I have a city in another world

Chapter 6163 Exposed Demon Cave

Chapter 6163 Exposed Demon Cave

After the civil strife in Qunfenglou City was quelled, order gradually returned to the major refugee cities, and various industries that had been abandoned and stagnant due to the war began to resume work one after another.

Pedestrians and vehicles gradually appeared on the roads between different cities, indicating that the flow of materials within the territory had returned to normal.

Qunfenglou City dispatched residents to major refugee cities as soon as possible, and carried out a thorough review from cities to villages.

Make sure that all towns and cities within the territory are firmly under control, leaving no possibility for other forces to infiltrate and control.

Although the former city lord has fled, his cronies still control the key departments of Loucheng and may rise up again at any time.

What Hai Lianfeng did, the enemy can also do, and has more advantages than him.

What worries Hai Lianfeng the most is that the former city lord has cooperated with the Black Evil Legion and has targeted Qunfenglou City for revenge.

It would inevitably be a terrible disaster if the former city lord acted as a mole and personally led the Black Evil Legion into the country.

The former city lord knew many secrets, and with him acting as a traitor, the Qunfenglou City had no secrets at all in front of the enemy.

Hai Lianfeng must go all out to stop the invasion of the Black Evil Legion and keep his position as the city lord.

If this battle is successful, he will be able to directly become the official lord of Qunfenglou City.

If this battle fails, the Qunfenglou City will inevitably suffer heavy damage, and it may take a long time to recover.

As the loser, Hai Lianfeng must take responsibility, and he will not be able to keep his position as acting city lord.

If that time really comes, Hai Lianfeng might even choose to abandon the city and flee in order to save his life.

Hai Lianfeng was no stranger to running away to save his life. The last time he encountered a fatal threat, he decisively escaped to save himself.

In order to regain the position of city lord, Hai Lianfeng paid a huge price, and now he really doesn't want to run away again.

Since you don't want to escape, you can only fight to the end.

As the new Lord of Loucheng, Hai Lianfeng issued orders to all the major refugee cities, requiring them to form a legion each, with his trusted subordinates serving as commanders.

Once you receive the order, you must go out immediately and participate in the operation to stop the Black Evil Legion.

When the monks from the peaks took action, various information collected from within the territory was also continuously transmitted back.

Many extraordinary organizations are acting recklessly and committing crimes within the Qunfeng Territory. They are not showing any signs of restraint and are becoming more and more arrogant.

Perhaps he wanted to take advantage of the late autumn to make a big move and then escape before getting hurt.

There is another possibility, that is, they have received accurate information and know that there will be greater unrest in the Qunfeng Territory.

If this is true, it means that they are cooperating with the Black Evil Legion and becoming allies and lackeys of the Black Evil Monks.

The Black Evil Legion has a bad reputation and is considered a cancer in the eyes of the residents of Loucheng, but in the eyes of wild cultivators and many supernatural organizations, they are very good partners.

If you have enough courage and follow the Black Evil Legion to participate in various operations, even if you can't eat the fat meat, you can still gnaw on the bones and drink a sip of soup.

Of course, the risks are also huge. The risks do not come from the Black Evil Legion, but from the pursuit of the cornerstone platforms and major building cities.

Not all supernatural organizations have the powerful strength like the Black Evil Legion, and they cannot withstand the pursuit and wanted by major building cities.

Once you start cooperating with the Black Evil Legion, you cannot quit and it is truly a road of no return.

If these extraordinary organizations choose to cooperate with the Black Evil Legion, Qunfenglou City will face greater challenges.

Hai Lianfeng knew very well that the possibility of this happening was not high, but he still had to prepare for the worst.

While assembling the army, Hai Lianfeng contacted Kant again, hoping to purchase a batch of extraordinary supplies.

Compared with previous transactions, the amount this time is larger and all of them are high-end items.

After becoming the Lord of Qunfeng City, many supplies can be purchased from the cornerstone platform, especially low-end extraordinary supplies, which are cheaper to buy from the cornerstone platform.

