Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1633 Bronze Armor Corpse

Chapter 1633 Bronze Armor Corpse

After the wandering zombie jumped out of the coffin, he made a few dull sounds again in his throat, and the nine zombies around him also made noises at the same time, as if they were responding to something.

We couldn't understand what the zombie said, and the book "The Secret Art of the Wu Family" didn't explain how to communicate with the zombie.

I think since the zombie has human thinking, it should be able to understand human language. It was also a human before becoming a zombie.

After receiving the instructions from the wandering corpse, the nine zombies quickly jumped forward. In one leap, they were seven or eight meters away and quickly headed towards the village.

I think the wandering zombies may also be worried about an ambush, so let the nine zombies go over to explore the way first.

After the nine zombies jumped away, the wandering zombie glanced around, and his eyes suddenly stopped for a moment at the place where Yue Qiang and I were hiding. Yue Qiang, who was so frightened, could not help but gasp, and hid himself in ambush. It's a little lower.

I thought, this wandering zombie has discovered our existence, right?

But just for a moment, the wandering corpse looked away from us, and then with a wave of his hand, a black wind rolled past, and the huge coffin fell back into the water again and sank into the Kun River.

Immediately afterwards, the wandering corpse also started to jump, and it was more than ten meters away in one jump. After landing, the ground felt slightly shaking.

Seeing this, my palms started to sweat. I patted Yue Qiang's shoulder lightly and whispered: "Let's go back and report the news."

Only then did Yue Qiang react, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and nodded at me.

The next moment, I grabbed Yue Qiang's arm, and then used the eight-step method to quickly dodge towards the village from the other direction.

I first used a dozen methods to completely escape the sight of the wandering corpse, and then Yue Qiang and I ran towards the village.

Five or six minutes later, Yue Qiang and I arrived at the village and found the person in charge of the Xiyanzhou special adjustment team. He came up and said, "The wandering corpse has appeared. Quickly inform everyone to prepare to activate the magic circle."

When Xu Peng heard this, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. His expression was both nervous and excited. He waved his hand and said to the other members of the special team in the room: "Hurry up and notify, prepare to activate the magic circle..."

Those members of the special task force received the order and rushed outside in the blink of an eye.

As soon as they left, Yue Qiang and I would leave here soon. We thought that after the magic circle was activated, we would all rush forward and knock the wandering corpse to the ground.

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, Xu Peng called us and said wait.

Yue Qiang and I stopped and turned to look at him. Xu Peng said, "I'll go with you."

The two of us responded and ran out of the yard together, quickly gathering towards the magic circle at the entrance of the village.

As the leader of the entire Xiyan Prefecture Special Investigation Department, he must have real skills. I feel that his cultivation must be at least on the same level as that of Master Yunyi. The work that the special investigation team has to do is a terrible job. Only by working hard step by step can he achieve this position. That is a real skill, but Xu Peng hides it and keeps a low profile.

Since he said he would go with us, we are naturally happy, and having such a master follow us can also relieve us a lot of pressure.

While we were talking, we quickly arrived at the entrance of the village and hid on the roof of the village. We lay down there and could clearly see the area covered by the magic circle.

I also scanned the Taoist masters of Xiyanzhou who were ambushing everywhere, as well as many members of the special task force. They were all well hidden and their auras were blocked. If I didn’t know in advance that there was an ambush here, , it is not easy to feel their breath.

The three of us had just laid down on the roof. In less than 5 minutes, there was a sound from the entrance of the village. It was a burst of very dull footsteps, one after another.

After a while, those voices got closer and closer, and then I saw the nine zombies carrying the coffin jumping towards the direction of the village. Their movements were not fast, and they would stop every few steps forward. They came down and scanned the surroundings, and their noses were twitching slightly. Seeing their movements, they were obviously very vigilant.

At this moment, the three of us were lying lower, not even daring to breathe.

After waiting for a while, the zombies were getting closer and closer to us, and they were already in the magic circle.

But the strange thing is that although the nine zombies carrying the coffin arrived here, I didn't find the wandering corpse.

What's going on here?

Could it be that the wandering corpse didn't come in through the place where we set up the magic circle, but chose another way?

When I thought of this, my heart trembled. If the sound of wandering corpses attacking in the east and west really makes it difficult for us to guard against it, then the array we have arranged is just like a decoration.

But when I thought about it, I quickly felt relieved. I had spilled a lot of livestock blood on the main road in the village, especially in the magic circle. The smell of blood was the worst. Being able to attract zombies, it is difficult for them to resist the temptation of blood.

Taking a deep breath, I secretly looked down again from a corner, and then I saw that the nine zombies carrying coffins had crossed the magic circle, spread out, and jumped towards different directions in the village. .

I felt relieved when I saw these zombies doing this. They must have been ordered by the wandering zombie. They first asked the nine corpses carrying coffins to explore the way. After confirming that there was no danger here, Only then would the wandering corpse be willing to come in.

However, although these nine corpses carrying coffins are very powerful, they are not the targets we have to deal with, so we directly let the nine zombies enter the edge of the village.

There are also many experts from the special team and experts from the Xiyanzhou Taoist sect ambushing in this village. There is no need to worry about the safety of those people. As long as the wandering zombie can be surrendered, the other zombies will not be a concern.

When I looked down again, the zombies had dispersed, and among them there was a corpse carrying a coffin jumping towards our direction. I squinted and took a look, and I was shocked. , these coffin-carrying zombies are not low-level, they are very powerful bronze-armored corpses, their bodies are covered with thick bronze armor, they are real copper-skinned iron bones, even with extremely sharp magic weapons If you can't break through the body of the bronze armored corpse, it will be very troublesome to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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