Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1616 1 sword cut off

Chapter 1616

Soon, Mr. Zeng hung up the phone. After taking a deep breath, he glanced at everyone and said with some excitement: "I want to tell you some good news. The wandering corpse has been identified. It is said that it is going downstream. Among the people leaving, someone discovered clues about the wandering corpse, and now everyone has surrounded the area. They don't dare to act rashly, and are waiting for us to go over together to discuss how to deal with the wandering corpse."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard what Mr. Zeng said. They were all dejected just now, but suddenly they became energetic. One of the Taoist priests said: "Brother Zeng, who on earth has the ability to discover that You?" Where is the body?"

Mr. Zeng said excitedly: "Speaking of which, it is none other than Li Chao, the son of the current master of Dancheng Mountain. This kid used the guiding talisman in the Tianshi Talisman of Dancheng Mountain and finally sensed the direction of the wandering corpse. It seems that Dancheng Mountain The son of the headmaster is really not a vain person, he still has a few tricks up his sleeve."

As soon as these words came out, all the Taoist priests started talking about it, and one of them said: "Dancheng Mountain is worthy of being as famous as Qingshan Mountain. It has a profound foundation. You will know the depth with this move. Mr. Li has established his reputation as soon as he comes out of the mountain." What a great achievement..."

"Yes, yes... Mr. Li really deserves his reputation." All the Taoist priests agreed.

However, some people said: "Everyone, it is not surprising to find the wandering corpse. Everyone present, who is not famous in Xiyanzhou and even in the world, all have their own methods. Then Li The reason why the young master was able to find the wandering corpse first was because he was placed in the correct position. We were arranged to go upstream, but even if we searched for our whole life, we could not find the wandering corpse. If we had gone downstream, Maybe he can find it faster than Mr. Li..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that it was reasonable. We did have some luck here, but Mr. Li's side was just a coincidence.

We had just found some clues about the wandering corpse, and everyone began to discuss merits and rewards here, and they were so leisurely. I originally wanted to interject and say a few words, but thinking that I am a junior, I couldn't Not wanting to be too ostentatious, he remained silent.

At this time, Master Yunyi of Chenshan Mountain said: "Fellow Taoists, since Young Master Li has found the traces of the wandering corpse, let's not just stay here and go take a look..."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then, led by Mr. Zeng, they quickly headed downstream.

Although it was slow when we came, we walked downstream much faster. After all, it is better to take a few steps and look at the magic weapon in our hands to determine the direction of the wandering corpse.

It only took us about an hour to walk dozens of kilometers away before we found Li Chao and his group.

This place is not much different from the way we walked along the Kun River embankment. When we found Li Chao and his gang, I took a closer look and felt that the river seemed to be slightly wider, and on the Kun River An endless stretch of mountains appeared on the other side of the river, and the water here seemed to be much more rapid.

As soon as the people over there saw us coming, they rushed up one after another, and a high-level executive of the special dispatch team told us: "We found this place all the way, Mr. Li used a guide talisman, and felt the yin veins here. The location, and all the priests have also detected it with a compass, the place is very dark, it should be the hiding place of the wandering corpse, but although everyone has sensed it, they have not seen the shadow of the wandering corpse , I don’t know what’s going on?”

Everyone looked at each other and started talking again.

The chief director of the Xiyan Prefecture special investigation team said: "At present, we have almost determined the location of the wandering corpse. I think the wandering corpse may be under the water of the Kun River. I don't know who among you is there?" The water quality of the Taoist priest is better, can you go down and take a look?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone immediately fell silent, and no one dared to stand up at all.

Damn it, is this a joke? Not to mention that the water in this area is so turbulent. If the corpse is really hiding under the Kun River, isn't it the one who died in the past?

No matter how good your water quality is, can you still be better than that wandering corpse?

However, there are really those who are not afraid of death. Just after the director general finished speaking, Li Chao smiled contemptuously and said: "It's just a small wandering corpse. What's there to be afraid of? Since you all Even the seniors don’t have the guts to go, so I’m the only one who can sit down as a junior and talk about it.”

As he said that, Li Chao immediately pulled out the soul-chasing sword, which buzzed above his head and spun rapidly. Then Li Chao took out two yellow talismans from his body, and placed them on He waved his hand lightly, recited a few spells silently, and then swung his hand towards the soul-chasing sword.

As soon as the two yellow paper charms landed on the soul-chasing sword, they burst into flames.

The soul-chasing sword was blessed by the yellow paper talisman, and suddenly it lit up, followed by a "chun" sound, and flew straight towards the water.

But when he saw the Soul-Chasing Sword falling into the rolling Kun River, he immediately used his sharp sword energy to cut a path out, directly dividing the water flow to both sides.

The water flowed even more when he cut off the water with his sword, and Mr. Li cut the surging Kun River in half with one sword move, revealing a way out.

When everyone saw Li Chao showing off this beautiful hand, they all exclaimed in surprise. Even when I saw his method, I thought, Damn, he is really awesome.

After Li Chao showed his hand, he glanced at me provocatively. His eyes seemed to say, "What's going on? Are you scared?"I'm so awesome. I found this wandering corpse, and I was the first to take the lead. Do you, Wu Jiuyin, dare? "

After taking a look at me, Li Chao's body swayed, turned over like a beautiful kite, and landed on a waterway cut by the Soul-Chasing Sword. Just as Li Chao jumped in, the water of the Kun River that had stopped flowing suddenly closed again. Everyone could no longer find Li Chao.

"Flying sword...have you seen it? This is the soul-chasing sword that is the treasure of Dancheng Mountain..." one of them said in surprise.

"With a magic weapon, you are showing off your power in front of the elders. Do you really think that we good guys are useless? The poor Taoist also went over to take a look..." Another Taoist priest quickly walked out of the crowd. A pair of big eyes like a goldfish showed that he was very proficient in water properties at first glance. Without saying a word, he jumped down and fell into the Kun River with a "pop". When a wave came over, the long wave disappeared. trace.

(End of this chapter)

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