Chapter 1623
These zombies were so densely packed that they were all gathering towards the middle, each one letting out a low muffled roar from their throat, and the scene looked very crazy.

And in the middle of the group of zombies, it seemed that someone was fighting with these zombies. With sharp sword energy, two or three zombies were sent flying out, and some zombies were cut into two directly. Halfway through, suddenly, I saw Li Chao's soul-chasing sword leaping into the air, shining brightly and moving forward inexorably, forcing the zombies to retreat continuously.

This is the most important treasure of Dancheng Mountain, and it is also a dazzling flying sword. Even with this flying sword at his side, Li Chao can't just die.

But there are too many zombies in this place, hundreds at least. They are probably caused by the wandering zombies.

Li Chao was greedy for power and rushed forward, and he and the master Yubo were blocked in this cave.

If they continue to fight like this, even if the two of them are not bitten to death by these zombies, they will probably die from exhaustion here.

The three of us couldn't help but gasped when we saw so many zombies.

Yue Qiang said with a trembling voice: "Uncle Master...Brother Xiaojiu...What should we do next? If we rush in like this, we may also be surrounded by those zombies. If we don't save them, they will probably die sooner or later." Gotta die here.”

Master Yunyi squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "The person must be saved. After a while, the three of us will fight our way out, open a gap for the two of them, let them escape, and then everyone will rush in together." Get out, the situation in this cave is too troublesome, just the few of us can't deal with the wandering zombies, we have to go out and work together to find a solution."

With that said, Master Yunyi showed off his magical weapon and made a gesture to rush forward.

At this time, I grabbed Master Yunyi's arm and whispered: "Master Yunyi, don't rush over like this. Just like Brother Yue Qiang said, if we go over like this, we will definitely be surrounded. It’s possible that no one can escape, so I’ll think of a way first, and then we’ll kill them.”

Master Yunyi was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Little friend, what can you do?"

"Let's see, our Wu family has many ways to deal with zombies, so I'll show you one more."

With that said, I took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell again, pinched a few spells to myself, muttered some words, and then gently shook the Qingshan Emperor Bell.

As soon as the Qingshan Imperial Bell rang, and with the clear and melodious ringtone, the twenty or thirty zombies closest to us, that is, the outermost, quickly stopped their crazy attack, and their bodies began to shake. These stopped The zombies changed rapidly. The black-haired zombies turned into red-haired zombies, and the white-haired zombies turned into red-haired zombies. There were at least seven or eight red-haired zombies, and there were estimated to be about twenty black-haired zombies. .

These zombies controlled by Qingshan Emperor Bell immediately turned against each other and rushed towards the large group of zombies, biting them.

I was shocked when I saw those black-haired zombies turned into red-haired zombies, and there were still seven or eight of them.

It seems that I have made a lot of progress recently. When I used the Qingshan Emperor Bell to control zombies, I could only turn three or four corpses into red-haired zombies. Now it is amazing, seven or eight red-haired zombies. Even in this large group of zombies, it is still a very powerful existence.

These zombies who turned against each other and became stronger suddenly opened a gap, making the situation even more chaotic.

Seeing such a situation, Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang couldn't help but were stunned again. Yue Qiang was even more excited and said: "Brother Xiao Jiu, you are really amazing, even more powerful than I imagined. No wonder you are so big." His fame is really a good tool..."

"Yes, this method is really amazing..." Master Yunyi also praised, but soon said in a deep voice: "Let's go, we have reduced a lot of pressure here, and there is still great hope to defeat them. For those who were rescued..."

Having said that, Master Yunyi took the lead and dodged towards the zombies in a flash, followed closely by Yue Qiang.

After being stunned for a moment, I put away the Qingshan Emperor Bell, and then used the eight-step method to dodge towards the zombies. As I ran over, the second senior brother also hurriedly walked towards me. He stepped forward, opened his mouth and sprayed out the power of true fire essence to burn the zombies.

The zombies here are too dense. I don't know what Li Chao and Na Yubo really think. They dare to rush forward even though they know it is so dangerous.

At this moment, I just lowered my head and used the eight-step method, not daring to stop for a moment. Following the gap between the zombies, I quickly moved to the middle position, and then I saw Li Chao and Yubo Zhenren.

These two people are very miserable, their bodies are covered with blood, and I also saw several serious injuries on the real Yubo's body, and he was bleeding all the time.

And that Li Chao is obviously not much better, the glamorous Taoist robe on his body has been turned into a beggar's outfit, and he is constantly changing various tricks to control the flying sword like crazy.

I arrived at the venue a few steps ahead of Master Yunyi and Yue Qiang. When I first arrived, I was stunned for a moment, thinking who should I rescue first?
Soon, I made a decision, I'd better save Master Yubo first. I really don't like that guy Li Chao very much. He won't die for a while anyway. Aren't you pretty strong?

At that moment, I dodged toward Master Yubo, and just as I was about to reach out to catch him, he struck out with a sword in his backhand. I quickly used my sword soul to block it, but the shock caused my hands to feel a little troublesome.

Master Yubo still maintains a high level of vigilance.

Before he could take action again, I said loudly: "Master Yubo, it's me, Wu Jiuyin, I'm here to rescue you!"

Master Yubo glanced back at me in the midst of his busy schedule. His look was unparalleled. He was surprised and happy, as if he had seen hope again in the midst of extreme despair. However, this was indeed the case.

Before he could speak, I grabbed his arm and said eagerly, "Follow me and close your eyes!"

The next moment, I pulled Master Yubo and used the eight-step method to find the gaps between the zombies. I used seven or eight methods in a row before I could get out.

As soon as he settled down, Master Yubo let out a sigh of relief, his body softened, and he fell directly to the ground. His whole body suddenly withered. Being able to persist for such a long time, Master Yubo was already weak.

If we were 5 minutes later, I guess Yubo Zhenren wouldn't be able to hold on.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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