I have a city in another world

Chapter 6160 City Lord Election

"Do you know how many despicable and shameless things this guy in front of you, the previous Lord of Qunfeng City, did secretly?"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Hai Lianfeng pointed his finger and glared at the former Lord of Qunfeng City.

His eyes were filled with hatred and contempt, as well as a sense of satisfaction at having had great revenge.

Everyone followed his instructions and looked at the former Lord of Qunfeng City, talking among themselves.

When a wall falls, everyone pushes it. Recently, there have been more and more rumors about the former city lord.

It is difficult to tell whether the content is true or false, and some people are secretly fanning the flames.

The reputation of the former city lord fell to the bottom in a short period of time, and he gradually lost the trust of many residents of Loucheng.

Facing Hai Lianfeng's accusation, the Lord of Qunfeng City just sneered but had no intention of defending himself.

He didn't know Hai Lianfeng's plan, but he knew that talking too much would lead to mistakes, so keeping silent was the best option.

Now he could only wait and hope that the Black Evil monk would take action soon and kill the bastard Hai Lianfeng.

Killing Hai Lianfeng is his only chance to turn the tables.

Hai Lianfeng felt bored by the former city lord's silent attitude. The more intense the other party's reaction was, the higher his fighting spirit would be.

“You colluded with the Black Evil Monk and tried to kill me and several other residents of Loucheng. This is an unforgivable crime.

I have submitted the evidence and Keystone is investigating. There will be results soon.

Enjoy this last moment of your life, because it may not be long before you are punished in purgatory."

Hai Lianfeng said in a calm tone something that made the former city lord's scalp tingle. The evidence provided by Tang Zhen was enough to completely ruin the reputation of the former city lord and make him lose the trust of the cornerstone platform.

When these words were spoken, everyone was shocked, and many people showed incredible expressions.

They looked at the former city lord with eyes filled with disgust, and some couldn't help but curse out loud.

As the lord of Lou City, he actually colluded with the Black Evil Monk. It is really unbelievable.


The former city lord's eyes were wide open, and he glared at Hai Lianfeng fiercely, denying it without hesitation.

"You are deliberately framing me. This matter has nothing to do with me!"

Hai Lianfeng sneered, with mockery and pity flashing in his eyes. He guessed that the other party would deny it, and he also knew that this piece of evidence would not be enough to kill the other party.

The Lord of Qunfeng City is cunning and cautious. He will definitely remove himself and let his trusted subordinates take the blame.

The cornerstone platform does not have enough evidence and will not kill the Lord of Qunfeng City, but after losing trust, he can forget about becoming the Lord of the City again.

After Hai Lianfeng became the city lord, he had more than one way to make the previous city lord pay a heavy price.

Killing the other party directly is a gift, but making the other party live a life worse than death is what Hai Lianfeng wants to do.

Just at this time, the election for the city lord officially began, and Hai Lianfeng and the former city lord took their seats and waited.

There is no need to argue anymore, as that is too cheap. Gaming is not something that needs to be done in a short period of time or in a short period of time.

A huge figure appeared above the square. It turned out to be a candidate for city lord, projected into the air by the cornerstone platform.

I am still in the same place, not moving at all.

But at this moment, the person being projected really seemed to be suspended in the air, overlooking all living beings from a condescending perspective.

It feels so strange, like a god.

At this moment, the candidates' desire for power reached its peak.

A cold reminder came from my ears, asking the candidates to make their statements immediately and win more votes for themselves.

Once the time is up and the projection ends, the candidates will no longer have a chance to show themselves.

The candidate immediately perked up and talked about how he would better build the city after becoming the city lord.

It is not an easy task to impress hundreds of thousands of residents of Loucheng with words in a short period of time.

If the promises are too exaggerated but the actual ability to deliver is not met, the city's residents will inevitably laugh at them.

A guy who talks nonsense is destined to never become a city lord.

The content of their speeches was ordinary, and the residents of the tower city would not be interested in them, so the possibility of being eliminated was extremely high. One after another, the candidates appeared in the air in order, and the content of their speeches was also similar.

