Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1631 Ambush by the magic circle

Chapter 1631 Ambush by the magic circle
After this matter was settled, everyone split up and took action.

The special task force, some special security personnel, and specific manpower are stationed in the place where the wandering corpse is infested, observing its movements at any time.

The senior officials of the special task force were contacting people from outside to station themselves in the small village, while a master from Xiyanzhou and I were discussing what kind of array to set up.

Everything is proceeding step by step, and whether or not the wandering corpse can be exterminated is all in one fell swoop.

However, my plan is relatively comprehensive, and everything is well thought out. If it goes according to my plan, there shouldn't be any problems.

After staying here for another day, the people stationed by the Kun River have changed several times. The wandering corpses suddenly calmed down, and they haven't caused any trouble in the past few days.

In the afternoon of the next day, the people from the special team brought over thirty people. These people were ordinary people and members of the special team. However, these people did not understand spiritual practice and were just some members of the special team. Civilian personnel.

If ordinary people are invited to come over, it will definitely not work. If something goes wrong, no one will be able to bear the responsibility.

Now that everyone is gathered together, we simply don't stop doing anything, and plan to set up a magic circle tonight to destroy the evil corpse.

After a whole day of discussion, everyone also discussed what magic circle to arrange. This magic circle is called the Demon-Conquering Celestial Formation. It is a similar magic circle to the Star-Chasing Demon-Conquering Formation, but it is more powerful, and this The array must also be arranged in advance for the best effect.

This is also a magic circle that requires the cooperation of everyone to exert its powerful power.

Once the magic circle is drawn and formed, spiritual power from all directions can roll in. At the same time, the power of the stars, moon and yin can also be used to support it, causing the wandering corpse to escape in all directions and die on the spot.

As soon as it got dark, everyone splashed several buckets of blood of pigs, sheep, cattle and other animals brought by the special team from outside on the main road of the village, making the smell of blood in the whole village even stronger. Attract the wandering corpse over.

However, according to my inference, the wandering corpse will not appear too early, at least until midnight. At that time, the Yin Qi is the strongest, which is conducive to its actions. Furthermore, at that time, it swallows people's souls and absorbs them. Human blood is converted into energy at the best time.

Another most important reason is that the wandering corpse must know that we are going to be detrimental to it, and it will definitely choose a time that is most beneficial to it.

Ordinarily, this kind of evil practice would not come out to harm people easily, let alone do it so blatantly.

Once this kind of evil thing is discovered, it will be besieged by practitioners all over the world. No matter how powerful it is, it will eventually die.

I feel like there is nothing we can do about these wandering corpses coming out to harm people. In the past, to be honest, seven or eighty years ago, the Kun River often flooded and countless people drowned. Every year, the Kun River flooded There are a lot of corpses floating around.

At that time, the wandering corpses could just sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. They could wait in the Kun River to devour souls and drink human essence and blood.

Although the essence and blood of the dead may be a little different, it is still much better than walking ashore and risking one's life to kill someone.

Whenever the wandering zombies swallow up a part of the energy, they will find a place to hide, not showing up for decades or hundreds of years, and then evolve into higher-level zombies.

But this time, You Zhi woke up again. It was already a hundred years later, and You Zhi was confused. The Kun River had been well managed for a long time, and it never flooded again. Sometimes it would float in pieces. The few corpses left by him were all accidental or thrown into the Kun River after being killed, which was far from enough for its appetite.It waited for a long time, but never saw a corpse floating in the Kun River, and it was eager to swallow souls and drink blood, so it had to take risks and rush to the shore to kill living people.

He became addicted to this killing, and directly slaughtered two or three people in the village. Only then was his body exposed and he was killed.

There is no way, this evil thing must be eliminated, and it must be done at all costs, otherwise it will take many lives to fill it.

The magic circle has been properly arranged here, and a lot of livestock blood has been sprinkled in the village. Not to mention the zombies, even the smell of it is very offensive to people's noses.

After everything was sorted, there was one more thing everyone had to do, which was to hide their own figures so that the wandering corpse would not notice their presence, so as not to arouse its alertness.

However, although this wandering corpse is very high and has human thinking, it is not a real human being after all, and its brain is still a bit awkward. Under the instinctive temptation of blood, he will definitely be attracted.

Most of the Taoist masters are hiding around the village, about several hundred meters away from where the magic circle is arranged. As long as the wandering corpse steps into the range of the magic circle, it will immediately be killed by Yun Yi from Chenshan Mountain. The real person activated the magic circle, and then everyone quickly followed and dealt with the wandering corpse together.

For these masters, the distance of several hundred meters can be reached in less than a minute.

My task was more arduous. Yue Qiang and I lurked near the Kun River, which is the place where the wandering corpse had appeared before. Once the wandering corpse was lured out, we immediately turned back and told everyone. Long report letter.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, Yue Qiang and I came to the heights of a river beach on the bank of the Kun River. We hid in a piece of grass and stared closely at the river surface, watching the roar of the endlessly rolling Kun River. .

While I was squatting on guard, I lent Yue Qiang the Hidden Breath Ring that I had obtained from the Snake King Su Mo at the Cangxi Border and asked him to wear it. It could hide his aura very well.

And my cultivation level is higher than that of Yue Qiang, and I can hide my aura by myself. Although my ability to hide my aura is not very good, some top strong people can still discover my whereabouts if they sense carefully, but like An evil thing like a wandering corpse, and being so far away, should not be discovered by it.

Yue Qiang and I squatted there and waited for more than an hour. Yue Qiang became a little impatient and asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiao Jiu, do you think the wandering corpse will fall into our trap? What if it doesn't?" What are you going to do when you come out?"

"No, I have spread so much livestock blood in the village, and the smell of blood is so strong, it will definitely appear. The book passed down by my ancestors records how to attract zombies, so nothing should happen. That's wrong." I said seriously.

Also bored, Yue Qiang asked in a low voice: "Brother Xiao Jiu, I have heard about the big things you have done in the world for a long time. I heard that you have several brothers, including you. , there are five in total, and they are called Jiuyang Soymilk Machine... No, no... It's Jiuyang Flower Li Bai..."

(End of this chapter)

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