Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1617 I'll go down and take a look

Chapter 1617 I'll go down and take a look

After the Taoist priest with a pair of goldfish eyes jumped into the Gungun River, two more Taoist priests stood up. Without even saying hello to everyone, they jumped into the Kun River together and chased after him. He followed Li Chao and others in front.

These Taoist priests are also very brave. How can the wandering zombie be so easy to deal with? Moreover, this is the territory of the wandering zombie and its home field. No matter what happens, it will be beneficial to the wandering zombie. They are so bold and reckless. Jump into the Kun River and look for the trace of the wandering corpse.

However, these Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou also have real abilities. As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold. They don't dare to do such a thing even if they don't have a few skills.

More importantly, a junior like Li Chao dares to jump into the Kun River. Naturally, these seniors cannot let a junior look down on them. Someone will definitely stand up and cannot let the masters of Xiyanzhou Dao Sect be lost. face.

After Li Chao jumped down, three Taoist priests came down behind him. I have met these Taoist priests before, but I don’t remember their specific names because there were too many people, dozens in total. Taoist masters, how can I keep them all in mind?

No one dared to jump in anymore. It was a bit unsightly to jump in like a swarm of people, just like dumplings.

Since they are willing to go down, let them go to explore the way first. There must be a few vanguard generals.

Not long after they went down there, I took out the corpse-laying ruler again. The reason why I didn't follow them rashly was that I was a little unsure whether this place was where the wandering corpse was. at.

If there is nothing when I go down, why should I bother to go down and try to show off?
I'm not as pushy as Li Chao, and I'm past that age.

When I took out the corpse-laying ruler and activated it with my spiritual power, I soon sensed the evil door here.

Because not long after I took out the corpse-laying ruler, it started to flicker violently, making my face flicker brightly and dimly. After flickering like this for a moment, the little red dot at the end was no longer there. It flickered, but turned directly into red.

This shows that the Yin Qi here is too strong. Looking at this situation, there is still a great hope that the wandering corpse will appear here.

Not only was I using the Corpse Ruler to harden the situation around me, but several Taoist priests around me also took out compasses one after another, and their expressions became very solemn. When I looked at the compasses in their hands, I found that the pointer on the compass was spinning like an electric fan and couldn't stop.

Although I don't know much about Feng Shui and the Five Elements, I still know something about the compass. In addition to the "Wu Family Secret Technique" passed down from my ancestors, I often see Li Banxian use it, so It is no stranger that the pointer on the compass is rotating crazily. In professional terms, it is called a cheating needle, or a rotating needle. It is a sign of great evil, indicating that the Yin energy here is extremely strong, and the people who stay here will be very dangerous.

"It seems that the wandering corpse is really here. The yin energy is too strong. But if a few of them go down, it will be very bad. Otherwise, why don't everyone go down and take a look?" Master Yunyi from Chenshan said in a deep voice. .

As soon as he finished speaking, a Taoist leader stood up and said with some worry: "Pindao feels that this matter is a bit fishy. You guys should not go there rashly. Think about it carefully. The special teams of Xiyanzhou and Shanqing City People squatted here for more than half a month, and searched the upper and lower reaches of the river several times. At that time, there were also very Taoist friends from Xiyanzhou in the special team, but no corpse was found. Why did you find the wandering corpse so easily today?"

"Master Qiu Leng, what do you mean by this? Can you explain it more clearly?" Then another Taoist priest stood up and asked.

"The meaning of Pindao is very obvious. Think about it, this evil person is probably a top-notch zombie, and the zombie has normal thinking. With so many of our masters gathered here, the zombie I must have been alert and deliberately set up an ambush here, hoping to lead us over and kill everyone in one go. Everyone present is a master who has been practicing for decades. If our souls are killed by that If the wandering corpse is swallowed, then the wandering corpse will suddenly evolve into an existence beyond the bones?" Master Qiu Leng said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a breath of air-conditioning. If this is really the case, it would be a bit too scary. Even zombies can set up ambush traps for us to trap. If everyone is really beaten by the wandering zombie, Well, it’s just around the corner to cultivate into something as evil as a bone.

For a moment, everyone's expressions became a little solemn, and they all looked at the surging Kun River. No one said anything for a long time.

A group of dozens of masters were standing on the bank of Kun River, just watching in a daze. Everyone was a little worried at this moment. Li Chao and the Taoist priests who were going down. If they really encountered any danger, I hope They should not get entangled with him, but should quickly escape and discuss with everyone.

In fact, I hope they come out alive. Even Li Chao, I don't want him to die. After all, we don't have a big past. That guy is just a little too "two". In fact, his original intention is not too Bad, at least when faced with evil things like wandering corpses, he still dares to be the first to step forward.

Everyone waited on the shore for more than an hour, and their mood began to become extremely heavy.

Such a long time has passed and they still haven't come out. Could it be that they...

No one dared to think about it, but they still couldn't help but think about it.

After a long time, Mr. Zeng, who had been circling on the shore, couldn't resist anymore. He suddenly stood up and said: "Everyone, Mr. Li, the three Taoist priests have not come up for so long. They must have encountered some trouble. Is there anyone willing?" Will you go down with me to take a look?"

Having said this, many people lowered their heads. This is a life-saving job. Everyone present saw with their own eyes how capable Li Chao was just now. I'm going to... cut off the water of Kun River with one sword, and those three The strength of the Taoist priests is not weak. They have not come up. So if the Taoist priests on the shore go down, won't they go there and die in vain?
Everyone hesitated for a moment. After two or three seconds, seeing that no one had made a decision, Mr. Zeng rolled up his sleeves and said in a deep voice: "Then let me go down and take a look..."

With that said, Mr. Zeng was about to jump into the Kun River. At this time, I stood up, grabbed Mr. Zeng's arm, and said in a deep voice: "Old Zeng, you are old, I'd better go down and take a look. …”

 Sorry, I have been in Maoshan, Jurong for the past two days. I came here to meet a friend. I will go back tomorrow and update normally.

(End of this chapter)

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