I have a city in another world

Chapter 6155 Black Evil Reinforcements

Chapter 6155 Black Evil Reinforcements
A cloud of ink-like black smoke flew rapidly towards the distance, emitting faint sounds like the howling of ghosts and wolves.

There is a flying vehicle wrapped inside the black smoke, which is shaped like a shuttle, generally pitch black and half transparent.

There were thirty passengers inside the shuttle, all of them were Black Evil Monks. Some were ugly and ferocious, some were enchanting and seductive, and each of them was a freak with a deformed body.

They went to the Peaks Territory to provide support and prepare for the subsequent large-scale operation.

In recent times, good news has been coming from the Qunfeng Territory.

The chaotic environment is simply a dream paradise for the crazy and greedy Black Evil monks.

In an uncontrolled environment, the Black Evil Monks can do anything without restraint without worrying about being hunted down or counterattacked.

Obtain life crystals to please the Black Demon and quickly improve your own strength.

Within the Black Evil Legion, strength has always been respected, and the stronger the strength, the higher the position one holds.

High-level Black Evil monks will receive more attention from the extraterritorial demons, just like a snowball, the bigger the size, the more snow they will be covered with.

Under this competition model, the Black Evil monks tried their best to improve their own realm level.

The Black Evil monks heading to the Peaks Territory were all in a very good mood at the moment. They were thinking along the way about how to carry out the harvest efficiently.

While seeking benefits, you must also guard against other accomplices and avoid various plots and conspiracies.

The internal competition within the Black Evil Legion is quite brutal. In order to gain benefits, the Black Evil monks can kill without hesitation.

Some Black Evil monks did not die at the hands of the enemy, but were killed by their accomplices using various means.

The Black Evil monks are cruel and selfish. If they did not believe in the same demon god, they would have fallen apart long ago.

The black smoke shuttle was moving at an incredibly fast speed and soon entered the territory of the peaks. The operator locked onto the location of the magic cave and continued to move at the highest speed.

As they moved forward, they kept observing the towns on the ground and found that things were indeed very abnormal.

The villages and towns were heavily fortified, the fields were deserted and untended, and there were almost no people on the main roads.

However, all kinds of wild beasts and monsters took this opportunity to appear and move around freely in the fields and near the villages.

Such a chaotic environment made the Black Evil monks even more delighted, and they couldn't wait to take action.

Get to the base quickly, cultivate your own crops, and seize the time to gain more benefits.

Once the large army arrives, there will be more wolves than meat, and the profits will inevitably be greatly reduced.

The flying shuttle magic weapon sent a prompt that the destination was about to be reached, and a town filled with demonic energy appeared in the field of vision.

From the air, one can see that the houses in the town have been tidied up and renovated into a grid-like series of simple cells.

A large number of refugees were locked up inside, looking up at the sky in despair, waiting for death to suddenly come.

The sky is vast, but they have no ability to fly. Now they are imprisoned by a ten-foot-high wall, suffering every moment.

The emotions of despair and pain gathered above the devil's cave, making people feel horrified.

But in the eyes of the Black Evil Monk, it was the most beautiful scenery, just like an old farmer seeing the crops about to be harvested, his face full of joy and greed.

"What a great place. It really is a great place, hehehehe...!"

Upon seeing this, a Black Evil monk couldn't help but dance with joy, not trying to hide his inner joy at all.

Most of the Black Evil monks will become crazy due to the influence of the power of the devil.

It is almost common knowledge that the crazier the Black Evil monk is, the stronger his combat power is.

As for crazy guys, the Black Evil monks would choose to turn a blind eye, thus avoiding more than 90% of the troubles.

Looking at the other Black Evil monks, they also had excited and distorted expressions on their faces, and looked restless.

If the shuttle had not been closed, they would probably have jumped directly down and admired the crops that were about to be harvested from close range.

If it were in other places, some Black Evil monks would even try to rob the land and would not care at all about the ownership of these dealers.

