I have a city in another world

Chapter 6154: Layout of the Peaks Territory

Chapter 6154: Layout of the Peaks Territory
The battle was over and there was silence all around.

The spaceship continued to shield the surroundings, preventing any sound from the devil's cave from spreading out, and even the wild animals foraging at night were not alarmed.

The demon cave was successfully breached, more than eighty black evil monks were subdued, and a large group of lackeys were cleared out.

Any source of danger will be eliminated immediately.

The burning smell caused by the battle filled the interior of this devil's cave, but the imprisoned refugees didn't care about it at all.

While they were imprisoned, they had to endure the smell of feces and urine all day long, and their sense of smell had long since become numb.

At this moment, the refugees are most concerned about when they can escape from the devil's den?
The refugees who had been implanted with the demon seeds knew very well that they must have encountered terrible things.

Just like farmed pigs and sheep, they will be slaughtered when the time comes and lose their lives along with the other refugees.

The fear of death that followed them like a shadow made the refugees tremble incessantly, and they were suffering every minute and every second.

The battle that took place tonight gave the refugees hope of survival, and they are now shouting for help.

They shouted at the top of their lungs, afraid that no one could hear them and that they would remain imprisoned in this horrible cage.

The monks from Loucheng dispersed and released a large number of imprisoned refugees one after another, but they only restored their physical freedom but were unable to dissolve the demons in their bodies.

When the demon plant is implanted in the body, it will quickly extract and condense the essence and blood, and finally merge the spirit and soul into it.

Completing the last step means that the fruit is ripe and ready to fall.

Such damage cannot be reversed. The only thing that can be done is to stop the demon species from continuing to absorb essence, blood, and soul.

The refugees who have not yet died are actually already half-crippled, their lifespans have been greatly shortened, and they may die at any time due to various reasons.

If one becomes an extraordinary cultivator, he will have a chance to absorb the crystals in his body, but how many refugees can be promoted to extraordinary level?

For most of the refugees in the devil's lair, it is probably difficult to find effective treatment except to wait for death silently.

The refugees have not been informed of this matter yet, otherwise it would only cause greater panic.

After some refugees were freed, the first thing they thought of was leaving, for they were afraid that if they stayed in the devil's den, they would be imprisoned again.

Although it is dangerous outside, it is definitely better than waiting to die in the devil's cave.

For those who insisted on leaving, the monks in Loucheng did not stop them, but told them the truth about the hidden dangers of the demon species.

Looking across the entire Qunfeng Territory, there is no way to help them, and the refugees who have been implanted with the demon seeds can only wait to die in silence.

If you obey the instructions and go to the Immortal Territory, you might still have a chance of survival.

The refugees who had originally tried to leave suddenly became terrified and gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

They stayed in the devil's cave obediently, waiting for the next arrangements, hoping to get a chance to survive.

The refugees did not realize that even if they wanted to leave, they could not go too far.

The action that will be carried out tonight cannot be known to the outside world for the time being. Tang Zhen still needs to use the magic cave to make arrangements.

If these refugees leave, the news of the battle may be leaked, thus alerting the Black Evil monks.

Knowing the hidden dangers of the demon species, no refugees tried to leave anymore, but instead waited anxiously and silently.

Without having to wait too long, a transport airship descended from the sky and transported these refugees in batches to the Immortal Territory.

After arriving at the Immortal Territory, they will be isolated in an area and assigned someone to supervise and treat them.

Although these refugees have been implanted with demonic seeds, it does not mean that they are useless and they can still live like normal people.

The disadvantage is that life is shortened and we don’t know how long we can live.

If he is lucky enough and Tang Zhen finds a cure, he can recover to a healthy state.

In fact, not many people care about the lives of a group of refugees. Even if they are all killed, it will not cause much waves.

If it were any other extraordinary organization, being able to rescue the refugees from the devil's lair would be considered the utmost kindness and duty.

