Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 142 The 3-Day Covenant

Chapter 142
I nodded to express my understanding and watched as I got into the car and left Gaogang Village before turning around and going back to the house.

As soon as I got home, my parents cornered me in the yard and asked me who this policeman was. He looked like a cadre. They also asked me how they met. It would be best if they could help me. I'll find a real job or something.

The two of them were talking to each other, which made me a little confused. I had to deal with it casually and hurried back to the house.

I'm still thinking in my heart, is this the official title?If the two elders knew what my grandfather did, they would be frightened. The old man is the leader in the Yanbei area, and he is called a high official. However, the old man is upright and impartial, and he has no intention of arranging a proper business for me. born.

After returning to the house, I sat in a daze for a while and began to think about what had happened in the past few days. It seemed that things were becoming more and more complicated and moving in an irreversible direction.

Even Xiang Xiang figured out what the old man was probably doing, and knew that I had some special methods. As soon as I took action, Xiang Xiang found him. If he wanted to do some secretive methods in the future, this old boy would definitely I suspected it was me.

I shook my head and stopped thinking about it. I continued to sit there cross-legged and practice.

After I exercised it for several weeks, I suddenly felt that my Dantian was full of spiritual energy, my whole body was full of strength, and my energy level was much better.

So, I once again dug out the book of Wu Family Secret Techniques from under the bed, intending to learn something again. I found that the techniques in this book are really practical, and I must learn a few more tricks to be prepared in the future. A variety of unforeseen emergencies.

At this glance, I immediately entered the state. Before I knew it, it was completely dark and my parents had fallen asleep.

At this time, I thought again of the little spirit demon Mengmeng who was nourished in my Dantian. When I was dealing with Wang Chuanbao that day, it came out for a while and then went in again. It was a big help to me. Now in the dead of night, I I just want to try to call it out again to get some air, talk to me, and deepen our relationship. After all, we will be together for a long time in the future.

Thinking about it, I sat cross-legged on the bed and tried to communicate with it with my mind. This time, the little girl responded quickly, turning into a mist and floating directly out from my Tianling Cap.

When I opened my eyes, I was startled. I don't know if this little girl was playing a prank or deliberately scaring me. She still looks like she just died, her face is pale, her tongue is sticking out, and the corners of her eyes are bleeding. The key is He was also wearing a bright red robe, which reminded me of the first time I saw the spirit demon. That time I almost peed my pants in fright.

Even now that I see Mengmeng like this, I still can't accept it, and almost regard it as a spirit demon.

"Mengmeng... don't scare brother Xiaojiu, you should go back to your previous appearance..." I begged.

"Brother Xiaojiu... don't I look good like this? I think it's very funny..." Mengmeng blinked at me.

"I still think you looked better the way you were before. Change back quickly. My brother is afraid..." I said again.

"Okay then..." Mengmeng turned around, and when she turned around again, she had returned to the appearance of that three or four-year-old girl, with big watery eyes, a round little face, and two small piercings. The pigtails are really cute, and when she smiles at me, it makes me even happier.

This little girl has grown so pretty at the age of three or four. If she had grown up alive, she would have been a standard beauty. What a pity... I thought to myself.

Mengmeng is now a lonely wild spirit being raised in my Dantian. She can neither harm anyone nor have any abilities. Even in places with strong yang energy, she may disappear into thin air and can only appear at night. With my current situation The cultivation level can't give it anything, it can only barely keep it able to continue to exist in this world.

I heard from Brother Luo Weiping that there is only one way to make Mengmeng stronger, and that is to let Mengmeng devour more souls. Only then can the spirit demon's Taoism hidden in its body be stimulated, and the spirit demon's abilities gradually be restored. But It is not easy for people to condense souls. I let Mengmeng devour those lonely souls and cut off their chances of reincarnation. It is really unreasonable and I cannot bear it. Besides, I am the only one who has become stronger. Only by continuously improving her cultivation can Mengmeng be given better opportunities and become stronger.

Mengmeng looks really weak now, with only a faint shadow. It is lively and active, floating around the room happily. After playing for a while, it feels weak and cannot resist the sunshine floating around. I let it return to my Dantian to warm it up.

I stayed at home for another three days, without going out for three days. Apart from eating and sleeping, I held the book of Wu Family Secrets every day and carefully studied it. I had a very strong desire. I wanted to become stronger. As powerful as Grandpa and Luo Weiping, only then can Mengmeng be able to walk around more at night.

Three days later, Xiangqian arrived at my door as promised and brought some gifts, which flattered my parents.

After exchanging pleasantries, I followed him out of the yard, got into his car, and drove toward the city. I was silent along the way, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

The car stopped at the entrance of a high-end community. It was completely dark at this time. I followed him forward and got out of the car. He scanned my body and asked a little strangely: "Didn't you say that these three days are going to happen?" Have you prepared anything? Why don't you bring anything?"

"Everything is ready, it's on me, don't worry." I replied calmly.

However, Qianqian looked at me again with some uneasiness, hesitated to speak, and finally led me towards a building without saying a word.

We took the elevator to the 7th floor and rang the doorbell. The door opened quickly. A middle-aged man opened the door and warmly welcomed us in. After entering the room, he didn't ask me to show Tian Ning. , the person who was pouring tea and handing cigarettes made me feel a little uncomfortable.

The middle-aged man in front of me is Tian Ning's father. He seems to be about the same age as my father. He seems to be a very easy-going man. His way of doing things and speaking makes him look like an official. He is very thoughtful and considerate.

This guy looks nice, but what makes me wonder is why he gave birth to such a bastard son like Tian Ning, who is so unreliable in his work.

(End of this chapter)

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