The residents of Loucheng gradually felt bored, and at the same time they finally realized that not everyone could be the city lord.

If the controller of the tower city is mediocre, it will be a disaster and all the residents of the tower city will be affected.

Many residents of Loucheng originally held a perfunctory attitude towards this city lord election, feeling that it had little to do with them.

Through comparison at this moment, the residents of Loucheng suddenly woke up and realized that the election of city lord was a big deal and directly related to their own interests.

I originally thought that it would be fine if it was just about right, but now I have changed my mind and I must choose a good person to take the position.

Hai Lianfeng and the former Lord of Qunfeng City both have experience as city lords and have more advantages than other candidates.

They have achieved results, demonstrated their abilities in public, and gained recognition from some residents.

Among the other competitors, although some of them performed well, compared with Hai Lianfeng and the previous city lord, one still feels that there is a gap.

It didn't take too long for Hai Lianfeng to get the chance to play. With a smile on his face and a calm expression, he slowly began to talk about his plans and ideas.

At this moment, all the residents of Loucheng became serious and were gradually attracted by Hai Lianfeng's story.

Compared with other candidates, the difference is obvious.

Hai Lianfeng is worthy of being the city lord. His campaign content is meaningful and well-organized, which makes it understandable and acceptable to the residents on the floor.

Following his narration, I could imagine the future of the tower city, and my expression gradually became lively and joyful.

I felt more and more satisfied and accepted Hai Lianfeng.

When the appointed time came, Hai Lianfeng's figure disappeared from the sky, and many residents of Loucheng were actually reluctant to leave.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the vote cannot be cast directly, otherwise many residents of Loucheng would choose Hailian Peak without hesitation.

Several more candidates appeared in the air one after another and talked about their campaign speeches.

With the example of Hailian Peak, all other competitors pale in comparison and fail to attract the interest of the residents of Loucheng.

Several competitors were equally aware of this and were filled with frustration and annoyance, but there was nothing they could do.

They have all lost confidence and are now just doing things perfunctorily, hoping to complete the original election process as quickly as possible.

Another candidate disappeared, and now it was the turn of the former city lord to start his own city lord election performance in public.

But after waiting for a long time, no projection appeared in the sky, which made the residents of Loucheng look puzzled.

They were a little confused about what the former city lord was doing and why he didn't come on stage to give a speech?

Hai Lianfeng suddenly stood up and scanned the entire square, looking for the figure of the Lord of Qunfeng City.

I looked around but couldn't find it, and I don't know where it went.

Hai Lianfeng was deeply surprised. He thought that the other party would try hard to run for the city lord and the two sides would continue to fight for a few more rounds.

Unexpectedly, the opponent fled in the middle of the battle, leaving Hai Lianfeng with a punch that hit nothing. This feeling was really unpleasant.

However, he was also very clear that the chances of the Lord of Qunfeng City turning the tables were extremely low, and now he was just struggling in his death throes and wasting time in vain.

The former city lord was slow to show up, causing many residents of Loucheng to call for him. Some spoke kindly, while others spoke harshly, believing that the other party was too guilty to come on stage.

The sound grew louder and louder, gradually turning into a clamor, but the former city lord never appeared.

Gradually, people realized that something must have gone wrong and the former city lord might have really fled for fear of punishment.

As the chaos gradually escalated, Hai Lianfeng once again stood up and asked everyone to remain calm and not affect the progress of the city lord election.

If someone is absent, it is not a problem. Their eligibility to run for election will be automatically cancelled and the residents of Loucheng can just vote according to their ideas.

Hai Lianfeng still has his majesty, and has the support and remembrance of some residents of Loucheng. Now he is commanding a large rebel army here, and his prestige and power are unmatched.

Those monks from Loucheng who still refused to give up and wanted to find a sense of existence chose to remain silent at this moment.

If nothing unexpected happens, Hai Lianfeng will definitely become the city lord.

(End of this chapter)

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