I have a city in another world

Chapter 6161: Things Go Wrong and Planning

The election for city lord has not yet ended, but the previous city lord disappeared without a trace and no one knows where he went.

As one of the strongest men in Qunfenglou City, the former city lord's methods were indeed very strong. If he wanted to escape and hide, few people could intercept and find him.

It was indeed unexpected that the former city lord gave up the election

If you miss this opportunity, it will be almost impossible to become the city lord again.

With the strongest competitor withdrawing, the position of city lord is already in Hai Lianfeng's pocket, and there is basically no chance of any problem.

After waiting for a while, it was finally time for residents to vote.

At the same time, the residents of the building city experienced a trance state, as if they had entered an illusory space.

In this unique space, residents of the building city can vote for their favorite candidates and see the final number of votes.

The residents of Loucheng cast their ballots without hesitation and then looked at the candidate ranked first.

Sure enough, it was Hailian Peak.

Hai Lianfeng was also in the virtual space. When he saw that he was ranked first, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

The city lord election is over and the results will be announced next.

A cold voice came from the consciousness of the residents of Loucheng, informing the city lord of the results of the election.

Hai Lianfeng, serves as acting city lord.

Upon hearing this result, Hai Lianfeng was slightly stunned and his face instantly became gloomy.

This time, the election for city lord had an unexpected twist. He originally sought the position of city lord, but ended up becoming the acting city lord.

Although there is only one word difference, the concepts are completely different.

If the acting city lord makes a mistake, the cornerstone platform can directly dismiss him without going through any procedures.

If he were the official city lord, he would not be able to deal with it this way. It must be reasonable and logical.

Although the cornerstone platform has great capabilities, it cannot act recklessly, otherwise it will become the biggest scourge.

Hai Lianfeng becoming the acting city lord means that he will always be under the supervision of the cornerstone platform before he is promoted to the official city lord.

You have to be very cautious when doing things. There can't be any mistakes, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

From this, it can be determined that the cornerstone platform does not trust Hailianfeng, but it cannot go against the wishes of the residents of Loucheng.

He served as the acting city lord, maintaining the normal operation of the Qunfeng Tower City to avoid unrest that would occur over a long period of time.

It is normal to have concerns. After all, Hai Lianfeng has disappeared for a long time and no one knows what he has been through.

If there is any problem, it will inevitably affect the entire building city.

The safe arrangement of the cornerstone platform made Hai Lianfeng feel very uncomfortable, but he could only endure it and could not vent his anger.

If Hai Lianfeng is dissatisfied with this arrangement, he can simply refuse to accept it, but if he does that, he will have no chance of becoming the city lord.

Taking a deep breath, Hai Lianfeng decided to endure it.

The subsequent appointment arrangements made Hai Lianfeng even more angry. In order to restrict him as the acting city lord, ten resident representatives were actually elected.

Any order issued by the city lord must be negotiated with residents' representatives and approved before it can be implemented.

In this way, the power of the City Lord of Hailian Peak can be restricted so that he cannot act recklessly.

Hai Lianfeng returns to Loucheng and is determined to seek revenge and retaliate against his enemies.

The elected residents’ representatives were all former confidants of the previous city lord, or department heads of Loucheng.

Once Hai Lianfeng becomes the city lord, he will definitely look for targets to attack, and they will be the first to be eliminated.

Now that he has become a resident representative, Hai Lianfeng dares not act recklessly, otherwise he will be removed from his position by the cornerstone platform.

After Hailianfeng takes the stage, the inevitable internal cleanup may disappear due to the arrangement of the cornerstone platform.

However, the internal struggle will never disappear because of this, but will become more covert and fierce.

The outbreak of this civil strife has had a huge impact on the Qunfenglou City. It will probably take a lot of effort and time to restore it to normal.

The rebels are under the control of Hai Lianfeng and can stop fighting at any time, but other supernatural organizations will not give up and may take the opportunity to cause more trouble.

