Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1635 corpse pill swallowing

Chapter 1635 corpse pill swallowing
At this moment, the wandering zombie wanted to eat me alive, and was chasing after me.

No matter how smart it is, it is just a zombie. It must be because no one's brain is easy to use. After being dazzled by anger, it simply looks like it doesn't care, chasing me like crazy, and must kill me. I won't give up until I die.

This is the effect I want. If it doesn't drive me crazy, it won't completely lose its mind.

And this wandering corpse's skill is so high that I can't deal with it alone. The previous few attempts have already reached the answer. It is too strong. My few moves can completely turn a middle-level expert into scum in seconds Damn it, but nothing happened to this guy. It felt like he was being tickled. It was so cruel.

I have to bring it into the magic circle, condense the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, trap it with the demon-subduing celestial phenomenon array, and then everyone rushes to it, so that it is possible to destroy it.

I took the wandering corpse and ran towards the magic circle, wishing I could grow wings as fast as possible and fly.

Finally, I used up my last bit of energy and slipped into the Demon-Conquering Celestial Formation, and the wandering corpse quickly followed.

After entering the magic circle, I quickly shouted around: "Hurry up and open the magic circle, I won't be able to hold on anymore..."

In fact, I don't need to shout, I think those members of the Special Dispatch Team of Taoist masters ambushing around have also discovered my current situation.

When I looked back at the crazy wandering corpse, the demon-subduing celestial array was activated.

I felt that a clear energy was quickly generated between the heaven and the earth, surging around me. This force has become solid, so powerful that people want to worship.

I felt that I had formed a strong repelling force with the magic circle. It wasn't that I was repelling the magic circle, but the magic circle was repelling me.

After all, this magic circle is used to deal with evil things. I am a human being, so this magic circle cannot be used to subdue me.

When I felt this force, it was as if my body was pushed hard from behind by several people, and then my whole body bounced out like a fired shell.

With a "swish", I rolled to the ground and rolled a dozen times before I stopped.

Before I could get up from the ground, I heard a hysterical roar from the wandering corpse.

Just lying on the ground like that, I looked towards the walking corpse, and suddenly saw a very exciting scene, between the sky and the earth, the qi field buzzed, and the force of the earth came rolling in, freezing the walking corpse on the ground, and then Above the sky, the originally bleak moonlight suddenly became incomparably brighter, and even the stars suddenly brightened up, shooting out clusters of light, covering the wandering corpse.

Golden light quickly enveloped You Zhi, and countless surging power poured into You Zhi's body.

"Kill...kill this evil wandering corpse!" I don't know who shouted, and then a large group of people rushed out from all directions. These people included masters from the Taoist sect of Xiyan Prefecture, dressed in Yixian costumes There were no longer a small number of people in the special dispatch team, and they showed their magic tools and talismans one after another, and all kinds of means were all displayed, dazzling people, and they all greeted the wandering corpse.

"Bang bang bang..."


The movement was very lively, talismans of various colors were swaying all over the sky, and magic weapons were hitting the corpse one by one.

And before I dealt with the wandering corpse, I didn’t know how many times I used the eight-step lost method, and I was frightened when I was chased by the wandering corpse. Now after being rejected by the magic circle, Immediately, I felt a little exhausted, and after struggling to get up, there was a burst of severe panting.

Fortunately, our dantian has been recast, and we have undergone the washing of the marrow and cutting the scriptures. The recovery of spiritual power is very fast. In a few minutes, I feel that my body has recovered a lot. It is estimated that in about ten minutes, I will Can be restored to the original condition.

I knew that dealing with this walking corpse would definitely consume a lot of energy, so I didn't use the most ruthless moves, otherwise it would take longer to recover.

The wandering corpse is immortal, so I don't dare to slack off at all. I can only relax my guard after I see this wandering corpse being completely defeated.

I have already paved the road, and it depends on whether they can tidy it up.

Really tried my best.

After panting for a while, I looked in the direction of the wandering corpse again. Due to the blessing of the power of the earth and the power of the sun, moon and stars, the wandering corpse was basically fixed in place, unable to move a bit.

All the masters' talismans and magic weapons were struck one after another, causing the wandering corpse to howl miserably, white mist steaming from its body, and a large amount of corpse energy leaking out.

According to this style of play, the wandering corpse probably won't last long.

However, when the wandering corpse was about to be turned over, something happened suddenly, but seeing the wandering corpse raised its head stiffly, raised its head to the sky and let out a cloud of black mist. A black glowing bead spat out from the black mist. As soon as the bead came out, strange changes occurred above the head.

Dark clouds rolled in, covering the sky and the sun, directly covering the moonlight and starlight.

What did the wandering corpse spit out?
I took a closer look, and suddenly understood that what the wandering corpse spit out was nothing but the corpse pill that it had condensed during hundreds of years of cultivation. It is the place where the essence of this wandering corpse's hundreds of years of Taoism has been condensed.

Once the inner elixir is swallowed up, the wandering corpse will fight for its life. Once the inner elixir is used, it will inevitably cause great damage to its Taoism, and the loss will be at least a hundred years of Taoism.

However, at this moment, the wandering corpse had to use it.

As soon as the black corpse pill appeared, dark clouds billowed above the sky, shielding the falling power of the moon and stars, and only the power of the earth's evil could restrain it for a while. It was able to move, and when everyone was unprepared, it swung its huge claws, and immediately five or six people were sent flying by him.

When the wandering corpse started to commit murder, there was still a roaring sound in its throat. The sound was a little shrill, and it sounded very rhythmic. I don't know what it was doing.

However, this wandering corpse has been tossed by everyone for so long, and it is already seriously injured. The more it struggles crazily, it proves that it has reached the end of its strength. The more ferocious it becomes, it won't be given a chance to breathe at all.

But I vaguely felt that something was not quite right.

 sleep sleep~
(End of this chapter)

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