I have a city in another world

Chapter 6152: Black Demon Cave

Chapter 6152: Black Demon Cave
Greedy and despicable guys all have extremely keen senses of smell. Once they find an opportunity, they will pounce on their food like hungry wolves.

They lick the meat and chew the bones, devouring their prey completely without leaving even a trace of bone.

Flies, vultures, hungry wolves...

Various forces and organizations were rampaging in the Qunfeng Territory like livestock. They sucked blood and ate flesh from the wounded behemoth of Qunfeng Tower City, and even wanted to kill it completely.

A group of flies and bedbugs alone cannot kill a giant beast. Unless it is a being of the same level or an opponent stronger than it, it is just a thought.

Once the giant beast is enraged, it will attack these flying wolves and easily kill them.

There are also some existences that are not obvious in daily life, but can pose a deadly threat.

They are like poisonous snakes, lurking in dark corners and attacking silently.

Once you are targeted or attacked, you will often pay a heavy price.

If you are unlucky, you may even lose your life.

The Black Evil Legion is like this, which makes many tower cities secretly afraid and dare not provoke them easily.

It is truly a shame that such a thing happened inside the Tower City world.

The cornerstone platform tried every possible way to destroy the Black Evil Legion, but to no avail.

The Black Evil Legion became more and more famous, and its actions became more and more arrogant, gradually becoming a nightmare for many residents of Loucheng.

Before this, the Qunfeng Tower City had to collect the necessary resources everywhere in order to be promoted to level six.

Acting too ostentatiously will inevitably bring disaster upon yourself.

Some monks from the Qunfeng were captured by the Black Evil Legion. They could not withstand the torture and told everyone what they knew.

Upon learning about the wealth of Qunfenglou City, the Black Evil Legion became greedy and wanted to snatch it away.

The Black Evil Legion has a habit of issuing special notifications before launching operations against large supernatural organizations, so that the more people know about it, the better.

I don't know whether he is naturally arrogant or he deliberately makes people afraid in order to intimidate the enemy.

The reputation of the Black Evil Legion is growing louder and louder, and those who are threatened are extremely terrified. They are often afraid before a battle, but once they start fighting, their courage is gone by half.

Unknowingly, the Black Evil Legion became invincible and cast a shadow over the entire Fallen Earth War Zone.

Previously, the Qunfeng Tower City had been troubled by the Black Evil Legion and had never been able to solve the problem.

As the Qunfeng Territory fell into chaos, the Black Evil Legion sneaked in again, continuously attacking and looting the refugees.

The Black Evil Legion has always had two ways of nurturing life crystals. The first is to implant them secretly, and the Black Evil monks will watch over and cultivate them in secret.

Once they are ripe, they are picked immediately.

There is also a second way, which is a more crazy process. It involves directly kidnapping and imprisoning people, and then mass-breeding them in waves.

This method also has its disadvantages. If the culture commits suicide or gets out of control, the final harvest will be affected.

There are also advantages. It is very easy to care for and there is no limit on the number of children.

When a Black Evil monk cultivates life crystals, if he chooses to watch over them in secret, there will be only a few hundred people at most.

But if they are cultivated openly, the number can easily exceed a thousand, and there is no need to disguise their identity.

The open training method is more popular among the Black Evil monks, but there are many restrictions on their use.

No matter which tower city it is, it will not allow such a situation to occur within its territory and will inevitably launch an attack at the first opportunity.

When it comes to the Black Evil Legion, all the big cities are obliged to fight, otherwise they will face severe punishment.

Although the Black Evil Monk is arrogant, he does not dare to seek death on purpose and chooses to act in secret most of the time.

In the current Qunfenglou City, the two city lords are fighting each other endlessly, and there is chaos everywhere.

The monks in Loucheng had no sympathy for the refugees at all and usually ignored them.

Now they are unable to take care of themselves, let alone take care of the refugees, which gives the Black Evil Legion an opportunity to take advantage.

They controlled a group of servants, arrested people at will in the Qunfeng territory, and then sent the refugees to secret locations.

