Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1622 Remaining a Whole Corpse

Chapter 1622 Remaining a Whole Corpse
Before Master Yunyi finished speaking, the two jumping zombies clinging to the roof of the cave jumped down and rushed towards me and Master Yunyi respectively. Mingxiu and Master Mingyu, who had been bitten by zombie bugs, also returned. Retaining their previous cultivations, both of them are considered masters among the Xiyanzhou Taoist sect. Naturally, their cultivations are not weak.

Seeing the two leaping zombies taking action, the second senior brother was still a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should take action. Although the second senior brother was smart, his little brain couldn't tell whether the two people were dead or alive, whether they were enemies or not. friend.

Soon, the whisk in Master Yunyi's hand made a loud bang and hit Master Mingxiu.

On my side, Yue Qiang and I started fighting together with Master Mingyu.

When we started fighting, Master Yunyi said loudly to us while fighting: "Little friends of the Wu family, please don't hurt the bodies of these two Taoist friends. Leave them intact."

Master Yunyi is also very affectionate. These two masters have turned into zombies, and they still want to keep their corpses. Maybe it’s because I had such a bad reputation in the past. Usually when I do something, it’s a scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere. , it is rare to leave a complete corpse.

However, these two were Taoist masters in Xiyanzhou during their lifetime. Although they are not very familiar to each other, I can't take action.

Immediately afterwards, the three of us fought with these two jumping zombies.

During this fight, I discovered that the jumping zombie transformed by Mingyu, the real person we were fighting with, was really powerful. His cultivation level was not bad to begin with. In addition, he had the characteristics of jumping zombies and his speed was also very powerful. It's a few minutes faster. The key is that after he turns into a zombie, he can still use magic weapons. The sword skills are layered and mysterious.

I really can't figure out how such a master was succeeded by that zombie bug.

Yue Qiang and I fought against the master Mingyu who turned into a leaping zombie for twenty or thirty moves, but we still couldn't take him down. The main reason was that we couldn't hurt the bodies of the two Taoist priests with any harsh moves, so we were somewhat restricted. , if the Xuantian Sword Art can be used, it may not be easy to win.

After a few more moves, I suddenly pulled away and jumped out, leaving Yue Qiang alone to fight with the leaping corpse. Yue Qiang's Allure Sword Technique was practiced very well, but without my help, he was immediately beaten. The real Mingyu was forced to back away, and he was about to lose his strength.

"Brother Xiao Jiu... don't leave me alone..." Yue Qiang dodged repeatedly and was almost injured by the sharp sword moves several times.

And after I jumped out, it was not to escape, but to take out the Qingshan Emperor Bell, and then activated the magic formula to gently shake the Qingshan Emperor Bell. My purpose was very simple, just to Use the Qingshan Emperor Bell to control the two jumping corpses in front of you.

Speaking of which, the Tao Xing of this jumping zombie is not high. Judging from the level of Tao Xing, this kind of zombie should be called a jumping zombie. We have encountered those lower than them before and call them incorruptible. The corpses, below are the spirit corpses, flying corpses and immortal corpses.

As long as the zombies are not particularly high-level, the Qingshan Emperor Bell in my hand can easily control them.

As soon as I took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell, I shook it gently, and then made several rhythmic and crisp sounds of "ding bell bell".

As the Qingshan Emperor Bell was activated by me, the surrounding Qi field began to roll inexplicably. The two jumping corpses, who were originally very fast, were obviously startled and seemed to have become much slower.

I shook a few times again, and under the influence of the Qingshan Emperor Bell, the two jumping zombies soon began to tremble all over, and their bodies began to become twisted, as if they were struggling violently.

Just when the two leaping corpses were controlled by the Qingshan Emperor Bell, Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang took out the corpse-suppressing charms respectively and stuck them on the foreheads of Master Mingxiu and Mingyu.

Once these two corpse suppressing talismans were attached, the two of them were completely unable to move.

Soon, I stepped forward, took out the corpse-laying ruler, and put it into the mouths of the two Taoist priests respectively. As the little red dot at the end of the corpse-laying ruler kept flashing, I put the two All the corpse aura from their bodies was drawn out, and the bodies of the two fell down with a bang, completely silent.

After the two Taoist priests lay down, I saw their throats surging, and several zombie bugs crawled out. Without saying a word, they flew directly towards us, but these little zombie bugs we They had already taken precautions, and were beaten to pieces by Master Yunyi with a whisk, causing them to die one after another.

Seeing how easily I killed these two leaping corpses, both Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang were horrified.

"No wonder Brother Zeng insisted on calling you here from Dongchen. Your ability to drive away corpses from the Wu family is truly well-deserved. You were able to deal with these two jumping corpses so easily." Master Yunyi praised them greatly.

"These are all methods left over from our ancestors. I still have some skills in dealing with zombies." I smiled slightly.

Master Yunyi nodded, glanced at the two real men lying on the ground, sighed and said: "These two Taoist friends also have some friendship with Pindao. They were drinking together a few days ago. In the blink of an eye, they Lying in this cave, Pindao really didn't expect it."

After saying that, Master Yunyi stretched out his hand and closed the eyes of the two Taoist priests. He quickly stood up and said to us: "It is estimated that Mr. Li and Master Yubo have entered deeper into the cave. Let's save them." People are important, so let’s keep the bodies of these two fellow Taoists here and take them away when we come back.”

Naturally, neither Yue Qiang nor I had any opinions on this matter, but we couldn't help but feel a little queasy in our hearts.

We haven't even seen what a wandering corpse looks like yet, but we have encountered so many changes. If we really encounter a wandering corpse later, we still don't know what it will be like.

At that moment, everyone stood up one after another, glanced at the two Taoist priests again, and then, under the leadership of the second senior brother, continued to walk quickly forward.

The cave was very deep and seemed to have no end. After we walked about two miles, we seemed to hear the sound of fighting in the distance.

"Uncle Master, Brother Xiaojiu... they must still be alive. Listen, there are sounds of fighting over there." Yue Qiang said excitedly.

Master Yunyi and I nodded. Immediately, I urged the second senior brother to run forward quickly. The second senior brother ran away, and we also quickened our pace.

After running forward for a few hundred meters, we soon saw a terrifying scene. However, dozens of meters in front of us, we saw a large group of zombies surrounding us. I took a general glance and found that There are all kinds of zombies, including non-rotting zombies, jumping zombies, white-haired zombies, black-haired zombies, iron-armored zombies... It's like a zombie convention.

(End of this chapter)

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