianfeng operation is successful, she will become a resident of the Qunfenglou City, so why would she be attached to a house in a refugee city?

Although she admitted that the environment of the outer city of the Immortal Territory was very good, it was not worthy of being compared with the Peaks and Towers City.

This is a deeply rooted idea that can make people ignore the facts, and there are many people who hold this idea.

After putting away the gifts they had brought, the nun took the three siblings to eat at a newly built restaurant nearby.

In the center of every residential area, there is a special area designated as a commercial location.

Unlike other refugee cities, where all kinds of shops are opened everywhere, although this has certain advantages, it also brings more disadvantages.

The commercial district is large enough that there are still many vacant houses, waiting for all kinds of businessmen to move in and do business.

The restaurant is quite large, with dozens of tables of unknown materials. Since it is not meal time, there are not many customers.

When you first arrive in the Immortal Tower City, you must try the local specialties, and food from the ocean is the first choice.

There are also some foods that, after being carefully cooked, taste equally delicious.

When the dishes were served, the two little guys started eating immediately with happy expressions on their faces.

Shi Niang took a bite and her eyes suddenly lit up. This was the most delicious seafood she had ever tasted.

The seafood produced by the Immortal Tower City is now sold on the Keystone platform and is often sold out as soon as it is put on the shelves.

Many tower cities are located inland and have no access to marine food, let alone the ability to process it on a large scale.

The marine food sold in the Immortal Tower City was welcomed and loved by many residents of the tower city, who bought and stored it in large quantities.

Various types of marine products earned a lot of money for the Immortal Tower City, which was used to make up for the transportation costs.

Ideals are often full of hope, but reality is extremely skinny. The transmission costs are far beyond expectations and are still on the rise.

This situation naturally occurs because the construction plan is constantly being changed and improved, and the scale and level are constantly increasing.

Either don’t do it, or do your best if you do it.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen took advantage of the loophole and built an additional transmission channel, which reduced the transmission cost by one third.

But even so, once the construction plan is completed, the transportation costs will inevitably be an astronomical figure.

The delicious seafood made Shi Niang very happy.

While eating, the nun talked about the next arrangements and hoped that Shi Niang could follow her and work with her.

The Immortal Territory does not support idle people. If you want to live in the city, you must do a job.

The same is true for monks, who do not have any privileges, but have more choices.

Unless one is old, weak, sick or disabled and unable to work normally, he or she can obtain official permission and have the right not to work.

Shi Niang's younger brothers and sisters can be sent to official schools.

After registration, parents can send their children to school in person or take official commuter vehicles.

It is not uncommon to have schools in refugee cities, but the quality of teaching varies greatly.

She wanted to go and see him first, and then decide whether to send him to school. If he could not meet the expected requirements, Shi Niang would choose to teach him personally.

After leaving the restaurant, we took a public bus to the neighborhood where the school was located.

The school is also quite large, with children wearing uniform and playing on the flat and soft grass.

There were also some children holding black wooden swords and receiving basic martial arts training.

From the newly built school building next door, the sound of reading aloud could be heard. Shi Niang listened carefully for a while, but found that she could not understand it at all. It was completely different from the cultural courses taught in Qunfeng Loucheng.

Shi Niang stood at the window, staring at the text formulas on the blackboard, standing there silently for more than ten minutes.

Then he shook his head, dispelling the confusion in his eyes, and walked decisively towards the school registration office.

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