I have a city in another world

Chapter 6153 Night Attack on the Demon Cave

Chapter 6153 Night Attack on the Demon Cave
As night fell, fires flickered in the devil's cave and the wailing of refugees rose one after another.

Many courtyards in towns and villages have been transformed into closed cages, where different batches of refugees and wild cultivators are imprisoned.

Every once in a while, the courtyard would be emptied and cleaned, and new prisoners would be sent in.

The warrior Ye Xiu who was in charge of guarding the refugees would throw in food every once in a while to ensure that the refugees inside would not starve to death.

The Black Evil Monk guards the demon cave, handles various unexpected situations, and occasionally participates in the looting and escort of refugees.

The most important task at present is to cultivate life crystals and let go to cultivate and harvest them at will.

For the Black Evil monks, this was a rare opportunity to make a fortune, and they were extremely happy.

The process of obtaining life crystals is actually not easy and often involves great risks.

Although the monks in Loucheng are afraid of the Black Evil Legion, it does not mean that they dare not take action. Once they discover the trace of the Black Evil monks, they will launch an attack with all their might.

Today, the Qunfeng Territory is in turmoil due to the war, and no one can stop the actions of the Black Evil Legion.

Knowing of the existence of the Black Evil Monks, people often deliberately turn a blind eye to avoid bringing themselves more trouble.

In the eyes of the Black Evil monks, the environment of the Peak Territory is heaven, making them reluctant to leave.

It is said that many Black Evil monks, after learning about the situation in the Peaks Territory, couldn't wait to come and share the benefits.

However, there are rules within the Black Evil Legion, and you can't just go wherever you want.

The profits from the Qunfeng Territory also tempted the top leaders of the Black Evil Legion, who prepared to send more people to reap the benefits.

The action plan of the Black Evil Legion is likely to change. Originally it was just to seek wealth, but now it has turned into capturing the Qunfeng Tower City.

Destroying a level 5 tower city would bring huge profits and also raise the reputation of the Black Evil Legion to a new height.

The key is that this victory can please the gods behind the scenes and thus bestow more rewards.

The plan to attack the Qunfeng Tower City has not yet been made public and is always being carried out in secret.

This is to avoid the plan from being leaked and Qunfenglou City should make preparations in advance, which will inevitably increase the difficulty of the operation.

The Black Evil monks who are in charge of the Demon Cave are now in a very happy mood. As they are about to enter the harvest period, they are about to obtain a large number of life crystals.

By offering the life crystal as a sacrifice and asking for rewards from the Black Demon, one will surely receive unexpected benefits.

In recent days, some impatient Black Evil monks have made sacrifices in private, and each reward has been extremely satisfying.

From this, it can be confirmed that the great Black Demon God was very satisfied with this batch of sacrifices.

Whenever night falls, the influence of the Black Evil Demon will increase significantly, and the Black Evil monks will seize the time to communicate with him through meditation, so as to obtain more divine energy.

Through this method of infusion, the realm of the Black Evil monk will be rapidly improved, and he will master some strange abilities.

The monks from Loucheng would often be at a great disadvantage when fighting against him. With the help of the Black Evil Demon, the Black Evil monks could even fight against opponents of higher levels.

Through many encounters and combats, the characteristics of the Black Evil Monks were mastered by the Cornerstone Platform, and a special warning was issued to the monks in Loucheng, reminding them to try not to fight with the Black Evil Monks at night.

There are also several other taboos that the monks in Loucheng need to keep in mind to avoid suffering losses when fighting with the Black Evil monks.

The outside world is well aware that the Black Evil monks have the advantage at night, so they will not choose to attack at this time.

The Black Evil monks are also aware of this, so after nightfall, they will all behave more relaxed.

At this time, a huge figure floated silently from the dark night sky and hovered above the demon cave controlled by the Black Evil Monk.

The black evil monks in the demon cave, including their minions and hawks, did not notice anything unusual in the air.

A strong energy wave suddenly erupted from the spaceship, covering a large area of ​​land around the magic cave.

