Chapter 1621
The second senior brother suddenly made some changes, which meant that something happened ahead.

The three of us stopped again and looked into the dark depths of the cave. However, the distance illuminated by the firelight on the second senior brother's body was also very limited, and we could not see the place more than ten meters away.

However, the three of us calmed down and when we carefully sensed the situation ahead, we still noticed something abnormal in front of us.

Master Yunyi shook his hand, and another yellow paper talisman flew out. The yellow paper talisman was blazing with fire, illuminating the path deep in the cave. Soon, the yellow paper talisman flew to about 20 meters away. place, then there was a flash of fire, and then it suddenly froze.

Under the light of the fire, we saw two people standing in the middle of the cave entrance, standing upright and motionless.

Due to the distance, we had not yet seen clearly who the other party was. The yellow paper talisman made by Master Yunyi suddenly went out and turned into a ball of ashes.

There are two people standing in the middle of the cave. They can't be zombies, right?

This is an idea that popped into my mind subconsciously.

I think the two of them must have seen those two people. At this time, Yue Qiang suddenly said: "Uncle Master...Brother Xiaojiu, I see that the figures of those two people are very familiar. They seem to be Ming Xiu and Xiu from Yuxu Temple." The two real people Mingyu..."

The fire flashed just now, and the yellow paper charm went out quickly. I really didn't see clearly who the two people standing there just now were. I just felt that the clothes they wore were tattered, as if they were Taoist robes.

Hearing Yue Qiang said that they were two Taoist priests he knew, I asked curiously, "Who are Mingxiu and Mingyu?"

Yue Qiang quickly explained to me: "They are the two Taoist priests who came down with Mr. Li, but they were the last ones to go down. Why are they standing there? Aren't they supposed to be with Mr. Li?"

After hearing what Yue Qiang said, I quickly remembered that Li Chao was the first one to jump into the Kun River, followed by a Taoist priest with a pair of goldfish eyes, and finally two more people followed him. , a total of four people jumped into the Kun River.

The real people Mingxiu and Mingyu mentioned by Yue Qiang just now were the two who jumped down last.

Master Yunyi didn't seem to see clearly, so he turned to look at Yue Qiang and said, "Are you sure those two just now are Master Mingxiu and Mingyu?"

After being asked such a solemn question, Yue Qiang became a little unsure. He touched his head and said, "Well... I just looked a little bit similar, but I'm not sure, but I think it must be them."

With that said, Yue Qiang took a step forward and shouted directly into the depths of the cave: "Uncle Mingxiu...Uncle Mingyu, is that you?"

The voice yelled out, and the voice echoed endlessly in the empty cave. However, no one responded after waiting for a long time.

This thing is a bit strange. If it was really the two of them, why didn't they react at all and were still standing there pretending to be weird? Is this trying to scare us?

The three of them hesitated for a moment, and then I called to the second senior brother, asking him to be on guard, and he approached the two people who were standing there just now. The second senior brother took the lead, and the true fire lotus on his body burned. Even if the wandering corpse appeared, it is estimated that There was nothing we could do for the second senior brother for a while, so the three of us followed the second senior brother, ready to respond at any time.

The second senior brother was also a little wary and didn't move very fast. As the second senior brother continued to move forward, we soon saw the two people standing not far away. Judging from their figures, they were indeed dressed like two Taoist priests. , holding magical instruments in their hands, standing there in shock, their bodies motionless.

By the firelight on the second senior brother, I could clearly see that the two Taoist priests were indeed the two who came down last after Li Chao. But this situation was too strange. They were not dead, and their chests were still rising and falling slightly. Standing there motionless, head twitching, what the hell are you doing?

The three of us all saw that something was not right with them. Yue Qiang took a step forward again and boldly asked: "Uncle Mingxiu...Uncle Mingyu, are you you?"

The two people still didn't respond. At this time, the second senior brother standing in front of us became a little impatient and let out a muffled roar directly at the two Taoist priests.

When the voice roared out, the two Taoist priests moved slightly, and the joints on their bodies made a "click" sound, especially when their necks were raised, it felt as if they were about to break.

When we saw the appearance of the two priests, we couldn't help gasping, I'll go, it's too scary.

The two Taoist priests were bleeding from all their orifices, and their chests were covered in blood. More importantly, they had undergone corpse transformation, with fangs appearing in their mouths, and long and sharp nails growing on the hands holding the magic weapons. .

Soon, I understood the reason. The two Taoist priests were probably bitten by the zombie bug, and transformed into corpses when the time came. However, I couldn't tell the difference for a while. The two Taoist priests were bitten by zombies. What kind of zombie does it turn into after being bitten by an insect?

However, I soon found out what they had become.

After the two Taoist priests were awakened by us, there was a "gurgling" sound in their throats. Then, they swayed and jumped up, clinging to the cave wall. .

"Jump corpse!" I blurted out.

"What kind of zombie is a leaping zombie?" As soon as Yue Qiang saw the two Taoist priests jumping on the roof of the cave, he quickly showed his magical weapon and laid it horizontally in front of him, and he didn't forget to ask me.

It's just that I don't have time to explain to him now.

Obviously, after being bitten by zombie bugs, the two real people have lost consciousness and cannot be called human beings. They will attack us immediately.

These two jumping zombies are faster than ordinary zombies. The reason why they are called jumping zombies is because their jumping ability is amazing. They feel like they have springs under their feet. They can reach several meters high in one jump and can directly jump. He passed over the second senior brother and came towards us.

Moreover, their bodies are not stiff at all. Under the control of zombie bugs, they also have some cultivation skills in life.

Once turned into a zombie, the soul has already dissipated, and it is definitely impossible to save him.

However, these two jumping zombies did not attack us at first. Instead, they clung to the cave roof like two big geckos, still moving slowly and watching us warily.

Master Yunyi glanced at the two of them and couldn't help but sigh: "Mingxiu and fellow Taoist Mingyu are also very important figures in Xiyanzhou. I didn't expect that they would end up here. What a pity..."

(End of this chapter)

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