Chapter 158
Immediately, my head felt hot, and without thinking too much, I took a few steps back, jumped over the high courtyard wall in a flash, and then jumped into the courtyard of the villa.

I don’t know what kind of danger Mengmeng encountered, but its heart-rending cry for help just now deeply stimulated me. At that moment, I didn’t think about anything but to get Mengmeng out of danger as soon as possible.

But when I turned over and walked into this big yard, I was immediately at a loss because I didn’t know where Mengmeng had gone. After that cry, Mengmeng lost contact with me and there was no trace. Could it be that Mengmeng was Has anyone collected it?
When I think of this, my heart hurts so much. I have already lost too much. I can't lose Mengmeng again.

When I was sad, I kept telling myself that I must calm down. Being impulsive would only make things worse.

After jumping into the yard, I immediately hid in a dark corner, started to make hand gestures, recited spells silently, and tried to communicate with Mengmeng. However, after trying twice in a row, I didn't get any response. Mengmeng seemed to The stone sank into the sea without a trace.

Mengmeng and I are one. If it disappears, I will definitely not be happy, but I really can't find it now.

Just when I was about to try to communicate again, I suddenly heard a burst of rapid footsteps, like thunder exploding. I immediately opened my eyes and saw four or five men in black holding machetes in their hands. They rushed towards me, and these four or five men in black were naturally Luo Xiang's bodyguards.

When I saw them rushing toward me, I was suddenly shocked. First of all, I felt a little incredible. Everything I did was flawless. I squatted near the villa for most of the night. I thought it was perfect and could be used by Luo Luo. The sound came unexpectedly. No one noticed me just after entering the courtyard of the villa?
What is the situation?
However, I quickly realized that even Mengmeng had lost contact with me. It was possible that something unexpected had happened. It was very possible that Luo Xiang had invited some expert over, and Mengmeng had been caught. I How could it not be discovered.

When I understood this, I immediately stood up, took out the seven-star copper coin sword from the yellow cloth pocket on my body, and greeted the men in black.

The first man in black shouted loudly, and hit my copper coin sword with a heavy machete. The shock made my hands feel numb. The knife even rubbed against the copper coin sword when they collided with each other. There was a burst of sparks.

He was really a master. The people Luo Xiang hired were much better than the second-rate guys Wang Chuanbao found. However, no matter how strong he was, he was still an ordinary person.

In an instant, I let my Dantian move rapidly, the energy in my body surged, and my speed suddenly increased a few minutes. The movements of the men in black slowed down for half a beat in front of my eyes. Before the men in black could retract their swords, I Immediately, he flew up and kicked the man in black in the abdomen. The man in black groaned and fell backward.

I dodged and ran towards the yard, but soon the bodyguards in black rushed up and surrounded me.

This time, I saw that these people not only held knives, but some also held electric batons, which made a burst of crackling sounds.

Soon, these four people rushed up, the sound of fists and kicks accompanied by the whistling wind, and greeted me. Since they have been discovered now, I simply risked it. Since the darkness is not good, I will After playing tricks and intrigues with them, I found that I was really no match for these old gangsters. As soon as I made a point of criticism, they suppressed me.

The copper coin sword in my hand was wielded vigorously by me. These men in black were all extremely skilled practitioners. After seven or eight moves, I was able to knock down two of them.

Just when I was about to take care of the remaining two men in black, suddenly there was a gust of wind behind me, which made me feel chilly.

He quickly looked back and saw a little spirit with a ferocious face rushing towards him. This little thing was covered in black energy and had a ferocious look on his face. There were only a few sparse hairs on his big head, and his body was total. He has a big head, bulging veins all over his face, and blood-red eyes full of resentment and resentment.

Suddenly I saw such a spiritual creature, which startled me. I quickly dodged sideways. The little spirit whizzed past me, carrying a gloomy deathly aura. The smell of it gave me a feeling. A complete sense of nausea, panic, and a feeling of wanting to vomit.

The little spirit missed the target and floated in mid-air. It let out a burst of weird laughter, and the hoarse voice was very harsh.

Damn it, what the hell is this thing? How can it be so ugly and evil? After Mengmeng turned into a ferocious appearance, he was a hundred times more beautiful than this ugly ghost. It really scared me to death.

I could see this thing, but the bodyguards didn't seem to see it. They still waved the guy in their hands and slashed at me. I was worried that the little spirit would sneak up on me, while I calmly dealt with the bodyguards in black. , the little spirit floated beside me, rising and falling. The old dead breath made my stomach churn, but I couldn't free my hands to clean up this little thing.

I hadn't beaten the two bodyguards down yet. At this time, another person rushed out from the side. I didn't see clearly what this guy was holding, but I just felt that his speed was very fast, as fast as a gust of wind. When I saw him, he was already in front of me. He was holding a stick engraved with black runes in his hand, and he smashed the head of his bag towards me. I quickly used the copper coin sword in my hand. I took it, and when I took it, my hand suddenly became soft and tingled unbearably.

It was such a strong force. This person must be a very powerful practitioner. Before I could react, the person quickly swung his palm and imprinted it on my chest. My body flew away like a broken sack. He went out, hit the ground hard, and slid out for several meters before stopping.

My stomach was churning and my throat was sweet. I opened my mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. I immediately felt much better.

I raised my hand and saw that the hand holding the copper coin sword was cracked and dripping with blood.

This method is really powerful. It seems that I have met a master.

I looked up and saw that the one who slapped me away was actually a boy of twelve or thirteen years old. He was looking at me with a sinister smile on his face. In his hand was the stick engraved with runes. black stick.

What happened in that moment?I was beaten to the ground by a boy of twelve or thirteen years old...

(End of this chapter)

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