If you buy from outside, the price will be more than double due to the scarcity of channels. Even if you pay a high price, you may not be able to buy it.

Hai Lianfeng still chose to trade because some of the high-end products sold by Tang Zhen were simply not available on the Fallen Earth platform.

This situation is not surprising, as Bauhinia Tang Zhen's high-end products are not for sale and are not listed for sale on the cornerstone platform.

Many tower cities are like this, either selling reduced-profile equipment or simply not selling it and keeping the good stuff for their own use.

Previously, relying on the thunder magic array, Hai Lianfeng successfully resisted the enemy's attack, and he still remembers the spectacular sight of thunder falling from the sky.

He planned to get a few more sets to defend the Qunfenglou City and block the attack of the Black Evil Legion.

If conditions permit, it is best for each refugee city to be equipped with a set to enhance the city's prevention and control capabilities.

But it's just thinking about it, it's impossible to do it.

The safety of the refugee city is not important. Hai Lianfeng must concentrate on defending the tower city and it is impossible for him to take care of all four sides.

The refugee city on the front line must make sacrifices to consume the enemy's combat power and buy more time for the Qunfenglou City.

Therefore, the refugees affected are nothing more than weeds in the wilderness. Even if they are burned by flames, they can still thrive.

If necessary, Hai Lianfeng would even sacrifice all the refugee cities just to ensure the stability of Loucheng.

Among the reported information, there was one item that caught Hai Lianfeng's attention and made him realize that the situation was by no means simple.

A certain town has been occupied by an unknown force. The surrounding area has become a restricted area and anyone who approaches has disappeared without a trace.

In the nearby villages, all the villagers disappeared mysteriously, leaving no clues or traces.

The nearby refugee city was also attacked by a group of black-robed monks, and a large number of refugees were forcibly abducted.

According to the investigation, they may have all been sent to the same town and there is a great possibility that they lost their lives.

There are tens of thousands of missing refugees, far exceeding the carrying capacity of a town. In the absence of food, these refugees simply cannot survive for long.

If only the refugees were killed or injured, there would be no need to worry too much. In the chaotic environment caused by war, the refugees are the most likely to be affected.

Not to mention tens of thousands of refugees, even if there were tens or even millions of casualties, Hai Lianfeng would be able to remain calm.

What concerns Hai Lianfeng is the mysterious force that occupies the town. It is speculated that it is most likely the Black Evil Monk.

The monk from Qunfeng who was in charge of reconnaissance asked whether to take action and send troops to destroy the town.

Faced with this question, Hai Lianfeng fell into deep thought.

When the Black Evil Legion prepares to start a war, they will certainly make arrangements in advance. Under normal circumstances, they will carry out operations in a two-pronged manner, both overtly and covertly.

Destroying the obvious strongholds does not guarantee the elimination of the enemies in secret. Besides, who can guarantee that the town can be taken down easily?
If the operation fails and the news about the Black Evil Legion spreads, it will cause panic among the people.

What Hai Lianfeng wants is the final victory, not the gains and losses of a certain moment or place. Launching an attack on the town is likely to alert the enemy.

This magic cave town is most likely a bait, specifically designed to lure the peaks and towers into the trap.

Hai Lianfeng issued an order, requiring the monks from other peaks to observe secretly and keep an eye on any movement in the town.

Compared to the bait in the open, the hidden enemies are more terrifying.

At the same time, more people were sent to find out the hidden Black Evil Monk and try their best to kill him.

At this moment, Hai Lianfeng should be thankful for his cautious choice and not launching a rash attack.

Otherwise, in order to protect the altar and ensure that the action plan is not disturbed, Tang Zhen would inevitably launch a preemptive attack on the Qunfenglou City army.

It was not a close combat, but a bombing by armed spacecraft to ensure that the Loucheng army could not get close to the town.

The foundation of the monks in the Immortal Tower City is definitely not as good as that of a level five tower city, but the high-tech weapons and equipment it possesses are enough to beat the Peaks Tower City to a pulp.

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