Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1634 Hugh wants to escape

Chapter 1634 Hugh wants to escape
No wonder when I looked at these zombies from a distance, they seemed to be wearing armor. It turned out that they were not wearing armor, but a pair of armor in themselves, which was really scary.

Not long after these zombies jumped into the village, another huge figure soon appeared at the entrance of the village.

It jumped more than ten meters away and came quickly in the direction of the magic circle. As soon as they saw this huge thing, everyone's hearts suddenly lifted. I'm going, the real master is here. It's what caused the recent trouble. The evil corpse jumped to the entrance of the village, stayed for a moment, glanced warily around, twitched its nose a few times, and then continued to jump forward.

But just when the wandering corpse jumped to the edge of the magic circle, the wandering corpse suddenly stopped moving. Its eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and its nose moved more frequently. The four large fangs above and below were shining in the moonlight. Under the reflection, it looks so eerie and terrifying, it seems to be on guard for something, and it seems to be waiting for something, in short, it doesn't take a step forward.

Ordinary zombies cannot see things with their eyes, but the wandering zombie is different. Its high level of spirituality has allowed its eyes to evolve to the point where it can see things clearly, but the colors of the scenes in its eyes are black and white. , I also saw this from the book of my grandfather.

But now, the sad thing is that the nine bronze-armored corpses that jumped into the village before have begun to make a noise. They jumped into the residents of the village and have begun to kill people. Naturally, the people from the Tiao Group and Xiyanzhou Dao Sect would not wait for them to commit murder, but started fighting with them directly.

This fight will inevitably cause commotion.

Originally, the nine bronze-armored corpses entered the village to explore the way for the wandering zombies. As soon as the fight started, the bronze-armored corpses in the village roared several times. After the wandering corpse heard the movement, they quickly He responded, but saw it tremble all over and let out an angry roar. The next moment, it turned around and jumped towards the way it came.

This wandering zombie is so alert and so smart that he doesn't even look like a zombie.

"Oops, this wandering corpse wants to escape!" I yelled and flew down from the roof.

When I jumped down, I used my sword soul and hit the zombie with a finishing move.

With a dull dragon roar, the sword soul erupted into a purple beam of light in the blink of an eye, hitting the wandering corpse directly.

When I jumped down, I didn't think about anything, I only had one thought, that is, I must not let the walking corpse go away like this. Once it escapes this time, it will definitely be more vigilant next time, trying to catch it It is simply impossible.

The purple light beam streaked through a blue light, and the surrounding space was enveloped in blue light.

The wandering zombie probably just wanted to escape and didn't look back at all. The purple beam of light hit the wandering corpse solidly.

However, the wandering corpse let out a painful roar, and was immediately sent flying, crawling on the ground.

Then I used seven or eight tricks in succession to get close to the wandering corpse. When I was not far from the wandering corpse, the wandering corpse had already ejected from the ground again and turned around. Lai gave me a vicious look.

Damn it...this wandering zombie is really no ordinary beast. When this purple beam of light hits a person, a hole will definitely come out. A monster like a red-haired zombie will be destroyed instantly.

However, this wandering corpse was fine and nothing happened to him.

Its pair of pale eyes turned a few times. It seemed that it didn't want to tangle with me here. After getting up, it continued to jump quickly in the direction of Kun River.

How could I let it go so easily? I once again used a few tricks to get behind it, and with my extremely flexible body, I quickly took out the corpse-laying ruler without saying a word. Just poked him hard at the top of his thigh.

The wandering corpse roared again, staggered, and almost fell to the ground. This time it was really annoyed by me. After a pause, it turned its head and spit out a dense ball of liquid at me. Black evil spirit, with an extremely fishy smell, rolled towards me.

I quickly retreated, and then quickly condensed void spells, and condensed several of them in succession, blocking my way.

The black evil spirit spewed out from the mouth of the wandering corpse broke my Void Talisman several times in a row. It collapsed at the first touch. The grass on the ground not only withered and died, but also turned directly into a mass of black stuff, like asphalt. thing.

Even after breaking through my few Gang Qi barriers, the black corpse poison-like aura was still rolling towards me. Fortunately, I had the method of missing eight steps and jumped a dozen steps to one side. Only then narrowly escaped.

But a big tree behind me suffered a disaster. It was corroded into a pile of black water and fell to the ground.

After using this move, the wandering zombie still wanted to escape. I was like a cowhide plaster, clinging to it and not letting go. Then, from one side, I blocked it with a few moves of "Mizun Babu". in front of him.

This time, I used the passive copper coin sword formation again, which instantly turned into countless copper coin sword energy and crashed down on You Zhi. This time, You Zhi was once again blasted by me with the copper coin sword formation. It did a somersault, but when it ejected, nothing happened.

Go ahead, this is so fucking perverted.

I have seen invulnerable zombies, but I have never seen one so awesome.

When the wandering corpse bounced up again, I immediately released another big move, which was the Wind Tiger and Cloud Dragon in the Xuantian Sword Technique. As the color of the sky and the earth changed, a strong wind suddenly rose, blowing away the gravel bricks on both sides of my body. The thick trees were uprooted, and they crashed into the wandering corpse again.

The miserable wandering corpse had just gotten up, and then somersaulted and was knocked to the ground, rolling several times on the ground.

However, this wandering corpse was still able to get up, and nothing happened.

Although nothing happened, this wandering zombie was completely annoyed by me and rushed towards me like crazy.

My purpose was to completely irritate it. This time it wanted to fight me, but I didn't plan to deal with it. Instead, I led it towards the direction of the magic circle.

The wandering corpse was very fast and big, forcing me to use the eight-step method to run forward. I only felt that there was a gust of wind behind me, and the huge claws were waving behind me. I was so scared that I didn't even dare to look back.

(End of this chapter)

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