I have a city in another world

Chapter 6164 The Devil Comes

Chapter 6164 The Devil Comes
Tang Zhen knew very well that he had to face more than one enemy, including the crazy Black Evil Legion and the Qunfenglou City which had stabilized again.

There really isn't much time left for him.

If necessary, he can use various methods to delay time, but it is not a long-term solution.

Besides, there is no such thing as a 100% guarantee of success in any plan in this world. The so-called perfect preparation is mostly a form of psychological comfort.

There is nothing absolute until the results come out.

Tang Zhen used a group of Black Evil monks to exchange for the generous reward he deserved, and the next step was to make them play a real role.

In the town that is regarded as a devil's den by outsiders, there is now a giant altar with thirteen stories high and a shape similar to a pyramid.

The number thirteen does not have any special meaning, but it is the number of times the rune array's amplification is superimposed, which adds up to a total of thirteen times.

Rune altars related to gods usually have five floors, but a few have seven or nine floors.

It's not that the more layers there are, the stronger the deity it points to, but the more layers there are, the better the effect.

The thirteen-story rune altar is considered the ultimate version, and only a few people know how to build it.

Tang Zhen is well-read and knows many secret inheritances. He also knows something about the construction of rune altars.

In order to ensure the success of the operation, Tang Zhen directly used the ultimate version, not believing that the Black Demon God would not be tempted.

The captured Black Evil monks were now scattered at different locations on the thirteen steps, kneeling on the ground with ferocious and angry faces.

Looking at the altar filled with evil spirit and feeling the extremely solemn atmosphere, they all had an ominous premonition.

Their current state clearly showed that they were being used as sacrifices, and it was also the bloodiest human sacrifice.

This group of guys who deceived and captured them and disguised themselves as Black Evil Monks seemed to be three times more evil than the real demon monks.

Could it be that some foreign demon broke into the Fallen Earth War Zone to grab benefits, causing them to be innocently implicated?
If this is true, it is really unfair. The flood washed away the Dragon King Temple, and family members no longer recognize each other.

But then again, the demons from different realms are in competition and hostility with each other, and they are not true allies.

The Black Evil monks felt desperate and crazy at the thought of themselves being sacrificed. It was a situation from which there was no recovery.

The Black Evil Monk acted recklessly and used any means to achieve his goals, but he never thought that one day he would become the protagonist of a tragedy.

Some Black Evil monks wanted to beg for mercy, hoping to escape with their lives, and it didn't matter if they worked like slaves for the foreign demons.

Providing services to the devil is an honor and not a shameful thing.

Being humble and respectful in front of gods, and showing off in front of mortals, these are all normal operations for the Black Evil monks.

When the Black Evil monk opened his mouth to beg, he found that his mouth seemed to be glued shut and he could not make any sound.

It was obvious that Tang Zhen had done this on purpose, not wanting to give the Black Evil Monk any chance.

The biggest role of this large group of Black Evil monks now is to cooperate with Tang Zhen to complete the sacrificial ceremony.

When everything was ready and the time was right, Tang Zhen began the summoning ceremony.

A buzzing sound of incantation came from inside the altar. It was as soft as a mosquito's buzz at first, but soon became louder and louder, and even the surrounding air was constantly vibrating.

The mosquitoes, birds and beasts flying nearby actually flew over in groups and gathered on the runes on the altar.

It was like a carpet of bugs, wriggling constantly in the sound of spells, looking extremely weird and disgusting.

Many insects also came out of the ground, and animals such as mice also gathered near the altar.

This strange altar of the gods has a fatal attraction to flesh and blood creatures, making them gather here involuntarily.

There were also many black evil monks, whose bodies were also crawling with snakes, ants, mosquitoes and insects, which were madly gnawing at their skin and flesh.

The Black Evil Monk was imprisoned by Tang Zhen, unable to move at all, and could only let out desperate howls and screams in his heart.

Relying on their extraordinary powers, they once slaughtered mortals wantonly, and now they have finally received a cruel retribution.

Not long after, the Black Demon monks discovered that they could actually make sounds. At this moment, they roared and cried loudly, begging for mercy and cursing one after another. The sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling mixed together, making the sacrificial scene even more weird and gloomy.

Tang Zhen placed the crystal of life in the center of the altar. When it hit the ground, countless wronged souls could be seen gathering together and wailing.

Each life crystal represents a life. They all died at the hands of the Black Evil Monks and became sacrifices for spiritual practice and to please the gods.

Those wronged souls should be comforted because the culprits who killed them are now kneeling on this altar.

They will also become sacrifices to summon the real mastermind, and then Tang Zhen will take action to seek justice.

After the life crystal was released, the sky was immediately covered with dark clouds, which covered the entire town in a short time.

At this moment, a reddish mist-like substance was rising from the huge altar, mixed with black, silk-like substances.

The Black Demon God, who was in another world, felt the breath of the sacrifice and began to break through the crystal wall of the plane without hesitation.

When there are His believers in this world, the process of His descent will be easier.

When the number of believers reaches a certain level, they can break through the restrictions of the rules and even descend to the heavens and myriad worlds in their true form.

Tang Zhen could feel that the consciousness of the Black Evil Demon God was about to descend, but not in the form of a clone.

It seems that this sacrifice is not very attractive, and Tang Zhen needs to continue to increase the bid.

A handful of carefully refined life crystals carrying the aura of the Son of the Plane were once again thrown out by Tang Zhen.

The weight of the Son of the Plane is far higher than that of ordinary creatures, and this existence is watched by the world consciousness.

It is no exaggeration to say that the life crystal condensed by a Son of the Plane cannot be compared with one hundred thousand ordinary creatures.

When this handful of life crystals were released, a low roar was heard from the rolling black clouds, and then they began to roll even more violently.

At this moment, the foreign demon god became obviously impatient and wanted to come and take away this rich sacrifice.

In an instant, lightning and thunder flashed in the dark clouds, as if the sky was collapsing.

The world consciousness of the Fallen Earth War Zone began to intercept the invaders with all its might, and lightning and thunder represented that the confrontation was ongoing.

With the world consciousness intercepting, if the Black Demon wants to descend with his consciousness again, he will be instantly reduced to ashes under the bombardment of thunder.

In this situation, the Black Demon God can only descend as a clone to withstand the bombardment of thunder and lightning.

But doing so would involve taking on greater risks. Once intercepted and trapped, the Black Demon would suffer huge losses.

The specific operation method is up to the Black Demon God to choose.

The Black Evil Legion was unaware that they had fallen into a trap, and when faced with the unusually rich sacrifices, it was difficult for them to control their greed.

Even at this moment, facing the interception of world consciousness, he still couldn't wait to descend on the Fallen Earth War Zone.

Faced with the interception of world consciousness, it is indeed difficult for the Outer Gods to break through, and they must pay a huge price.

The plane crystal wall is difficult to break through, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be broken through. The key lies in whether it’s worth it.

Tang Zhen watched coldly and found that the clone of the Black Evil Demon God still hadn't appeared and was obviously in a state of indecision.

Tang Zhen wanted to add fuel to the fire and make the Black Evil Demon God make up his mind as soon as possible instead of wasting time by procrastinating.

Standing on the top of the altar, Tang Zhen snapped his fingers.

Those bound Black Evil monks were originally begging the gods to save them, but at this moment they suddenly felt a strong palpitation.

They felt that something was expanding inside their bodies, as if it was going to tear their bodies apart and burst them.

Accompanied by wailing sounds, the Black Evil Monk exploded into pieces, and the flying flesh and blood covered the altar.

One life crystal after another condensed in an instant and scattered in different corners of the altar.


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