Tang Zhen is different. He needs to find a way to deal with the Black Evil Demon God, and he must help him to the end.

For Tang Zhen, this operation was very important, and it would determine how high his position would be in the Fallen Earth War Zone in the future. After the first batch of refugees were transported away, Tang Zhen arrived quietly and began to implement the secret plan.

For this operation, Tang Zhen prepared for a long time and specially refined some special items.

The remaining original power has now been completely exhausted, and the rule-breaking artifact cannot be used normally.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as this operation is successful, the origin reserves will become abundant again.

Lin Xiao, Master and Disciple Kant, as well as the elite monks of the Immortal Tower City, all participated in this operation.

Following Tang Zhen's instructions, they set up a large rune array and learned how to control various node magic weapons.

They didn't know what Tang Zhen was going to do, but judging from the content of the drill, the enemy must be a truly powerful one.

With Tang Zhen in command, the immortal monks are full of confidence and are not afraid of any powerful opponents.

If the immortal monks who participated in the action knew about Tang Zhen’s plan to kill the gods, they would be shocked.

If you don't know the truth, you won't be scared.

The transport airships of the Immortal Tower City landed one after another. They had powerful transport capabilities and by the time dawn came, all the refugees in the demon cave were sent away.

The spacecraft released illusory images, recreating the previously recorded scenes, making people mistakenly believe that the cave was still crowded.

Even during high-altitude reconnaissance, the scene seen was the same as before, with groups of refugees being held in cages.

If necessary, we can also find a group of actors to play the refugees in the cages.

No one knew it, but overnight, the owner of this devil's cave changed.

In the following period of time, you can use the wait-and-see approach and wait for the Black Evil Monk to come to you on his own initiative.

Capture whoever comes to the door, and then disguise their identities to maintain the normal operation of this den of evil.

When the right opportunity comes, Tang Zhen will implement the next plan and attract the incarnation of the Black Evil Demon to come here.

Under normal circumstances, the Black Demon God would definitely not come easily, as that would inevitably involve certain risks.

This is the world of Tower City, not the back garden of the foreign demon god. It is not a place where you can come and go as you please.

But the situation in the Fallen Earth War Zone is not very good now. I don't know how many demons from outside the domain are secretly coveting it and using various methods to gain benefits.

If the benefits are great enough, the demon from outside the domain will surely come.

When a new day comes, Kant and his companions disguise themselves and transform themselves into black evil monks.

Some continued to stay in the magic cave, while others led a group of servants and minions to the nearby area to capture refugees.

On the surface, they were sent to the devil's cave to implant devil seeds to cultivate life crystals, but in fact they were sent directly to the immortal territory.

Compared with the method of persuasion and recruitment, this method of looting is more violent and direct, and will definitely cause panic and dissatisfaction among many refugees.

However, there is no need to pay any attention to the thoughts of the refugees. In most cases, refugees cannot decide their own destiny, but have to accept the mercy of fate.

Besides, sending them to the Immortal Territory is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it can give the refugees a new life.

Trained vassal troops were continuously delivered by cargo airships, disguised as imprisoned refugees, and could be deployed for combat at any time.

Tang Zhen was also generous when it came to the training and arming of his vassal army, and would provide them with precious body-refining elixirs on a regular basis.

Therefore, in just a short period of time, the combat effectiveness of the vassal army soared rapidly, enough to fight against ordinary monks without being at a disadvantage.

Every once in a while, the new world would send a group of new extraordinary people, some of whom would participate in construction work, while others would directly serve in the army.

The strength of the Immortal Tower City has increased at an extremely fast rate and has already far surpassed that of ordinary first-level tower cities.

Tang Zhen has not upgraded yet because he actually wants to hold back a big move to get more benefits.

The outside world never expected that the Immortal Tower City would sneak into the Peaks Territory quietly in this way.

As heroes fight for supremacy in the world, how can Tang Zhen just sit back and watch? He must get involved.

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