Chapter 1614
Hearing what I said, the leaders of the special task force around them were startled. When someone called out to the people around them, they quickly ordered to call some people over to carry away all the corpses and put them away for the time being. In the morgue of a hospital in the urban area of ​​Bondai.

Then, in a short time, a group of people came up, collected all the corpses, and carried them out directly.

After finishing the work for a while, it was already afternoon. Since there was still some time before dark, the leader of a special task force in Xiyan Prefecture suggested that we go have lunch to fill our stomachs first, even if it was to help me catch the wind and wash away the dust. .

I don’t know whether it was because of my grandfather, or because I had such a great reputation, or maybe both, but the leaders of the special team were very polite to me and pulled me away from the ancestral hall. Head outside.

This village is not big to begin with. There are twenty or thirty families scattered in a mountain nest beside the Kun River. The total population is less than 100 people. Now everyone has been killed by wandering corpses, and the houses are all empty. .

I was taken to a fairly clean and tidy courtyard by the leaders of the special task force. In the spacious living room of this farmhouse, there were two or three tables, each with more than a dozen tables. The meal was still warm, and I saw there was wine on the table.

It is worthy of the treatment of the leader. I did not expect that so many delicious dishes can be prepared in such a difficult environment.

After driving for a day and a night, I didn't drink any water. I was led to this place as soon as I arrived. I was really hungry. Under the guidance of many leaders, we sat down in the room.

Not long after I sat down, a large number of people came to the yard, their footsteps were light and light, no need to look, they should all be very powerful practitioners.

Soon, those people all entered the room. These people were the masters of the various sects in Xiyanzhou, as well as the masters of Yunyi from Chenshan and Tianhua from Jinlongguan whom they had seen before.

In addition, there are many Taoist masters and senior officials of the special team that I have never seen before.

Naturally, Li Chao is definitely among them.

As soon as Li Chao saw me, he gouged out his eyes, almost popping his eyes out. I have never seen a guy who deserves a beating so much.

But fortunately, Li Chao could hold back his temper at the moment and ignored me. He didn't know what the Taoist priests said to him.

When I saw these big names in Xiyanzhou, it was inevitable to introduce each other to each other. It was a great time for everyone to get together. Everyone was full of praise for me and talked about the things I did. Many Taoist masters took the initiative to come and make friends with me, which made me feel a little flattered.

Everyone sat down quickly. The people who could sit in this room were not ordinary people, so naturally there was no distinction between guest and host.

The top management of the special investigation team and the big names from the Taoist sects also sat spread out, trying to ensure that no one was neglected. After all, this is the home ground of the special investigation team, and we were all invited by the special investigation team to assist in handling the case. , you have to be polite no matter what you do, so that you can help the special team work hard.

This time, someone deliberately separated Li Chao and me. Li Chao sat with several Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou and several leaders of the special task force.

On my side, I am with Mr. Zeng and the people I met before, Yunyi and Tianhua. There is also a very heavyweight figure who is also the largest official in the special team here, that is Xi Yanzhou Xu Pengxu, director of the General Administration of Special Operations.

The biggest official was sitting with me. He obviously took me very seriously and regarded me as the main force in dealing with the wandering corpse.

Even the Taoist priests around him came from famous sects.

At my table, there is another young man who has always been very discreet. He looks about the same age as me. He looks very calm and doesn’t talk much. Mr. Zeng introduced me to this young man before. Yue Qiang is a lay disciple of Chenshan Master Yunqing Zhenren. He is quite strong at first glance. He is the other young man at our table besides me.

The guys sat together, exchanged glasses, and soon started eating and drinking.

While eating and drinking, everyone was talking and laughing, and seemed to be enjoying themselves. But I always felt a pair of hostile eyes secretly scanning my direction. Needless to say, it must be Li Chao. That guy was secretly looking at me. I didn’t know how stupid this guy was. I just snatched a thousand-year-old wild ginseng from him. He didn’t even let me be silent for the entire meal.

Of course, I didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Halfway through the meal, the man named Yue Qiang suddenly asked very politely: "Brother Xiao Jiu, I heard that you went to Tongnan Continent not long ago and killed Di, the third figure of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult. Lu, and he also escaped from the heavy siege of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult. I think it must have been very thrilling. Can you tell us what happened to you and your friends?"

When talking about this matter, everyone became excited. One of the Taoist priests said: "The Black Water Holy Spirit Cult is a top cult organization in Tongnan Continent and even the world. There are many masters in it. Na Dilu's cultivation is considered to be one of the top masters in the Yan Kingdom. Brother Wu actually took Na Dilu's head from among a million enemy soldiers. This courage is so admirable that he is a poor man. I feel inferior to myself..."

People around the table nodded in agreement. When the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult was mentioned, it was well-known even in the Yan Kingdom.

At the moment, I didn’t say anything more, and just said a few perfunctory words. I just said that I was not the only one on my last trip to Tongnan Island. The person who killed Dilu was not me, but a friend of mine named Bai. Zhan, the successor of the Wuwei faction, I just hurt Dilu a bit...

Then, I briefly told them about Pontiva's pursuit of us. Although I downplayed everything, everyone could feel the danger. They looked at me with awe. a bit.

However, when I was talking about this, Li Chao, who was not far away, did not forget to sneer a few times and snort contemptuously in return.

damn it.

We had a very late meal, and it got dark before we knew it. Although everyone was chatting enthusiastically, they couldn't forget to get down to business, and finding the wandering corpse was the top priority.

At that moment, we divided into two groups and started searching on both sides along the Kun River not far from the village.

(End of this chapter)

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