Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 156 I Won't Let Him Go

Chapter 156 I Won't Let Him Go

I haven't left Gaogang Village for more than a month. My life has been extremely peaceful and ordinary. I have passed through a small low period in my life. Although I often think of Li Kexin, my heart is not that sad. .

In fact, these days, I still have a small expectation in my heart, that is, I hope that Li Kexin can call me or send me a text message to tell me her current situation. This can at least prove that she cares about me, but Such a long time has passed and I haven't even received a text message. It's not that I don't believe her, but I don't believe that in the past month, she couldn't even spare a minute to contact me.

Sometimes, I even think that if she tells me, Brother Xiaojiu, let’s fly far away and leave this place, I will leave everything here and follow her to the ends of the world, and I will make all my efforts to take care of her.

But I didn't expect anything. All this was just wishful thinking on my part.

Maybe she is just a beautiful scenery on the road of my life. I walked and stopped and stayed at that beautiful place for a moment. Although the beautiful scenery was good, I couldn't stay there forever. I had to rush to another place non-stop. , because there are still many important things waiting for me to do elsewhere.

The first thing I have to do is how to deal with Luo Xiang. These days, my silence is actually a way to deal with Luo Xiang. I want him to be tortured while waiting and find someone to assassinate me at the beginning. Some time ago when he didn't succeed, Luo Xiang would definitely be frightened and his days would feel like years. He would think about when I would suddenly appear and take his life. I wanted him to experience that kind of fearful and unstoppable feeling. .

This is not the first time I have fought against this kid Luo Xiang. He must have just learned about me from Wang Chuanbao and Tian Ning. Although I, Wu Jiuyin, do not cause trouble, I am definitely not a doormat. To fight tooth for tooth is what I am. style of doing things.

Wang Chuanbao is a big bastard in Tiannan City, so what can I do? I smashed his nightclub to pieces, and even Wang Chuanbao himself had one of his arms and legs broken by me.

Tian Ning’s father is powerful, am I ever afraid of him?

I didn’t punish that kid who ran around the neighborhood with his butt naked, and spent several days in a state of life worse than death.

Luo Xiang must know in his heart that I will not let him go.

But I haven't moved for a month, what would he think?At first, he must be afraid, but as time goes by, he should relax his guard, thinking that I, Wu Jiuyin, dare not provoke him, Mr. Luo, because just a month ago, he had someone take a gun. On my head.

This month, I gave him a chance to admit his mistakes and change his ways, but he didn't cherish it, but I also gave him a chance. My chance was to take his life when he was unprepared!
Before I decided to deal with Luo Xiang, I first called Gao Jianqiang. He was currently working at Wang Chuanbao's nightclub. The purpose of calling him was to ask Gao Jianqiang to find out where Luo Xiang lived. Originally, I should have made this call to Wang Chuanbao, because he must know best where Luo Xiang lives, but I still don't trust this guy very much. Gao Jianqiang is my best friend, and he will definitely not betray me. things.

Gao Jianqiang was very surprised and shocked when he received my call. He was shocked by my persistence. After such a long time, he still wanted to deal with Luo Xiang, but when I told Luo Xiang to find a killer to assassinate me, Gao Jianqiang Tenacity understands the real reason why I want to clean up this kid.

Gao Jianqiang just told me not to worry, he would quietly inquire about Luo Xiang's home and give me an accurate answer the next day.

I was very relieved that he was doing things, and then I waited patiently at home, waiting for news from him.

Sure enough, Gao Jianqiang lived up to his expectations. Early the next morning, Gao Jianqiang called me back and told me the news. He told me that Luo Xiang’s home had several places, most of which were villas, but Luo Xiang himself There is a home, a single-family villa in the southern mountainous area of ​​Tiannan City. Recently, Luo Xiang often haunts that place and hangs out with several women in the villa.

Gao Jianqiang knew about this because Luo Xiang fell in love with a girl in Wang Chuanbao's nightclub a few days ago. Luo Xiang's driver took the girl back to his villa in the southern mountainous area to spend the night every night. Send it back the next day.

To be cautious, Gao Jianqiang did not ask the young lady where Luo Xiang lived in person. Instead, he asked a friend of his who was very good at the nightclub to ask. The matter was absolutely reliable.

Afterwards, Gao Jianqiang warned me again, telling me that it was okay to clean up Luo Xiang, but not to cause harm to anyone. If the matter got bigger, I wouldn't be able to clean up the mess.

I thanked Gao Jianqiang and said I would treat him to a drink after the matter was finished, and then hung up the phone.

After getting the exact news, I disguised myself, climbed over the wall from my backyard, walked around a few times, ran to the road in the back mountain, took a taxi, and went directly to Tiannan City. Then, Then he changed to a taxi in Tiannan City and drove directly to the place where Luo Xiang lived in the southern mountainous area.

I didn't ask the driver to stop the car, but carefully observed the villa where Luo Xiang lived. It was on a barren mountain. There were no people around. This kid's family was really not ordinary rich. This villa was built on a barren mountain. Halfway up the mountain, we also built a road around the mountain.

This place is quite secluded, but for me it is the best. In this barren mountain, no one will hear me no matter how loud I make a noise.

Tonight was probably the most unforgettable night in Luo Xiang's life.

Afterwards, I asked the driver to drive back to Tiannan City. I had a meal at a street stall. When it was almost dark, I took a taxi and asked him to park at a farmhouse in the southern mountainous area. next to.

This place is still a long way from the villa where Luo Xiang lived. I climbed all the way through the uninhabited barren hills, and finally squatted in the wild grass next to the villa, like a hungry wolf. Like waiting for prey, he quietly waited for Luo Xiang's arrival.

I squatted there and waited for about two hours. Two Pegasus cars appeared on the concrete road halfway up the mountain. The dazzling headlights shone on me. I was so frightened that I lay down in the grass without daring to move. I thought There must be Luo Xiang in this car.

(End of this chapter)

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