Chapter 1620
What surprised us was that after being attacked by Yun Yihenren's fierce attack, these zombie bugs just flew out in all directions, and did not explode one by one as we imagined. Pussy everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the zombie bugs gathered together again and continued to crawl towards us.

Seeing such a situation, Master Yunyi was immediately frightened and groaned, and everyone followed and took a few steps back again.

Soon, I remembered that this zombie bug not only has a very powerful corpse poison, but also has the essence of a zombie, that is, it is invulnerable, and very powerful magic weapons must be used to deal with such evil things.

But it’s not like I don’t have a way to deal with this zombie bug.

While we continued to retreat, I stretched out my hand, took out the second senior brother from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and threw it in the direction of the zombie bugs.

The flames on the second senior brother's body are true fire lotus flowers, and the flames he spits out are true fire essence. The cracking fire is the strongest and most yang, and can burn all evil and evil things.

After the second senior brother was thrown out by me, his figure quickly grew in size, followed by a loud roar that shook the entire cave and caused gravel to fall from above his head.

Then there was a "boom", and the true fire lotus flowers bloomed on the second senior brother's body. Those zombie insects that tried to get close to the second senior brother were quickly wrapped in the true fire lotus flowers, and they burned with crackling sounds. Like firecrackers, the second senior brother then opened his mouth and spit out another mouthful of true fire essence energy, sweeping towards the pile of insects.

The originally extremely cold cave was quickly enveloped in a ball of fire, and at least half of the zombie bugs were burned to death by the flames created by the second senior brother.

However, what we didn't expect was that some of the remaining zombie bugs suddenly buzzed for a while, and some of them flew directly up, bypassing the second senior brother, and swept towards us again.

At that moment, the three of us exerted our strength at the same time. I drew a few void spells in the air, and then turned into several fireballs and rolled towards the zombie insects. Master Yunyi pinched a few spells, and the one in my hand The silk threads of the whisk swelled up, each one like a steel needle, glowing with light, like a string of candied haws, piercing the flying zombie insects.

But Yue Qiang is more fierce than us, he took the most direct method, he held a long sword to meet him, that sword technique should be the legendary Qingcheng sword technique, his body technique is elegant, steady, accurate and ruthless After a set of sword skills, none of the zombies could get close to his body, and they were chopped to pieces by the long sword in his hand.

The sword in his hand looks good, it should be a very powerful magic weapon, worthy of being the apprentice of Master Qingcheng, he really has a few brushes.

The three of us quickly eliminated the remaining zombie bugs. When we went to see the second senior brother, it not only burned the zombie bugs into a pile of ashes, but also burned the ground. The non-decomposed corpses lying there were also burned completely, and a burning smell suddenly wafted through the entire cave, which was very unpleasant.

After finishing dealing with the zombie bugs, the second senior brother trotted towards me, shaking his huge head, and rubbed me a few times as if asking for credit.

Everyone in the world knows that there is a flaming unicorn beast beside me, and I can no longer hide this.

However, when Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang saw the flame unicorn beast next to me, they still stayed away with caution.

The power of real fire in this guy's body is so powerful that it would be a lie to say he is not afraid.

"Brother this the flame unicorn beast next to you?" Yue Qiang asked.

"Yes, I named it Second Senior Brother. Don't be afraid. Although this guy looks vicious, he is very spiritual and will not hurt anyone casually." I comforted him.

Yue Qiang was very curious and courageous. He quickly came forward and wanted to touch the huge head of the second senior brother. However, the second senior brother seemed to be a little afraid of strangers and yelled at him. Yue Qiang was frightened and hurriedly Jumped away.

Master Yunyi's face turned gloomy. He took a deep breath and said, "It seems that Mr. Li, Taoist Master Yubo and others must have encountered these incorruptible corpses. After they released these incorruptible corpses, they continued to look at them. They walked deep into the cave, but they probably didn't encounter these zombie bugs. Ordinarily, they should have retreated when encountering such a situation, so why are they still going forward?"

"Uncle Master, it must be because of Young Master Li of Dan Chengshan. He is a domineering person and thinks he is awesome. He doesn't take anyone in his eyes. Naturally, he doesn't take that wandering corpse in his eyes either. He He is just eager for quick success and wants to kill the wandering corpse so that he can show off in front of us..." Yue Qiang said.

I agree more with Yue Qiang's point of view. Mr. Li really loves to show off and show off his abilities. He is afraid that others will not know how awesome he is. Especially in front of me, he always wants to prove that he is better than me. Strong, it is not surprising to be able to make such a move.

"The front is definitely more dangerous, Wu Xiaoyou, do you think we should continue to look for them, or go up and invite some foreign aid to come over, and let's go to the front together?" Master Yunyi began to ask for my opinion.

Maybe he didn't take me too seriously before and was just a rising star in the world, but after seeing my decisive and ruthless approach to dealing with these zombie bugs, he became convinced that I was a strong person who was perhaps no weaker than him. His attitude became more polite.

I said without any hesitation: "Master Yunyi, I think there is no need to discuss this matter. As you just said, this cave must be extremely dangerous, and Mr. Li and the other few The Taoist priest hasn't come out yet, so he's probably in trouble. If we get there in time, we might be able to save them in time. We'll wait until we get back to call someone over, but that will waste a lot of time. Saving lives is more important."

Master Yunyi nodded, with a smile of approval on his face, and said: "My little friend has a big belly. Mr. Li treats you like that, and you still have to rush to save his life. Regardless of your cultivation level, In terms of character, you are much better than Mr. Li, so let’s just listen to you and let’s move forward..."

This time, I asked the second senior brother to clear the way in front. The three of us were three to five meters away from the second senior brother and followed closely behind. The second senior brother was a large lighting lamp, illuminating the road ahead. through.

However, when we walked a certain distance, the second senior brother who had been walking in front stopped walking and let out a roar deep into the cave.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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