Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1629 has the most say

Chapter 1629 has the most say

After working hard for most of the night, the sky became brighter without realizing it, and everyone was exhausted.

A group of experts from the special team and some special security guards were left in this place, and everyone was arranged to rest in the empty village.

Before going back, Xu Peng, the director of the Xiyanzhou Special Investigation Team, told everyone that they would hold a meeting at noon to discuss how to deal with the wandering corpse, and expressed his gratitude and apology to everyone.

They are all official clichés, which are confusing to listen to.

But I was really tired. Before Xu Peng finished speaking, I wandered back to the village. Under the leadership of a clerk from the special team, I found a private house and started practicing cross-legged. You can restore your spiritual power.

I don't know when I practiced, but I felt that my whole body was full of spiritual energy, and my body almost recovered. At this time, someone came up and knocked on the door of the room, saying that lunch is ready and let me go over to eat.

I was also very hungry, so I responded and was taken to the place where I was eating before by the people from the special team. The room was still full of people, but there seemed to be fewer people from the special team. I don’t know where they went. , even Xu Peng from the Xiyanzhou Special Adjustment Team is not here.

But Mr. Zeng was still there. As soon as he saw me, he waved to me and motioned for me to come over.

As soon as I arrived, many people greeted me, and I also exchanged greetings with everyone. During this period, I glanced at Li Chao. Li Chao kept his head silent, and I didn’t know what he wanted to do. What was he talking about? With his small belly, he was probably unhappy because I stole his limelight.

To be honest, I don't want to steal the limelight at all. There has been too much limelight before, and I have no choice but to save people.

This meal was eaten in a hurry. During the meal, it was no longer as lively as it was on the first day. The atmosphere seemed a bit dull. Before, everyone didn't understand the capabilities of the wandering zombie. After seeing it with my own eyes last night, I believe everyone A person's heart must be heavy with a mountain weighing on his heart. No one knows who will die next in the hands of the wandering corpse.

In fact, it is said that people like us, who belong to the foreign aid of the special transfer team, will not be stopped if they want to quit, but the big guys are all famous figures in the world. If they give up halfway because of this matter and run away, this old face There is no place to put it. If you tell it, it will become a laughing stock in the world.

A person lives with a face, a tree lives with a skin. The most important thing in the world is face. No one will say that they want to leave here now.

After a simple meal, someone from the special team came over and invited us over. I followed Mr. Zeng to the ancestral hall in the village, which was the place where the people who were killed by wandering corpses in the village were previously displayed.

At this moment, there were many chairs found in the village placed in the yard, and a temporary podium was also set up. Several leaders of the special team were sitting in front of it. It was very formal, and it really looked like a meeting.

Everyone randomly found a place to sit down, and Mr. Zeng pulled me into the front row.

After seeing that everyone was here, Xu Peng, the leader of the Xiyanzhou special task force, coughed a few times, and the venue suddenly became silent. Not to mention, he was worthy of being a leader, and he had some dignity of his own.

Xu Peng went directly to the topic and said: "Everyone, I won't say much else. Yesterday the wandering corpse appeared. You have all seen how high it is. You are all the top warriors of Xiyanzhou Taoist sect." There are also top-notch young masters invited from the country. We have gathered everyone together today for only one purpose, and that is for us all to discuss together how to get rid of this evil zombie. If they are not removed, the people within a radius of a hundred miles will have no peace for a day, and if the wandering corpses are not removed, our Xiyanzhou will lose all face! Now everyone can express their opinions, let's come up with the best way to solve it This evil thing is wandering among corpses.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole venue started to talk and became noisy.

Everyone was a member of the Jianghu community, and there were not as many official rules as there were. Soon people came forward one after another and expressed their thoughts.

Some people say that more masters will continue to be sent out. Although there are many Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou, they are not the top ones. For example, Master Yunqing, the master of Chenshan Mountain, did not come and only sent His junior brother, Master Yun Yi, and his apprentice Yue Qiang, if Master Yun Qing came over, the situation would be much better.

Some people also said that since they found the lair of the wandering corpse, they sent the guards directly to blow down that mountain, and buried the wandering corpse directly under the mountain, so that it could no longer deal with any moths.

The forest is so big that everyone can come up with ideas.

It's just that these people's ideas are a little inappropriate. Indeed, there are no people from this place who are too advanced in cultivation. For example, even if Master Yunqing, the master of Chenshan Mountain, comes, he is only better than Master Yunyi. The first line can't play a big role in getting rid of the wandering corpses. Besides, I heard Master Yunyi say that Master Yunqing is in retreat at the moment and has no time to come out to handle this matter.

As for the explosion of the mountain, it is even more unreliable. How much manpower and material resources will be used? If the explosion is accurate, it is easy to say. If the explosion is not accurate and the zombies escape from other places, there will be endless troubles.

Moreover, the noise was too loud and would definitely cause panic among many people.

Others suggested leading most of the troops into the lair of the wandering zombies and killing them all...

In short, they talked about everything, and I listened silently without saying a word.

Later, as they were talking, someone started arguing, and the situation got out of hand for a while.

Finally, Xu Peng patted the table, and Mr. Zeng stood up, signaling everyone to quiet down.

At this time, Mr. Zeng suddenly said: "Everyone, please listen to me. Regarding the matter of subduing this wandering corpse, I have a suggestion, which may be feasible..."

Zeng Lao's prestige in everyone's hearts is still quite high. As soon as he spoke, everyone fell silent and looked at him one after another.

Mr. Zeng suddenly looked at me, who was sitting next to him, and said sternly: "To say that we know the most about all kinds of zombies and evil things, none of us here are as good as the descendants of the old Wu family, a family that drives corpses. Their ancestors He is in the business of exorcising corpses, and he knows all kinds of corpse transformations best. People who went to the zombie lair just now also saw the methods of the young people of the Wu family. If he hadn't stepped forward at the critical moment, Master Yubo and Li I am afraid that the young master and others will be trapped in the cave. I feel that the son of the Wu family has the most say in how to deal with the wandering corpse, so why not let him stand up and tell everyone..."

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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