Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1632 There must be blood

Chapter 1632 There must be blood

Um, I just said that the name of "Nine Flowers Li Bai" is not very good, and it is easy to be called a soymilk machine. Now it's okay, Yue Qiang really called it a soymilk machine.

I suddenly felt a little embarrassed and whispered back: "Yes, I have some good brothers."

Yue Qiang said with admiration on his face: "Brother Jiu, you brothers have caused great changes in the world in recent years. Why didn't you ask the other brothers to come with you this time? I can have a look at them." style."

"They all have their own things to do and can't get away from it, so I didn't ask them to come over." I replied.

Yue Qiang sighed, feeling somewhat regretful and helpless.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Qiang began to look for me to confirm the things that we brothers had done together, such as the killing of Mr. Zhang, the trip to Guimen Village...the dispute over the Golden Toad and Snow Lotus...the trip to Tongnan Continent... ... This kid was very interested and asked me one by one.

Anyway, I was just sitting here and was bored. I didn’t know when the wandering corpse would come out, so I chatted with Yue Qiang to kill time. Yue Qiang was very excited when he heard this, his eyes were shining, and he kept saying this. It was so exciting, and I was yearning for it. He even told me that if there was a chance in the future, he would like to travel with the rest of us and make a name for himself.

I didn't expect this kid to say this, but hanging around with a few of us is still very dangerous. The main reason is that we have too many enemies. It's really not a wise move to hang out with us.

I told Yue Qiang about this matter. Yue Qiang looked nonchalant and said that as long as he can be with us, there is nothing to be afraid of. Everyone has a head on their shoulders. You are just hanging around in the world. Things are booming, why can't I?
Under his strong request, I agreed and said that as long as you are not afraid of death, next time we go out to cause trouble, we must involve him.

At this time, Yue Qiang smiled happily.

While we were chatting enthusiastically, suddenly there were some strange noises coming from the place where the wandering corpse had been. The water in the Kun River suddenly started boiling, and bubbles kept rising from the bottom of the river. It was buzzing within a radius of more than ten meters. The sound was like water being boiled.

Seeing such movement, Yue Qiang and I both stopped talking and looked towards Kun Heli with solemn faces.

As soon as the situation happened here, Yue Qiang and I knew that the wandering corpse must be showing up soon.

At this moment, Yue Qiang and I were holding our breath and concentrating, not even daring to take a breath, staring at the river.

After a while, as the big "gurgling" bubbles emerged from the bottom of the river, the river water with a radius of more than ten meters turned blood red. From a distance, we could smell a putrid smell. Floated over from that side.

I glanced at Yue Qiang, but saw that he was holding his fingers with a hidden breath, and his breath was well hidden. Then, I checked again and restrained my breath again.

We can't be discovered by that wandering corpse right now, otherwise all our plans will come to nothing.

Seeing the strange phenomenon happening in the Kun River, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. As the blood-red river water kept churning, I once again saw the coffin slowly rising from the river. Just like before, the black air filled the air and the evil energy was steaming, making people feel unreasonably scary.

After waiting for a while, the whole coffin emerged from the water, and then slowly approached the shore.

I looked up at the moonlight and the position of the Beidou Stars, and simply judged the time. It happened to be midnight, when the Yin Qi was the heaviest, so this wandering corpse appeared at the right time.

Squinting my eyes, I watched the Kun River ghost coffin approaching the shore. At this time, I lowered my head and glanced at Yue Qiang, but I saw that the boy's body had begun to tremble slightly. I didn't know whether he was too excited or a little scared.

To be honest, I am also a little afraid of this vicious beast.

A battle tonight is inevitable. Even if the magic circle is set up, it is not necessarily foolproof. There will definitely be casualties. After all, it is a ferocious corpse that is rare to encounter in a hundred years.

Soon, the huge coffin floated to the shore, followed by a loud "plop" sound, and the nine zombies threw the huge coffin directly to the shore, making a loud noise.

Then, the nine zombies carrying the coffin also jumped ashore together.

The distance was a bit far, and I still couldn't tell what kind of zombies the coffins were, but I could vaguely see that the zombies seemed to be wearing something similar to armor, and they were in tatters.

It's just that these zombies carrying the coffins are definitely not low-level, and the aura exuding from their bodies is very strong.

After the nine zombies landed on the shore, they stood around the coffin like guardians.

For a moment, black air filled the coffin and billowed out. After a while, there was a heart-breaking sound from the coffin, as if it was slowly being opened.

The lid of the coffin opened very slowly, and black evil spirit kept spitting out from the coffin.

Then, slowly...slowly, a huge figure sat up from the coffin.

This monster is extremely ferocious. I didn't see anything else, but I saw its two rows of big teeth. It has a big head and even bigger teeth. It has the biggest teeth among all the zombies I have ever seen. It has 20 teeth. As long as more than one centimeter, anyone who is bitten by it will definitely die.

Needless to say, the person sitting up from the coffin must be the wandering corpse.

There is a record of the wandering corpse in the "Secret Techniques of the Wu Family" handed down from our family. It says: "The wandering corpse is born from the resentment of the world and the world. It has a burly body, halfway between half corpse and half ghost. It is extremely tall, good at swallowing human souls, and sucking the blood of rotting corpses. It is often found in rivers and rivers. It is ferocious and is the best zombie. When it appears, nine zombies will carry the coffin, and there will be a flash of blood. The Wu family If I see him, I will use all my strength to destroy him, eliminate the demons and defend the way. This is the duty of a cultivator and cannot be postponed..."

This book was written by my ancestor, but when I read it, I felt like it was a fantasy. How could there be so many monsters and monsters in the world? But now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I know that there really are such powerful evil things.

After the wandering corpse slowly got up from the coffin, it made a dull sound in its throat for a while, and then exhaled a breath of black air. The next moment, its body suddenly shot up from the coffin, and jumped out directly from the coffin. .

Good guy, this wandering zombie is really big. It is obviously much taller than the nine zombies carrying coffins around it. The other zombies are like children in front of it.

 I fell asleep while writing last night ~ Sorry, I was too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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