Once you get it into your hands, it becomes yours, and anyone who dares to stop you will be killed.

In order to protect their own rights and interests, the Black Evil monks would form gangs and various factions within them. The Black Evil monks in the Demon Cave belonged to more than a dozen groups, which checked and balanced each other and maintained a delicate balance.

The black evil monks inside the shuttle also belong to several groups to avoid disrupting the original balance.

After communicating with the ground, we received instructions to land, and there were flags waving in the open space in the center of the town.

The shuttle landed smoothly, and a group of Black Evil monks rushed out impatiently, looking at the surrounding environment with greedy eyes.

"Whenever we go hunting, I'll be the first to sign up!"

"We need to expand this place. The number of cages is not enough. We need to at least double it."

"If you ask me, I would just attack the city and occupy a refugee city. That would be a lot more satisfying to reap the harvest."

Some Black Evil monks were shouting loudly, eager to express their opinions, while others remained silent, looking around with cold and vicious eyes.

The internal competition of the Black Evil Legion was brutal, causing the Black Evil monks to be on guard against each other. Now that they had entered the Demon's Nest, they did not feel as relaxed as if they had returned to the organization, but still maintained a trace of vigilance.

The Black Evil monk who was in charge of the reception had a cold expression on his face, making it clear that he did not welcome this batch of reinforcements.

They said they were reinforcements, but in fact they were here to steal benefits. How could the black evil monks in the demon cave be happy?

Such a look of disgust seemed normal to the newly arrived Black Evil monks. If the other party greeted them with a smile, they would feel uneasy instead.

"If you have something to say, tell me now. If you don't have anything to say, don't bother me. I'm very busy now."

The Black Evil monk who was in charge of the reception spoke coldly and looked at the people in front of him with malicious eyes.

When a group of Black Evil monks heard this, some sneered, while others remained silent, but a hint of murderous intent flashed in their eyes.

Someone also spoke up, hoping to go out hunting immediately and asked to be assigned a group of subordinates.

After capturing the refugees, someone must assist in escorting them. The more refugees captured, the more auxiliary personnel are needed.

The Black Evil Monks can use various methods to recruit obedient hawks and dogs, but it will definitely take some time.

Instead of recruiting them ourselves, it is better to borrow them directly, so that a large number of refugees can be captured in a short period of time.

The Black Evil monk who was in charge of the reception sneered and showed a mocking expression when he heard this.

These bastards are always thinking about good things all day long.

"If you want servants, recruit them yourself. Don't always think about taking advantage."

"You are new here, so you should just stay here and act as defenders. Wait until you are familiar with the environment before going out."

“This area is given to you. You can expand the prison later. You can use the land outside the town as you wish.

But remember, don't wander around in the town randomly, other areas have their own owners, and newcomers like you are not welcome."

The Black Evil monk who was in charge of the reception was quite rude in his words and attitude. Facing the angry faces of a group of reinforcements, he showed no fear at all.

The reinforcements knew clearly that their hosts did it on purpose, and if they acted impulsively, the black evil monks in the magic cave would definitely not stand idly by.

The attitude towards receiving the monks was actually deliberate. Once the provocation was successful, they would have a reason to refuse to expel them.

The Black Evil monks who came to reinforce were all very cunning and sly, so how could they be easily fooled?

They laughed strangely or had murderous intent in their eyes, thinking about how to kill the receiving monk in the future.

Cutting into pieces, removing bones and digging out hearts, or using poison to slowly torture...

Looking at those sinister gazes, Kant felt a little flustered. He was not afraid, but he really felt uncomfortable.

The appearances of the devil's followers are so strange that you will lose your mind if you look at them for too long.

Kant played the role of the Black Evil Monk, chatting and arguing with the other party, feeling that every second was torture.

After saying a few words, Kant turned and left with a sneer.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would lose control, draw his sword, and chop off all those ugly and disgusting heads.

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