Those Black Evil monks who were in a state of cultivation and communicating with the Black Evil Demon God all widened their eyes at the same time.

Smelly tears of blood continued to flow, revealing a distorted and painful expression, accompanied by a roar of fear.

It turned out that just at that moment, an unknown energy blocked the practice, causing a huge impact on the consciousness of the Black Evil monk. It was like being hit in the head with a mattock when concentrating, which was a very painful feeling.

There was another thing that made the Black Evil monks deeply uneasy.

The sudden burst of strange energy disrupted their communication with the Black Demon God, as if a basin of ink was poured into a cup of clear water, and the water became mixed together.

If you communicate with the Black Demon, you will receive all kinds of confusing information, including messy songs, strange scriptures, and the mumbling of old women.

After receiving this information, many Black Evil monks went crazy and roared in anger.

"You damn son of a bitch, stop singing nonsense, or I'll kill you!"

"It's time to turn back and lay down your butcher knife? Let your grandmother bleed to death!"

"Your son treats you badly, so you kill her. You keep nagging me about it. Believe it or not, I will kill your whole family right now!"

The confusing information entering their minds had a great impact on the Black Evil monks. They could not distinguish between reality and illusion and kept talking nonsense.

Some of the Black Evil monks were destroying their surroundings crazily while roaring in collapse.

No matter whether it was houses or buildings or servants and minions, they were all targets of crazy attacks.

They have fallen into madness and can no longer distinguish between friend and foe.

At the same time, figures dropped from the sky and headed straight for different locations of the demon cave on the ground.

There were also beams of light that kept shooting down from the sky, locking onto the fleeing warriors and wandering cultivators.

Once hit by the beam, the body will immediately carbonize into ash, and fall to the ground and die while wailing and screaming.

The terrifying high-temperature rays are so strong that even metal cannot withstand them, let alone an ordinary flesh and blood body.

These warriors and wild cultivators are aiding and abetting the evil, they are not good people, if they stay they will only harm more innocent people.

It stands to reason that the sins of those Black Evil monks are far greater than those of the wild warriors, but at this moment they were not attacked by the light beam.

It’s because these black evil monks are of great use to Tang Zhen, so they cannot be eliminated for the time being.

If the Black Evil Monk fell into Tang Zhen's hands, it would surely be more painful than death. Death would instead become a kind of happy relief.

The three monks cooperated with each other and besieged a Black Evil monk together, not only to gain numerical advantage, but also to ensure that he was captured alive.

The Black Evil monk's methods are strange. If you choose to fight to the death, there will inevitably be casualties.

Tang Zhen has no shortage of manpower, so there is no need to take risks, and he must also grasp the absolute advantage when taking action.

The magic weapon placed on the spacecraft releases a special energy field that can isolate and confuse the energy signals of extraterritorial demons.

It forms a closed area to isolate the influence of the Black Evil Demon and reduce the combat effectiveness of the Black Evil monks to the lowest level.

The Black Evil monk was mentally disturbed, which resulted in him being unable to fight with his full strength, and he could only exert one third of his strength.

Every immortal monk who participated in the battle was fully armed and carried a magic weapon specially made by Tang Zhen to defeat the enemy.

After the Loucheng monk landed, he immediately launched an attack, giving the Heisha monk no chance to react.

Roars continued to be heard, mixed with the screams and wails of the Black Evil Monks. From time to time, some terrifying and distorted figures could be seen. These were the Black Evil Monks using the secret technique of transformation to fight.

At this moment, the Black Evil monks were filled with shock and anger beyond words. This battle made them extremely aggrieved. They were like wild boars about to be slaughtered, being constantly trampled and beaten by the three monks.

During the battle between the two sides, strange metal rings were constantly put on the hands, feet and body of the Black Evil Monk.

The metal ring was extremely tough and could not be broken by any means, making the Black Evil monks' movements even slower.

It didn't take long before they were unable to move and could only collapse and be slaughtered.

In just a few minutes, the battle was completely over and all the Black Evil Monks were captured and subdued.

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