Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 145 talk about marriage

Chapter 145 talk about marriage
Xiangqian sent me to Gaogang Village. I got off the car with the resentful spirit. When Xiangqian got off the bus, I was already shivering from the cold. I was infected by the yin energy of the resentful spirit, and I still couldn't help it. I kept sneezing. I had a magic weapon close to me, so I was naturally not afraid of these things.

After getting out of the car, Qianqian told me a few more words not to torment Tian Ning anymore. I didn't express my position. I just said that I would watch his behavior in the future in case something happened again or something I shouldn't have provoked. I will not be responsible for the people I provoke.

What I said was somewhat threatening, and a smart person like Xiang Qiang should be able to understand what I meant.

In fact, I punished Tian Ning not just to vent my anger, but also for another purpose, which was to play a certain role in shaking down the enemy. Didn't Tian Ning always have a good relationship with Luo Xiang? What happened to Tian Ning must have happened to Luo Xiang. Hibiki has already received the news. If he is sensible, he will restrain himself and can guess that what happened to Tian Ning is closely related to me. Even if he doesn't know, Wang Chuanbao will tell him about me. Means, I don't ask Luo Xiang to kowtow to me and plead guilty. As long as he comes to make peace with me, apologizes, and promises not to cause trouble for me in the future, and to stop harassing Li Kexin, we can even out our grudges. It can be completely written off.

As powerful as Luo Xiang's family, I don't want to be an enemy. Just like what Wang Chuanbao said, if things get big, it will definitely be difficult to deal with.

All I want is a word from Luo Xiang. As long as he is willing to give in, everything will be easy.

However, Luo Xiang looked down on me from the beginning to the end, seeing that I was a poor boy from the countryside, would he bow his head to me?
I think this matter is still a bit unresolved, okay, then I will give in a little further. As long as we don't interfere with each other in the future, no one will pay attention to anyone else.

This is completely acceptable to me.

After chatting with me for a while, he drove away.

It was boring to be idle at night, so I took out some things from home and walked to the deserted place behind the village. I brought the resentful spirit back. I must save it as soon as possible, and I must keep my words. , you can’t break your promise even to a spirit.

I have never done such a thing as salvation before, but it is recorded in the Wu Family Secret Technique, so I just need to follow the example.

It is said that the person who died suddenly has not yet reached the end of his life, and the underworld will not accept him. He must wait until his life is up before he is willing to let him re-enter the six realms of reincarnation. During this period, the person who died suddenly can only be used as a Lonely souls and wild spirits are wandering in the Yang world, homeless, and have nothing to rely on. It can be said to be very pitiful. If it is not done well, it may be scattered at any time, and it will never be reincarnated. This ghost can meet me because he has done good deeds in his previous life. He has done so many good things, and I just felt that I owed it to him, so I planned to do this salvation for him.

In a deserted area at the back of the mountain, I burned some paper money and recited a spell. It took me half an hour to free the resentful spirit.

The resentful spirit was naturally very grateful to me, and finally turned into a ball of pure air and dissipated invisible.

It took a lot of my spiritual energy to save this resentful spirit. After I dragged my exhausted body back home, I didn't even have time to eat dinner, so I lay down and fell asleep.

In the next few days, I had nothing to do, so I stayed at home practicing every day. When I was free at night, I let the little spirit demon Mengmeng out to play with. This little girl became more and more lively, but her figure was very faint. It makes people feel pitiful, and they don’t know when I will be truly strong, so that this little girl can come out all night without having to stay in my Dantian every day.

We have been at home for four or five days in a row. In the past few days, Li Kexin and I have been communicating through text messages. We have all kinds of affection, sweetness and happiness.After practicing for a few days, the fatigue caused by the effort to free the resentful spirit was completely gone.

I kind of miss Zhu Zhu and Gao Jianqiang, but actually I miss Li Kexin even more.

So I rode my bicycle directly to the city, and first went to the hospital to see the two of them. These two guys were exactly like uncles, rich, and had someone to take care of them. Wang Chuanbao was also rich enough, and he hired two beauties to take care of them. The two of them made me want to be admitted to the hospital.

Wang Chuanbao happened to live in the same hospital as the two of them. He would run to their ward whenever he had nothing to do, and they would chat in a lively manner, as if he had been brothers all his life. Wang Chuanbao also warmly invited Gao Jianqiang to work in his nightclub. And he offered him a huge price, which made me jealous for a while.

It felt a bit unnecessary for me to go to see them. After wandering around, I made an appointment with Li Kexin to watch movies, go shopping, and drink terrible coffee... I lived a leisurely life, as plain as water but full of happiness. Full.

In the blink of an eye, two or three months have passed. The relationship between Li Kexin and I is getting closer and closer, and we often spend time together. However, Li Kexin and I are relatively simple and conservative people, and we have never done anything extraordinary. The most things can be done is to hold hands and hug each other. If you are deeply in love, you can have a couple of kisses, that's all. However, every time you come home, you will feel so hot that you need to take several cold baths to calm down. As an old virgin, , this kind of life is really difficult.

During this period of time, there has been no news from Luo Xiang. I also asked Li Kexin, and this guy has never harassed her.

I thought that this matter must have ended like this. After what happened to Wang Chuanbao and Tian Ning, Luo Xiang must have known that I was not easy to mess with, so he gave up the idea of ​​dealing with me. However, I did not expect at all that a death threat was coming towards me. He approached me quietly.

Of course, this is all a thing for later. At least the relationship with Li Kexin has always been good, and it has even reached the point of discussing marriage.

One day in early autumn, Li Kexin suddenly raised a very serious question, that is, let me meet her parents. She also told her parents about me. Only after meeting his parents, we Only then can the relationship between them be truly clear.

I never knew what Li Kexin's parents did for a living, and I never asked. But looking at the high-end community where Li Kexin lived, I didn't feel confident. Her family must be either rich or expensive, otherwise they wouldn't have cultivated Li Kexin. Such a gentle and lovely girl.

When Li Kexin told me what her parents did, I was really shocked, because she told me that her parents were in administration and worked in the city government, and her father was the leader of Tiannan City.

(End of this chapter)

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