Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1613 Half Corpse

Chapter 1613 Half Corpse
Mr. Zeng sighed and said: "Young master Li was not invited by me, but personally appointed by the leader of the Southwest Department. Everyone knows that the Pill Chengshan Tianshi Talisman is very powerful and has a way of restraining all kinds of zombies." It is a unique method, and Mr. Li is the son of Master Hua Qing, the master of Dancheng Mountain. He has obtained the true transmission of the Tao of Heavenly Masters in Dancheng Mountain. There must be a certain way to deal with this wandering corpse. To deal with evil things like wandering corpses , the more masters who come, the better. No one thought that Mr. Li would have such a feud with you..."

"Mr. Zeng, you don't have to worry. I'm too lazy to argue with Li Chao's two hundred and fifty. I'll just ignore him when I see him in the future. Unless he has nothing to do, you can't blame me for being ruthless." I said sternly.

Zeng Lao's body trembled involuntarily, and he said tactfully: "Xiao Jiu, the reason why Mr. Li is so young and vigorous is because he is the son of Master Dan Chengshan and grew up in a honey pot. He has never been angry before. This is the kind of person he is. He will not change his nature. You cannot be the same as him. This son of Headmaster Dan Chengshan is no joke. If you hurt him, you will anger Dan Chengshan. , it’s not like that at all. Calm down your anger and don’t make a move with him, so as not to hurt your harmony. I’ve gotten to know you better over the years. You usually don’t take action, and you kill people when you do. , you have to control this matter yourself."

In other words, I am really not afraid of Dan Chengshan, let alone Li Chao. As long as he offends me severely, I will still deal with it, and I can only avoid being on the same level as him for the time being.

After being comforted by Mr. Zeng and the leader of the Jixi Yanzhou special investigation team, I finally calmed down the anger in my heart, and then remembered the business, so I went to those who were killed by Kunhe ghosts. Next to the corpse of the villager killed by the monster in the coffin, a white cloth was uncovered, and then he saw the childish face of a child.

This child looked to be about eight or nine years old. She was a little girl with a livid complexion, her mouth opened wide, her eyes bulging out, and her facial expression was very frightened, as if she had been greatly frightened during her lifetime.

Then, I reached out and touched her body. Rigor mortis had formed, and the blood all over her body had solidified. It was obvious that their souls were no longer there. They must have been sucked away by some evil thing at once.

He opened the remaining white cloths again, and they all looked like the little girl. They died in horror, their faces were distorted, and their bodies were twisted and looked extremely uncoordinated. When they died, they must have endured great pain. .

The soul was stripped out of the body. This kind of pain is beyond what ordinary people can bear, so they have such an appearance.

After looking at several corpses in a row, my heart suddenly sank. Ling Mo, the leader of Shanqing City's special task force, said, "Brother Wu, can you tell what's going on?"

"At present, as everyone has inferred, it is very likely to be a wandering corpse, or it may be a very powerful ghost. The wandering corpse is a zombie that is in a state of half corpse and half ghost. It can cultivate into a zombie The body of the zombie also possesses the spirit body. It kills people and devours the souls of strangers in order to continuously evolve into higher-level zombies. Once this wandering zombie absorbs enough souls of strangers, it will find a very hidden place. The place is hidden. Once it hides, the possibility of finding it is almost zero, because zombies like wandering zombies have human thinking and know how to avoid the most important and take the easy. It is particularly difficult to deal with, and after it hides, it will remain silent for a long time. Time will have to be silent for at least several decades, and even one or two hundred years is unknown. At that time, if it comes out to do evil again, its behavior will be very powerful. At that time, it will become a corpse, or it may directly transform into a corpse. It won't turn into bones, so it's better to eradicate this wandering corpse as soon as possible to avoid leaving behind troubles and causing disaster to future generations." I said in one breath.

"The corpse...doesn't turn into bones..." Ling Mo said to himself, and everyone took a breath of air.

Zeng Lao tremblingly said: "Both voluntary corpses and untransformed bones are top-quality zombies. It is a rare evil thing in a thousand years. Once this thing comes out, the world will inevitably be devastated. Everyone must work together to kill this wandering corpse directly." If it becomes a habit, it may be difficult to control it in the future..."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and everyone looked very frightened.

"Brother Wu, you are a descendant of a family that drives corpses, and you know the best about zombies. You should know how to search for the corpse, right? The big guy has been in the Kun River Basin for half a month, and even Nayou No trace of the corpse was seen...even the ghost coffin of Kunhe was learned from the villagers." Ling Mo said.

"This wandering corpse is an extremely shady thing. It is afraid of the sun and dare not appear in the daytime. However, due to the extremely high Taoism of the wandering corpse, it will sometimes show up in the early morning or evening. If you want to find it during the day, I'm afraid. It’s not easy. After nightfall, if I try to think of a way, I may be able to find traces of the wandering corpse.”

I explained it to everyone, and everyone nodded in agreement after hearing my analysis.

Ling Mo from Shanqing City's Special Investigation Team laughed and said, "Brother Wu is worthy of being the heir of the corpse exorcising family. He really knows zombies and other evil things very well. With you here, we can rest assured."

"Yes, yes..." Everyone agreed.

"Everyone, it's too early to say these words now. The wandering corpse is not as simple as everyone imagines. I believe that none of you here have seen what a wandering corpse looks like. In fact, I haven't seen it either. My grandfather I have never seen it before. Regarding this wandering corpse, it has only been recorded in my family’s ancestral secret skills. It is very difficult to deal with. When the time comes, we will need to work together to deal with the wandering corpse." I said.

"Brother Xiaojiu, don't worry. In order to deal with the wandering zombies this time, the special team not only sent many experts, but also invited many Taoist experts from Xiyanzhou and Shanqing City. With so many people here, Can we still take care of that wandering corpse?" One of the leaders said confidently.

I didn’t know what to say. I found that they still didn’t realize how terrifying this wandering corpse was. They had to see it with their own eyes.

At that moment, I scanned the corpses covered with white cloth on the ground and said in a deep voice: "These corpses must be moved out as soon as possible, as far away from the bank of Kun River as possible. Once the wandering corpses sense danger, these corpses will suddenly Turn into zombies and then besiege us. Only if we stay far away, at least ten miles away, will the wandering zombies lose contact with these corpses."

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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