Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 157 Dangerous

Chapter 157 Dangerous
The two Pegasus passed by near the grass where I was lying, heading towards the single-family villa. Then the iron gate opened automatically, and the two cars drove in one after another.

I climbed up quietly and looked towards the courtyard of the villa from behind a big tree halfway up the mountain.

But after the two cars stopped, a guy in a white formal suit walked into the villa with two tall beauties in his arms. There was constant laughter coming from the yard.

The show bag in white formal attire must be Luo Xiang, and there are really not many people who like to wear white formal attire these days.

After Luo Xiang walked into the villa with the two tall beauties in his arms, five more people quickly got out of a car at the back. They were all dressed in black formal clothes. It was late at night, and all of them were wearing sunglasses. , like big-tailed wolves, after getting out of the car, the five people spread out and wandered around the villa for a few times before entering the villa one after another.

After the two cars entered, the barking of several large wolf dogs came from the yard, and it soon became quiet.

There are actually dogs in this yard. It seems that Luo Xiang specially arranged it to prevent me from suddenly appearing.

It seems that these days, he still has not completely relaxed his guard and is always waiting for my arrival.

Needless to say, these people wearing sunglasses must be the bodyguards hired by Luo Xiang. They are as strong as calves and have very professional styles. They must be professional bodyguards hired at a high price.

I don't care about these ordinary people. No matter how hard I fight, they still don't pose much of a threat to a practitioner. I don't know if Luo Xiang is having a brain attack. The professional he invited Even the killer can't do anything to me, so what's the point of hiring a few bodyguards?

I'm not in a hurry to deal with Luo Xiang now, because I'm a little worried at the moment. I'm afraid that Luo Xiang has any other preparations that will catch me off guard, so I still squat on the mountainside and carefully observe every move in the yard.

Time passed by minute by second, and the place where I was squatting was not far from the villa. More than half an hour after Luo Xiang entered the villa, a burst of laughter came from a room on the second floor. It was unbearable, and it made me feel hot for a while.

Rich people are good and can do whatever they want. Unexpectedly, Luo Xiang was so good in physique that he found two women to spend the night with him.

More than an hour later, the movement in the room on the second floor became smaller. After another ten minutes, the lights in the room were also turned off.

Luo Xiang finally calmed down and must have fallen asleep from exhaustion.

Thinking about how it would feel to take that little girl out of her tender nest and give her a violent beating, it was so satisfying.

Everything is silent, the moon is dark and the wind is high and the night is murderous.

After waiting for a while, I carefully walked down the mountain and came to the courtyard wall of the villa.

If I break in rashly, I will definitely alert the big wolf dogs in the yard. The first problem I have to solve is these annoying big wolf dogs. This thing is the easiest to expose me.

It is actually very simple to deal with these big wolf dogs. The little spirit demon Mengmeng can easily deal with it. Dogs have psychic eyes and can see spiritual objects. As soon as Mengmeng appears, the big wolf dog can see it. If For ordinary spiritual beings, these big wolf dogs will undoubtedly bark loudly to drive these spiritual beings away from here, but Mengmeng is different. It is not an ordinary spiritual being, but a big spirit that once merged with the spirit demon. The aura of the spirit demon that looks down on the world. Although Mengmeng is very weak now, the aura of the spirit demon is still there, and it is impossible not to be afraid of those big wolf dogs.

Thinking of this, I performed a few hand gestures, recited a few spells silently, and began to communicate with Mengmeng in my dantian to summon it.

Mengmeng turned into a wisp of blood-red mist, flew out from my Tianling Cap, and solidified into a human shape beside me, and it was already translucent. In the past, it was just a vague shadow, and it felt like it would disappear at any time. , but it has been warming up in my Dantian for nearly a year. As my cultivation continues to improve, it has now become very clear.

Mengmeng looked very happy when I released him from his dantian. He looked around curiously and said, "Brother Xiaojiu... we are not playing at home today. Where are we?"

"Brother Xiaojiu is out to do something today. Can we fight the bad guys together?" I asked softly.

A cute smile broke out on Mengmeng's face, and she said happily: "Okay, okay... Mengmeng likes to beat bad people the most. Do you want Mengmeng to continue to pretend to be a ghost to scare them?"

As she said that, Mengmeng immediately turned into a ferocious look, with a pale face, a bloody patch on her face, and her long tongue stuck out, floating in the air, which shocked me. , I took a deep breath, waved my hands and said: "You don't need to pretend to be a spirit this time, you should change back quickly. Brother Xiaojiu will be scared to see you like this..."

"Oh..." Mengmeng responded, and immediately returned to her cute appearance, standing next to me, but I was thinking in my heart, this little girl said she was pretending to be a spirit, isn't she just a spirit now?
I immediately said to Mengmeng: "Mengmeng... there are some big wolf dogs in this yard. Tell them not to make any noise. By the way, take a look at how many people are in this yard and where they are hiding. Come back after you have seen it clearly." tell me."

Mengmeng nodded again and said, "Okay, brother Xiaojiu, wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon."

With that said, Mengmeng dodged and once again turned into a piece of red mist and floated towards the yard.

I was squatting under the high courtyard wall and couldn't see the scene in the courtyard at this time. However, when Mengmeng entered the courtyard, I soon heard the big wolf dogs in the courtyard whining for a while. They must have seen Mengmeng. They were so frightened that they ran into the kennel with their tails between their legs. Then they couldn't hear any movement.

I squatted under the wall, patiently waiting for Mengmeng to come back, but I waited for six or seven minutes in a row, but still didn't wait for Mengmeng to come back. Suddenly I felt uneasy, and just when I was about to stand up, I felt a sudden stab of pain in my heart. The pain made me squat down again, and a heartbreaking voice sounded in my heart: "Brother Xiaojiu...save me..."

This is a cute voice, it is in danger!

As soon as I heard Mengmeng's voice, I couldn't control myself. I felt an inexplicable sense of panic in my heart. Mengmeng has been following me for more than half a year. During this time, my feelings for her were particularly deep. I even regarded her as mine. I love it like my own daughter, but now it is in danger, which is the most unacceptable thing for me.

(End of this chapter)

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