It was a refugee town, now occupied by the Black Evil Legion and surrounded by high walls.

The area of ​​dozens of kilometers was designated as a restricted area, and anyone who entered would be attacked and robbed. Due to the chaotic environment and the rich experience of the Black Evil Army, this demon cave had never been known to the outside world.

In fact, during this period, some people discovered abnormalities, but did not pay much attention to them.

It is better to have less trouble than more. Meddling in other people's affairs is not without price, it can easily cost you your life.

When they encountered danger, the monks stationed here asked for help from the refugee city, but the news fell on deaf ears and they never received any response.

The refugee city was left alone, let alone the Qunfeng Tower City. There was no chance that a message for help could even be delivered into the city.

In despair, the defeated refugees had no choice but to surrender, and were then implanted with demon seeds.

The refugees had no idea what had happened to them, but from the Black Evil monk’s eyes they could see the same look as that of a pig or sheep being patrolled.

After they are fattened, they can be dragged out and slaughtered.

Sure enough, not long after, the first batch of life crystals matured, and thousands of people died instantly.

The corpses were not wasted, but were used as blood food for war beasts, and some became food for refugees.

The fear of death made the refugees extremely panic-stricken and they tried desperately to escape from this place.

Their struggles and resistance brought even more severe punishments. The ferocious slaves wielded whips and beat the refugees until they were covered in bruises.

If they were not afraid of affecting the harvest, they might have killed a batch of them to intimidate the restive guys.

The violent suppression was indeed effective. Seeing the miserable appearance of their companions, the other refugees dared not resist or struggle anymore.

But secretly, the prisoners were trying every possible way to escape, as no one wanted to die in this devil's den.

As the days passed, more and more refugees were sent in, and every day some refugees died, but no one successfully escaped.

Any movement near the demon cave is under the control of the Black Evil Monk. Unless one has powerful means, there is no possibility of escape.

If the situation continues to develop in this way, the refugees imprisoned in the devil's cave will eventually not be able to escape death.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the Black Evil Legion’s lair was eventually known to the outside world.

After the news spread, no one came to rescue, but instead avoided it as much as possible.

I was afraid of accidentally entering it and becoming the prey of the black evil monk.

The refugee cities nearby pretended to be unaware of the situation and prohibited anyone from provoking the Black Evil Monks.

The situation is already dangerous now. The rebels may launch an attack at any time. If we provoke the Black Evil Monk again, it would only make the situation worse.

When all parties were fearful and eager to avoid, some people chose to approach actively.

After the Immortal Tower City learned the news and confirmed the existence of the demon cave, it immediately dispatched an unmanned spacecraft to conduct reconnaissance.

The unmanned spacecraft arrived at the location, looked down from a high vantage point, and marked and locked onto suspicious targets.

At the same time, connect to the database to compare the ground targets and determine which Black Evil Monk it is.

Most of the Black Evil monks have records on the cornerstone platform, corresponding to different amounts of bounties.

Obtaining accurate intelligence can reduce the difficulty of operations and avoid unexpected situations.

While the unmanned spacecraft was conducting reconnaissance, a group of monks from the Immortal Tower City were preparing for the upcoming operation.

After investigation, it was determined that there were eighty-three black evil monks in the magic cave, all of whom were on the wanted list of the cornerstone platform.

The remaining large number of warriors, as well as some wild cultivators, should all be accomplices and servants recruited by the Black Evil Legion.

Killing the Black Evil Monk is not a difficult task; a heavy bomb can solve the problem.

The power of weapons of technological civilization is far more terrifying than imagined, and ordinary extraordinary monks are simply unable to resist.

Among the heavens and myriad worlds, there are many high and mighty gods, but they were hunted down by the weapons of technological civilization.

However, Tang Zhen put forward a request that the trapped refugees must be rescued and the Black Evil monk must be captured alive as much as possible.

Tang Zhen did not explain the specific purpose, and the monks in Loucheng who were carrying out the mission did not need to know.

Accept the task and complete it.

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