The Black Evil Army, in particular, has clearly set its sights on Qunfenglou City and will certainly launch a large-scale operation in the near future. After Hai Lianfeng became the acting city lord, his most important task was to fight and resolve this fatal crisis.

The election for the city lord of Qunfenglou City was thought to be exciting, but the result was uneventful and not much happened.

The biggest event during this period was that the former city lord gave up the election and no one knew where he went.

Maybe from now on, we will never see each other again.

After the election results were announced, Hai Lianfeng and others obtained the corresponding authority and could perform their respective duties from then on.

The huge projection of Hailian Peak appeared above the fields of the outer city, facing the fully armed rebel army.

He glanced at everyone, then bowed with a sincere and serious attitude.

"Thank you all, brave warriors, for your support along the way. Hai Lianfeng will never forget it!"

"Now justice has been served, the evildoers will be punished, and justice will prevail."

"I declare that the rebel army is disbanded, and everyone please return home.

As long as there is injustice in the world, my blood will never cool.

When one day there are evildoers who harm the people again, then we will raise our arms and call for help, and the brothers will surely put on their armor and hold their weapons and gather together again!"

As soon as Hai Lianfeng finished speaking, the rebel camp burst into thunderous cheers.

They bowed to Hai Lianfeng in return, the sound of weapons clashing resounded through the sky, and then they dispersed on the spot.

They split into many teams, moved in different directions, and gradually disappeared from the sight of the residents of Loucheng.

The rebel army that frightened the residents of Tower City has become history and will no longer pose a threat to Qunfeng Tower City.

This was the first gift Hai Lianfeng gave to the residents of Qunfenglou City after he came to power. It was also a performance in which he demonstrated his own abilities.

The purpose is to tell everyone that he has strong enough strength and can gather millions of soldiers with a wave of his hand.

Now that he is the lord of Qunfeng City, he does not need to gather the rebels to deal with himself. He just takes the opportunity to declare his strength to the world.

Scare the villains and let them know what to do and never seek their own death.

Even without the help of Loucheng's power, Hailianfeng still has enough manpower to kill the enemy like stepping on an ant.

If the elected residents' representatives really dare to use chicken feathers as a token of authority and go against Hai Lianfeng, the acting mayor, their end will be quite miserable.

People who are kind-hearted and soft-handed can never become the city lord.

The city lord election has come to an end, and the residents have returned to their respective posts to continue to ensure the normal operation of the city.

In recent times, people in Qunfenglou City have been in a panic and many jobs have come to a standstill.

In the short term, there may not be a big problem, but over time, chaos will inevitably arise.

Especially when war comes, there can be no mistakes and the normal operation of this huge war machine must be guaranteed.

Hai Lianfeng became the acting city lord, which increased his own strength exponentially. But even so, he still tried to continue cooperating with Tang Zhen in order to gain more benefits.

He needs to stock up enough supplies to cope with the upcoming war challenges. If he cannot resolve the crisis, he will not be able to serve as the acting city lord for long.

Becoming the official city lord is even more distant.

To trade with Tang Zhen, one must definitely open the Tower City Treasure House, where are stored supplies for upgrading to a level six Tower City.

Hai Lianfeng received news that the treasury of Lou City had actually been emptied. The former city lord, who realized that something was wrong, would never sit there and allow himself to be slaughtered.

Hai Lianfeng secretly opened the treasure house of Loucheng and hid some of the supplies in other places. He had done similar things more than once, and those hidden supplies became the capital for his comeback.

Now that he is the city lord and wants to do big things, he must get enough money.

Hai Lianfeng had already selected his targets and decided to attack the nearby tower cities. Those tower cities that had not cooperated with the rebels before would become the targets of his extortion.

The list drawn up by Hai Lianfeng also includes the newly built Immortal Tower City, which is said to have a deep background and should have the opportunity to extract a lot of oil and water.

Extort money from Tang Zhen and other tower cities, and then use the large amount of funds raised to purchase extraordinary materials from Tang Zhen.

Hai Lianfeng's wishful thinking really came true.

(End of this chapter)

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