Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 141 Tian Ning is crazy

Chapter 141 Tian Ning is crazy
At that moment, I kept my composure, pretending to be crazy and asked: "Tian Ning, I know him. Isn't he an intern police officer from your police station? What's wrong with him?"

"What's wrong with him, you don't know clearly?" Qiang Xiang asked again.

"Look at what you said, how do I know what happened to him? I haven't seen him since that day. I have no conscience. Otherwise, you would have known by asking him." I continued to pretend to be crazy.

Qianqian took a deep breath, and said sullenly, "If he could talk now, I would have asked him a long time ago. Tell me the truth, did you do what he did?"

I still pretended to be dazed and said: "Director Xiang, can you just tell me what's wrong? What's wrong with Tian Ning? Don't always go round and round, are you tired? If you have nothing else to do, I'll go back , I still have a lot to do.”

With that said, I turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled forward.

He sighed and said: "Tian Ning went crazy before dawn. He stripped naked and ran around the community. Several people couldn't control him. Moreover, this kid also bit people randomly. After dawn, I was frothing at the mouth, and now I have been sent to the hospital. I haven't recovered yet. After I woke up, I was afraid of light. The curtains were closed tightly, not letting any light in. I sat there by myself and talked nonsense. I regained consciousness for a while. He was sober for a while, and the doctor didn’t know what kind of illness this kid had..."

When I heard Xiang Qian's narration, I couldn't help but burst out laughing on the spot. What kind of spirit was that thing attached to Tian Ning? Was it an exhibitionist?Why do you still like to run around naked?

I really didn't expect this, but I didn't dare to laugh out loud, and I almost suffered internal injuries.

Looking at me like this, I couldn't help but said angrily: "You kid can still laugh out loud. A good person suddenly goes crazy. I think this matter must have something to do with you kid..."

I stopped laughing, looked forward seriously, and said: "Director Xiang, please don't slander anyone. I haven't even seen him since I came out of your place that day. It's none of my business if he goes crazy now." , You said I did it, do you have evidence?"

He looked at me blankly forward and met my eyes. After a moment, he relaxed and said, "That boy Tian Ning has a temper like a young man's. He is also a bit arrogant and domineering in the institute. No one can stand it." He, but this kid, isn't too bad. He can change his ways with good education in the future, and he won't end up like this... I know that he has offended you, but you were too harsh. A good person has become inhumane and ineffective. Even if he makes a mistake, he must be given a chance to change his ways..."

He spoke earnestly to Xiang Qian, looking very helpless.

However, I really don’t want to admit this. That boy Tian Ning almost killed me and exterminated my descendants. If he were an ordinary person, he would have really fallen into that trap. So what if this little bastard is dealt with properly? Can it work?

Besides, even if I want to spare him, it won't be possible so quickly. He has only suffered for one day, and the punishment is obviously not enough. I have to torture him for a few more days.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Qianqian looked up at me again and asked, "Wu Jiuyin, what are you thinking? Please give me a happy word."

"I'm still confused, why do you insist that I did it? I'm just an honest and capable country boy, working and farming, and I work hard. How can these mysterious and mysterious things have anything to do with me? If you have other things to do, Well, let's have a good chat. If you have nothing else to do, just leave as soon as possible, I won't send you away." I said calmly.

"Wu Jiuyin!"

Xiang Xiang was really angry now. He looked at me with a pair of bull's eyes and said, "Don't think I don't know. I asked my superior to check the phone number you left a few days ago. Your old Wu family is not simple." , your old man is not simple at all. As the saying goes, a dragon begets a dragon, a phoenix begets a phoenix, and a mouse's son can dig holes. Your grandpa is so skillful, I don't believe that your boy can't do it at all..."

I was stunned when I said this, narrowed my eyes, and asked in a stiff tone: "What did you check? What do you know?"

Xiang Qian looked a little panicked and said hesitantly: "It's nothing... My superiors didn't dare to check further after half of the investigation... In short, I probably know something. Your old man is now in a country. Confidential department work, this is a confidential matter, no department can access their information, and if something happens, all departments must cooperate fully... I only know this much, but I can completely reason from this aspect. Ning’s matter has something to do with you..."

Come on, this old boy, even though he is fat and white, his brain is really not very good. He touched my body with just such a few clues. I really underestimated him.

At that moment, I coughed dryly and said calmly: "I really didn't do what happened to Tian Ning, but my old man did teach me some skills. If you need me to go and take a look, I will go Take a look, if you don't need it, you can hire someone else, but you can say ugly things first, don't throw dirty water on me, I, Wu Jiuyin, am fine, but my old man is not a vegetarian."

My words are a bit threatening, just to remind Qianqian to be polite to me. Even if I did Tian Ning’s thing, I can’t blame it on me. Whoever lets him be a bitch and offend me must be punished. There is a price to pay for this.

Hearing what I said, he nodded forward and said, "Yes, yes, yes... I believe you did not do this, but please go over and take a look. I will drive you there..."

I pushed the forward hand away and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I won't be able to make it through today."

He stepped forward and asked, "Why?"

"This kind of thing is more troublesome, so I have to prepare. Give me three days. At this time, you can come and pick me up." In fact, it won't take three days to exorcise Tian Ning's spirit. I walked there. The medicine cured the disease, but I still felt that the boy had suffered too little. I felt that three days was too short. If it weren't for the fact that he was caught in the middle and was suffering, I would have thought of helping him after seven days. Exorcism.

Hearing what I said, Xiang Qian had no choice but to nod and agree, saying: "Just three days... you must be at home then, I will come to pick you up at this time... Actually, this matter It's Tian Ning's father, Tian Bo, who begged me to find a way. His father and I are old friends, so we can't ignore it..."

 No matter how fast the update is, it will definitely not be as fast as you can read. It takes you two minutes to read a chapter, and it may take two hours to write Youlong. Please understand, it must be a suspense thriller, which consumes a lot of mental energy, but it is wonderfully written, so everyone will love to read it. .

(End of this chapter)

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