Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1630 Please enter the urn

Chapter 1630 Please enter the urn
I was still sitting there in a daze, listening to the Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou arguing about how to deal with the evil corpse.

Mr. Zeng suddenly stood up, sold me out, and asked me to tell me how to deal with this guy.

At that time, I was confused. Zeng Lao didn't even say hello to me before, which really caught me off guard.

As soon as I was mentioned, everyone in the venue started talking again. Many people have seen my methods. Not only did I go to the lair of the wandering corpse to rescue people, but I also went to the bank of the Kun River to beat up those who were poisoned by the bloody zombies. It is obvious to all to save the people. It is not only a matter of courage and courage, it must also have means.

As a young junior, he can be convinced by everyone.

But now that I was mentioned, we couldn’t be frightened. Dang even stood up, raised his hands to everyone present, and said politely: “Dear seniors in the martial arts world in Xiyanzhou, as a junior in the martial arts world, in front of all the seniors, In front of me, I should ask for advice humbly and not dare to speak nonsense, but now that Mr. Zeng has brought me up, I have no choice but to boldly show my shame in front of all the seniors..."

"Young man of the old Wu family, if you have the courage to enter the lair of the wandering corpse and rescue Master Yubo and Mr. Li, it shows that you have real abilities. We old guys are convinced. Just say it, there is no need to do this. You're welcome..." A Taoist priest with a beard stood out from the crowd and said to me.

"Yes, yes... the son of the Wu family has become very popular in the world in recent years. I heard that he even went to Tongnan Continent some time ago to bring Dilu, the third figure of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, to If you were killed and still escaped intact, then you definitely have real ability..."

The scene suddenly became lively again. After I coughed twice, the venue became quiet again.

Immediately afterwards, I said: "Seniors in the world, I will boldly tell you how I want to deal with this evil corpse. I just don't know if it will work. We will discuss it later."

"Younger of the Wu family, please tell me quickly, everyone is waiting." Someone else said.

I smiled slightly, then became serious, and said loudly: "Actually, it is very simple to deal with this wandering corpse, that is to invite the wandering corpse to come ashore from its lair. Seniors in the world, as for the Five Elements and Bagua technique, big guys Everyone knows better than me. You must also know that water belongs to Yin, and this wandering corpse is a very vicious evil thing. If it stays in the water, its Taoism will naturally be able to show its full potential. We will be a little passive if we want to destroy it. , we can only get this wandering corpse ashore and out of the water. When the big guys attack in groups, this wandering corpse will be defeated!"

Li Chao, who was sitting not far away, suddenly sneered, stood up and said, "You are speaking lightly. Is this wandering corpse your dog? If you let it come up, it will come up. If it is so easy to handle, everyone You don’t have to worry so much anymore…”

I had expected that someone among the crowd would ask this question, and I had already thought of a countermeasure, smiled slightly, and continued: "Mr. It's not impossible, otherwise the people in our village would not have been slaughtered by that wandering corpse."

After a pause, I continued: "If you want to destroy the wandering zombie, you must seize its weakness. The reason why it comes out to do evil is that it wants to devour the souls and blood of living people. Then we might as well arrange one." Bureau, please enter the urn."

"Wu Jiaerlang, can you explain it more clearly?" At this time, someone asked again.

"What I mean is, let's find another village and let the village be full of ordinary people. It's best to kill some animals and sprinkle some in the village. Zombies don't smell blood at all. Once it senses that there are living people around, and there is such a strong smell of blood, it will definitely be attracted to it. At that time, all the seniors in the world can arrange a magic circle similar to the Star Chasing Demon Formation, and wait for the wandering corpse to come out. If they appear, use a magic circle to trap them, and then attack them together, so that it won't be too difficult to kill the wandering corpse." I said seriously.

"That's a good idea...not bad..."

"This kid from the Wu family has a good mind... He is indeed a descendant of a family that drives zombies. He really has a way of dealing with zombies..."

In fact, I learned this method from Li Banxian. Li Banxian often liked to use such underhanded tricks. He often defeated our opponents and arranged magic circles. He was unrivaled.

This is the best way I can think of, and I think this is also the most effective way.

Everyone was full of praise for this. However, Mr. Li quickly put forward a different opinion and said in a strange way: "What you said is easy, there is a whole village of living people as bait, in case the situation cannot be controlled." Come on, that wandering zombie broke into the village and killed everyone, can you bear this responsibility?"

"Master Li, if the wandering corpse really comes, do you think all the Taoist masters from Xiyanzhou sitting here are setting it up? Even if we can't kill the wandering corpse, we can definitely trap the wandering corpse for a while. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the people from the special task force can evacuate those people from this village. I wonder if you have any questions?" I said seriously.

Li Chao opened his mouth, as if he could no longer find any flaws.

At that moment, Xu Peng, the leader of the Xiyanzhou General Administration, agreed and said with joy: "Brother Wu Jiuyin has a good idea. Let's vote by a show of hands. Those who agree to arrange a magic circle to attract wandering corpses will raise their hands... …”

As soon as the words fell, everyone raised their hands, but some people disagreed with this view, such as Mr. Li, more than 90.00% of them voted in favor.

In this way, the matter is finalized.

Afterwards, the special task force gave instructions on this matter. They always do things vigorously and resolutely. The first thing they need to do now is to set up an ambush in a village to attract the wandering corpse, and to find some official people. It is not too difficult for the personnel to pretend to be villagers in the village.

In addition, the masters of Xiyanzhou Dao Sect also need to discuss what magic circle should be arranged around the village, so that the wandering corpse can be trapped.

In fact, this is not a simple job. The wandering corpse is of a very high level and already has human consciousness, but it is definitely not as smart as a living person. In addition to setting up a magic circle, we also need to hide it. Shape and breath, we must not let the wandering corpse discover our existence.

(End of this chapter)

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