Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 146 The poor son-in-law wants to see his mother-in-law

Chapter 146 The poor son-in-law wants to see his mother-in-law
I was already very nervous when Li Kexin asked me to meet her parents. When I heard what her father did, I became even more overwhelmed and even felt a deep sense of inferiority. At first, I felt Li Kexin works as a nurse in the hospital. Her family background should be average, belonging to a middle-class family. How could she know that her conditions would be so good? Even though her family background is average, I am still a child from the countryside, and I don’t dare to climb high. Now it’s even more so. I have no confidence, and my whole person is like a deflated rubber ball.

But a poor son-in-law always has to meet his mother-in-law. There is no way to escape this. I can only hope that Li Kexin’s parents are not snobbish and can look down on me, a poor boy from the countryside. I think, as long as I work hard enough, I can still take on the responsibility of taking care of Li Kexin. Give me another year or two. When I am strong enough, I can ask the old man to arrange a job for me. It should not be a problem to settle down in the city, even if Even if the old man doesn't make arrangements for me, I won't be any worse off if I rely on my own ability to make a living.

I really didn't want to meet Kexin's parents, so I kept putting it off for several days. Finally, I couldn't put it off anymore, so I made an appointment to meet at the coffee shop where Li Kexin and I often go.

That day, I dressed up specially and put on the newly bought clothes. When I looked in the mirror, I found that I was still a very energetic young man. He was so handsome.

Afterwards, I rode a broken bicycle and rushed to the city, parking the bike under the cafe.

I arrived half an hour early, walked there, ordered a meal, and chose a place by the window so that I could see the scene outside the window.

As I sat there, I felt uneasy. I kept thinking about what I would say and what I would do after meeting Li Kexin's parents so that I could gain their attention and leave a good impression on them. I even had the impression that I was still demonstrating myself for several minutes before I went downstairs to wait for the arrival of Li Kexin's family.

Half an hour passed quickly, and a brand-new Pegasus stopped at the door of the coffee shop. Soon I saw Li Kexin holding the arm of a middle-aged man and walking out of the car with a smile. The middle-aged man has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and a heroic face, which gives people a feeling of power without anger, and he is full of momentum.

Naturally, this is just the aura exuded by ordinary people. Compared with my old man, it is still much worse.

After Li Kexin came down with the middle-aged man on her arm, she winked at me playfully. That cute little look was so beautiful.

Immediately behind the middle-aged man, another elegant middle-aged woman came out. Her eyebrows and eyes looked very similar to Li Kexin's. She was well-maintained. Standing next to Li Kexin, she looked like two sisters at first glance.

I thought that the middle-aged woman should be Li Kexin's mother, and that handsome man was Li Kexin's father.

Immediately, I walked over, greeted them politely, called aunt and uncle, and then invited them to go up to the second floor.

Li Kexin's parents looked very kind, and kept talking to me warmly. Li Kexin's mother also praised me as a handsome young man, and looked very happy. This made me relax a little, and I felt that this old couple Still quite easy to get along with.

After getting to the second floor, I asked them to sit down, then asked the waiter to serve the meal, and ordered a bottle of red wine.

Originally, I didn't like going to places like this, but over the past few days, Li Kexin often took me to such high-end places, and I gradually got used to it.

If you like someone, you must tolerate everything about him and like what he likes. Even if you don't adapt to it, you must learn to adapt to it all.

At first we just exchanged pleasantries and seemed to be getting along very well.

After chatting for a while, Li Kexin's mother began to inquire about my situation.

I didn’t want to hide anything. Apart from the old man’s identity, I answered everything else truthfully.

When they found out that I was a child from a rural area, the faces of the old couple were not very good. Then they asked about my job and learned that I was an unemployed vagrant with no serious job and relied on part-time work to make ends meet. At that moment, the face became pulled down, and then, it seemed that there was no more.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. Although Li Kexin has always said good things to me, I also know that the situation is irreversible. I am not saying that they are snobbish. What parent does not want their daughter to find a good man? They have enough food and clothing, and don't have to worry about their livelihood. Besides, their family's conditions are so good, so it's normal for them to look down on a poor boy like me.

From the very beginning, I felt that there was something inappropriate between us, but Li Kexin was so attractive to me that I couldn't help but want to get close to her and give her everything I could, but, some I still can't give her the things, let alone give her parents a satisfactory explanation.

When the atmosphere was awkward and we were speechless, a man walked into the cafe with his arms around a woman wearing heavy makeup, followed by three or four sleazy guys.

The voices they spoke were very loud, which sounded familiar to me. When I looked up, I met the man's eyes. This was Wang Chuanbao, the owner of the nightclub.

This kid's injury seemed to have healed. When he saw me, he walked up with a playful smile and said, "Isn't this Mr. Jiu? It's a coincidence that I can meet you here. We are really destined." …”

With that said, he came over and held my hand, and asked the three or four arrogant guys behind him to call me Master Jiu.

Those boys were all dealt with by me, and they all politely called me Jiuye after seeing me.

Suddenly, I felt cold sweat on my head. Holy shit, this Wang Chuanbao came at the wrong time. Why did I meet him here?
This kid has no discernment at all. After taking a look at Li Kexin, his eyes straightened up and he said carelessly: "Master Jiu...is this your sister-in-law? She's so handsome. Why don't you introduce me to your brother?" introduce?"

Afterwards, this guy saw Li Kexin's father who was sitting on the side, and said, "Who is this dude? Why does he look so familiar? Master Jiu, can you introduce me too?"

I thought to myself, doesn’t it look familiar to you? You should see it often on TV.

Looking up at Li Kexin's father, his face immediately darkened.

My heart trembled and I thought, this is completely over. The only good impression I had was ruined by this guy Wang Chuanbao.

(End of this chapter)

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